A/N: I know I've been away for a while (it's amazing how much time uni takes up) but I've had this chapter in the works for a while, changing it bit by bit. Finally decided to post it seeing as I'm not happy with it but I thought I should update seeing as it's been a while

Disclaimers: Normal ones apply etc and please review‼

The first few weeks after Tyler's dad kicked him out had been the hardest. The whole town had known about Jeremy and Tyler after the football match, and it was no surprise that people were confused. At school the football team became their bodyguards, protecting them from not just physical signs of hatred and disgust, but verbal ones too. Despite the familiar routine of going to school and having to do homework, it seemed as though Tyler was in a bubble. He would hear the insults and see the people shouting them, but instead of reacting like he used to, he would hold on to Jeremy and walk away. No one could tell what was going on with him, not even Jeremy could get through.

Two months later Jeremy was walking home from school alone, Tyler had come down with the flu so wasn't with him, when he saw a Lockwood car on the road outside the house. Thinking it was Mayor Lockwood trying to beat sense in to Tyler, he rushed through the front door, only to be halted by the sight that met him in the kitchen.

Tyler had obviously been making something to eat, but the meal had been put on hold by the death grip Mrs Lockwood had on her son. Jeremy could see Tyler was crying and could hear the constant murmurings of his mom,

'I'm so sorry Tyler. I should have been there for you when you needed me. Just come home, we can work this through, you don't need to stay here anymore with that boy.' Jeremy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Why would Tyler just stand there and listen to her? Unless Tyler didn't want him after all. What if Tyler was just using him because his dad kicked him out? Jeremy's back hit the wall as his mind raced with all the possibilities. He couldn't believe this was happening.

Tyler pulled out of his mom's embrace and looked at her. 'What? What makes you think I want to go back there? He hates me mom, I'm gay and he hates me because of it.'

'Tyler this is just a phase! You're only with Jeremy to get a reaction out of your father! That boy won't mean anything to you in a few weeks. Just come home and we can put this all behind us!'

Tyler was silent for a moment, but it was long enough for Jeremy to bite back a sob and feel tears run down his cheeks. It had only been a few months but already, the way Jeremy felt about Tyler had changed. He knew he loved the older teen, and had thought Tyler felt the same way. Apparently he'd been wrong, he took the delayed response to mean that Tyler didn't care at all. Jeremy was so caught up in his thoughts that he was surprised when Tyler's voice cut through.

'This isn't some phase mom. It's who I am. I'm with Jeremy because I want to be with him. I know you think I don't know what I want but I do. I want Jeremy, I love Jeremy. If you and dad can't accept that, then I don't want to be a part of this family anymore. Elena and Jenna, they've been great to me. They accept me for who I am; they don't try and force me to be someone I'm not.' Jeremy moved from his spot on the floor, his eyes drying and his mind eased at Tyler's words. He picked up his school bag that he'd dropped when he came in, and opened the door again. Making sure neither Tyler nor his mom had seen him, he closed it loudly, making it seem as though he'd just come in.

'Tyler I'm home.' He looked in to the kitchen and saw Tyler first, his eyes skimming over his mom. 'Everything okay here?' His eyes locked on Tyler's in question.

'Yeah Jere, everything's cool, she's leaving anyway.' Tyler turned to his mom, 'I don't want you to come here again, if you can't accept me the way I am then I don't want to see you unless I have to.'

Carol Lockwood turned her eyes from Tyler to Jeremy, her expression turning darker. 'I hope you know what you're doing to my family. If it weren't for you my son would still be on the way to be the next mayor once his father retires.' She looked back at Tyler, 'Don't come crying to us when he leaves you for the next boy that comes along.' With that she stormed past them both, slamming the door on her way out.

Tyler's shoulder's sagged as she walked out, and he turned to Jeremy. 'How much of that did you hear?'

Jeremy looked at him for a minute before replying, 'All of it. How did you know I was there?'

Tyler walked towards him, an eyebrow raised, 'You should have been back here 20 minutes ago, unless you walked the long way which would have taken an extra 5 minutes so you would have been back here 15 minutes ago. If you were gonna be longer you would have called.' He smiled at Jeremy's responding blush, a sign that Jeremy didn't expect him to know all that.

'Have you been timing how long it takes to get home for any particular reason, or are you checking up on me?' Jeremy smiled as Tyler reached a hand to his neck, thumb caressing the skin.

'You said you heard everything Jere, then you should know that I care about you. With all the shit we've been getting at school, I always worry when you come home alone.' He stared into Jeremy's eyes, 'If anyone hurt you because of me, because of what we are, I could never forgive myself. You're mine, and I need to know that you're safe when I'm not with you.'

Jeremy's eyes misted over, 'Tyler know you care about me, but I can take care of myself. I fought you for years didn't I?' He pulled Tyler closer by his belt. 'And for the record, I love you too.'

Tyler leaned in and touched his lips to Jeremy's, feeling the spark that was always present between them. He pushed back, walking until Jeremy's back hit the wall and they both moaned. Tyler pushed harder against Jeremy, his leg sliding between Jeremy's thighs. Jeremy arched up to the touch of Tyler's crotch against his own, trying to pull Tyler even closer, despite the fact there was no more space between them. A surprised shout broke them apart, and they stood panting looking towards the door.

'Okay whoa guys, I know you're in love and everything but seriously? Could you not take this up to your room?' Jenna looked at them with a smile on her face, 'Elena's gonna be back in a bit, and I think you've already scarred her enough for life.'

Jeremy blushed and hid his face in Tyler's neck. Tyler just smiled, 'Hey Jenna, I was thinking, if it's okay with you an Elena anyway, I'd like to cook dinner tonight for all of us. I haven't really thanked you for taking me in, and well, I'd like to. I really appreciate all you've done for me and I want to thank you for treating me like family.' He turned to Jeremy who had come out of hiding in Tyler's neck. 'For giving me somewhere to belong'.

Before Jenna could say anything, Elena's voice came from behind her as she walked through the door, 'I think that's a great idea Tyler, it would be nice to sit down and eat together, we haven't done that in a while.' She smiled at him kindly, 'But you don't have to thank us, we treat you like family because you are. You make Jeremy happy, and it's obvious that he makes you happy too. That automatically makes you one of us.'

Jenna nodded her agreement and smiled at the two teens. 'Maybe one day you're parents will come around to you two being together Tyler, but until then, you'll always have a family here.'

The end for now, I have an epilogue in the works, I took out the scene where Jenna confronts Tyler's dad from this chapter, might see if I can put it in the epilogue along with some more smexy Jylerness ;)
