I've dreamed of my own dragon...and would accept a firelizard too!

This is how Kaydin (before he was K'din) came to impress his green firelizard.

Anne McCaffrey owns all things Pern...she is kind enough to let us play and I appreciate that!

Impressing Bithia

"Well, Kaydin? Is he going to be okay?" Holder Seneca asked his third son about the injured runner that a Trader has asked their opinion of.

"Yes, sir, with a couple of months on a soft pasture I think that the bruise to his hoof wall should heal completely. That's the only injury that I can find." Kaydin set the hoof softly on the ground, patted the young runner and turned to stand with his father where he faced the Trader.

The Trader pursed his lips in thought. He weighed the costs of selling an injured runner against leaving it with the Holder until it was sound and then selling it. Making up his mind, he gestured to his wife. When she came to his side he asked her to retrieve the goods from under the seat of the wagon. She hurried to do his bidding, returning with an insulated basket in her arms.

"Holder, that runner has excellent bloodlines, but I can't get nearly his worth while he's limping. I've heard good things about your boy there, that he can help him get sound." Taking the basket from his wife he flipped the lid open and stirred the sand inside with his finger.

Those watching the proceedings started whispering when they saw the firelizard egg in the Trader's hand.

"There are three eggs left from this clutch, due to hatch in about three days. We are pretty sure that one of these is a queen egg. I'll leave them as payment for your tending the runner if you agree. We'll be back this way in about six seven-days and could pick him up then." He slipped the egg back into the sand and snapped the lid closed. "Would you make the deal?"

Now everyone watched Holder Seneca think the trade through. Finally, with a sharp nod of his head the deal was struck. The Trader and his wagons moved out, less the runner and a basket of three firelizard eggs.

The Hold was rife with rumors for the rest of the day. Who would be the lucky three to get the eggs? Harper Jahn had had a blue when he had been posted at the Hold. But he had moved on a couple of turns before and the new Harper hadn't been so blessed.

The basket of eggs was placed near the hearth and the Holder bade his wife to keep it safe and warm while he thought about the distribution. First he asked her if she'd like one for her own. She had laughed and said that she had more than enough young ones to care for with the twins and six boys!

Seneca had nodded and continued on about his business. All three of his youngest sons had come and pled their case, including the four year old. As Holder, he had listened intently and thanked them for their input.

During the dinner hour, there was much quiet discussion and many eyes strayed to the pot by the fire. As the meal drew to a close, Holder Seneca stood. Everyone quieted and waited for his decision.

"I've given this much thought and weighed my options. If, as the Trader suggested, one of these eggs is a Queen firelizard, we may be able to breed our own flight as the years go by. Of course, that is rather counting our lizards before they hatch!" The assembled people laughed at his wit, although many of them hoped it would come to pass that he was correct. Many of those assembled had dreamed of standing on the sands at a dragon hatching and barring that had wished for a firelizard of their own, to have a miniature dragon for their very own. All knew that the chances for either were small, but if one of these eggs did contain a Queen, their chances may have just improved.

Holder Seneca looked around the hall. Hopeful eyes were trained on him from all sides. His wife nodded her encouragement when his glance met hers. "Firelizards can be trained to be helpful; they aren't just pretties to decorate your shoulder. There are three of you who are out and about, doing the Hold's business at all hours of the day and night. Those three would benefit from having nearly instant communication with the Hold."

Kaydin could barely breathe as he realized that he and his older brothers were the three that were always out. He waited to actually hear the words before he allowed himself to even do more than hope.

"When the eggs hatch in two days, I'm going to let Martouf, Dramon and Kaydin impress them. They impress me, surely they'll impress a firelizard." Once again laughter and cheers met his words. There was hope, too, that at some point more eggs and offers of impressing said eggs would occur.

Holders quickly gathered around the three young men, slapping them on the back and wishing them good luck. Kaydin was finally able to draw in a deep breath now that he knew that he'd have a chance at impression. His brothers were already stating that each of them would be the possessor of the Queen. Kaydin didn't even care what color he impressed.

