FCL64: I have arrived.

(cricket noises)

Kiyoshi: No one cares.

FCL64: Remind me why I picked you to be the character I discuss everything with?

Kiyoshi: It wasn't a conscious decision, remember? You talk to me in real life, so why not on paper? Anyway, since she is, once again, distracted, here's your disclaimer: FCL64 owns Ella in the prologue. Everyone else… she can wish. She can also wish she owns the song whose lyrics will be the first line of each chapter (The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun by Celtic Woman) and good thing she doesn't lest it sound terrible.

FCL64: I also own Kiyoshi. And his freaky arm plant.

Kiyoshi: Shut up. Not my fault.

FCL64: Payback for saying I'm a bad singer. Oh yeah, and based on what I have from the first ten chapters (yes, I've written that far), the story isn't exactly going in the direction I expected, so I don't really have any idea how long it will take for all the random "plot bunnies" as a reviewer from one of my previous stories put it (if that was you, thanks! I really like the word choice) to resolve themselves.

Kiyoshi: Neither does she realize how easily she begins ranting or gets off topic. Neither does she seem to remember that she isn't in control of the direction of her stories any more than I am (trust me when I tell you she is as surprised you all when there is a plot twist, as am I). In addition, we apologize the beginning author's note is so long. It won't normally be like this. Here's the first chapter.

High is the Moon Tonight…

A girl who looked to be about seventeen was running down the street. Her feet were clad in plain black flats and she was wearing black leggings beneath her high school uniform. Her eyes were a strange silver shaded, her hair the color of a moonless, midnight sky, complete with strange silver strands the color of stars. A book bag was slung over her left should and she appeared to be running late.

She dashed through the gates of a high school and through the front door. About a minute later she threw open the door to a classroom. A startled teacher looked back at her. "Oops, wrong room!" she said before running back out and going one classroom farther down the hall.

Opening the door, she stepped inside. "Late again, Ella." The teacher said, "That's the third day in a row."

"My apologies, Sensei." She said quickly, bowing.

He laughed. "In light of the fact that you obviously tried to get here on time, just take your seat and be thankful I don't particularly care for the school's tardy policy."

"Thank you, Sensei." The girl said and went to her seat.

"Class, please take out your homework."

She rummaged through her bag before raising her hand. The teacher looked at her and she said, "Ummm, Sensei… I think I left it at home…"

"Again, Ella?"

"Ummm… oops?"

About a mile away a man sat in a tree. His age would have been difficult to determine, as his eyes, now closed, spoke of years more experience than his seemingly young body could have endured. He was dozing off just as a bird on the branch above his began singing. Suddenly it stopped, bursting into flames. "Feh," the man muttered, "Stupid creature." He then closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Little did these two know that their lives were about to get completely entangled in ways only one person could imagine. That person was obviously very powerful. And she was currently sitting in a completely different realm, bored out of her mind. Then the moon rising high over Japan in the middle of the day catches her eye. And beneath it, two individuals.

FCL64: And that is the prologue! Sorry it isn't very long. Please review!