"Ohhh fuck, me", I groaned in Craig's ear.

"I will oblige my dearest", he purred back. I turned my head to the side, clumsily placing a kiss on his cheek. No, get your mind out of the gutter Frankie, just because that's where your butt is currently at. Craig put his hands under my armpits and lifted me easily to my feet, I groaned and leant forward into his chest, I was possibly the worst drunk ever. Craig held me steady and looked down at me, silent laughter glinting in his eyes, in my state I huffed and crossed my arms with my chin still resting below his collar bone.

"Don't laugh at me", I moaned, elongating the 'e' at the end so I sounded about 8.

"You're hilarious when you're pissed", he smiled down at me then turned around glanced over his shoulder then grinned. "Your carriage awaits Miss Johnson", I fucking loved that smile, it was my smile.

"Nawhhhh", I flopped my hand "I don't need you to do that, I'm fine", I walked forward and tripped once again on the curb. "Whoopsie!" I giggled but regained my footing. Craig shook his head a smile still on his face as he curled an arm around my waist. I threw my arm over his broad shoulders, idly playing with the dark hair at the nape of his neck before it met his hat.

"You're a lovely mess you know?" Craig smiled adoringly down at me, kissing my damp forehead through my unruly fringe and I smiled back. Happy, happy, fuckety happy.

"I'm your mess" and we wobbled off down the street together, our shadows melting together in the pooling lamp light.


Some lovely gooey Crankie for you (That is some epic shit right there Craig+Frankie=Crankie)