He had met several firelizards during the time that Harper Jahn had stayed with them. They had come bearing missives to the Harper. The Harper's blue had been steady and quiet. The golds that had visited had been bossy and had been known to peck an ear if they weren't heeded quickly. Kaydin had actually had a bronze sit on his shoulder once as he took the message from the small tube on his leg. The feeling of approval he had felt from the small creature was a joy that he held close. One brown had visited several times and he always zipped through the kitchens looking for a treat before he went between and back to his companion. Jokes always surrounded green firelizards. They were thought to be skittish and easily distracted. Kaydin thought they were appealing, so lithe and delicate. Surely there was room enough on Pern for something to just be pretty and not have to have a greater purpose. And the greens that he had seen were certainly lovely.

Time passed slowly, as it does when one is anxiously awaiting an event. The Trader had left explicit instructions on how the hatching day should proceed. Kaydin also remembered the story of Harper Jahn's impression of his blue. He and his brothers were gathered around the hearth, bowls of chopped meat on the table beside them. Holder Seneca and his wife were the only others there.

The three eggs were resting out of the basket on heaped piles of clean, warm sand as the three young men sat on their heels before them. There were several feet between them, giving them plenty—they hoped—room to make an impression.

Martouf, as the oldest, already had his eye on the largest egg, the one that shimmered slightly in the firelight. He had already decided that the Queen was for him. Dramon had chosen the second largest as his own, leaving the smallest egg for Kaydin.

This did not bother Kaydin in the slightest. He was thrilled to get the chance at having his own firelizard, it didn't really matter to him which color he got.

The three suddenly sat up straighter as the largest egg rocked. Kaydin felt anticipation surge through the room as the small egg before him shivered slightly as the little one inside tried to force its way out of the shell. His focus was completely on the egg in front of him. He barely glanced up as his eldest brother shouted "gold" and his other brother murmured "bronze"…

A small hole appeared on the remaining egg and a talon slipped through. The color was indistinct and Kaydin realized that it really didn't matter what color this little one turned out to be. It would be his companion and that's all that really counted. Taking up a handful of raw meat he waited for his new friend to emerge.

Another shudder of the egg and cracks appeared around the pip hole. He found himself urging the egg's inhabitant to hurry, to work harder to join him. Suddenly the pieces fell away and a dainty green firelizard stood on the sands. Her hide was the deep green of mature grass and she glistened with the remaining fluids from the egg. Hunger was flooding him as she caught his eye and he quickly popped a piece of the meat into her waiting mouth.

No real words came from her, but he knew that she wanted more and he placed another chunk into her gaping maw.

"Slowly, little one…there's plenty for you." His voice was a croon and she cocked her head to one side as she heard him for the first time. With an agility that startled him, the firelizard leaped onto his knee and fluttered her drying wings. The membranes were slightly lighter in color than her body and he admired her. Immediately he felt her joy at his perusal and she preened before stroking his cheek with her head. Slowly Kaydin lifted his hand and caressed her jaw. She pressed against his finger for a moment and then opened her mouth again. Her feelings of hunger were not quite as pronounced but she let him know that more food would be welcome.

"You are a little beauty, aren't you?" Kaydin smiled at the small creature on his lap and laughed quietly as he felt her enjoyment of his admiration.

Feeling someone near him, he looked up to see his father's wife kneeling beside him, a smile gracing her face. "She is lovely, Kaydin. What are you going to call her?"

"That's right," Kaydin thought, "I get to name her!"

Smiling as the young one chewed another small bite of meat, Kaydin pondered his answer. "Bithia…I'll call her Bithia."

Looking up Kaydin saw his father standing beside them now. "Bithia is a lovely name for this pretty girl, Kaydin. Well done."

Kaydin moved the now sated hatchling to the crook of his arm where she tucked herself into a tidy ball. A fluttery snore made the three of them chuckle. Looking over to his brothers he saw that their small companions were also sleeping. Awe was on both of their faces and he knew that his reflected the same.

"I'll go make the announcement that Hold has three new members." Kaydin watched his father open the doors and step out. The shouts of joy that came back through the door didn't bother his new companion in the slightest. Her hunger was gone for the moment and she was being held in love. It would take a lot more than noise to disturb her now.

Thanks for reading...reviews are always lovely if you feel so inclined.

I have another dragon story...DRAGON STONES...it isn't based on Anne's Pern dragons...and it does have Twilight characters...but it stands on its own...you may like it...

http: /www. fanfiction. net/s/5287790/1/Dragon_Stones
