Title: After the game (Crap I know but I couldn't think of anything else)

Summary: Sequel to 'You're mine'. Post-game celebrations with Jeremy/Tyler. Jeremy wants to show Tyler how proud he is that the team won game. (Lame I know but hey who cares? It's the story you all came here to read not the summary)

This was suggested by BiteMeGirl388 and as I was at a loss with what to write, I ran with it.

Disclaimers: Normal ones apply etc and please review‼

A/N: I have no idea about the technical stuff of American football so for arguments sake I'm not gonna put any of it in.

They won. They won the game. They won the game thanks to Tyler. They won the game thanks to hisTyler. He'd never been more proud of anyone in his life. Elena had come close when she took on the mother role after their parents died but Tyler…Tyler meant the world to him now and he was sure as hell gonna show him how much.

He was waiting outside in the school car park, leaning against Tyler's car, a picture of sin. He was getting a few looks from people wondering why he was there, a few hanging around to see if a fight would start. He blocked them out, thinking of all the things he could do to Tyler to congratulate him. Bending him over a counter and tongue fucking him while jacking him off, bending him over a counter and just fucking him, going down on him sucking him dry till he couldn't cum for weeks, finger fucking him as they 69'd…basically anything that involved Tyler's dick and either his hand or mouth…or both.

He was brought out of his musings by said daydream star walking out of the gym with Matt and a few of his buddies. He looked over and saw Jeremy, smirking when he saw the 'just fucked' look still on his face almost two hours later. Matt followed his gaze, and as they were reaching Tyler's car he warned Jeremy

'Don't start anything man. We won the game just let it go'

Both Jeremy and Tyler smirked at this, knowing Matt would have a heart attack if he knew what they wanted to do to each other. Tyler searched Jeremy's eyes, looking for a sign that what he was about to do was ok, before he stalked forward and grabbed Jeremy by the shoulders, kissing him hard on the mouth and blocking out the surprised gasps of his team mates. He ran his tongue along Jeremy's bottom lip and groaned when he opened his mouth and he felt Jeremy's tongue against his. He slid his hands down Jeremy's back and cupped his ass, pulling him forward as he rutted against him, moaning at the feel of Jeremy's cock rubbing against his. There was a cough behind him and he reluctantly let Jeremy's mouth go to look over his shoulder.

'What? Ain't you guys got somewhere to be? Like fucking your girlfriends?'

Matt blinked at him for a second, fazed by what he had seen. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth as if to say something, before closing it again. One of Tyler's team mates questioned

'So when did you start tapping that bro and how come we never heard you mention it before?'

They all started laughing and another, Scott, piped up with

'Yeah and when can we get some of that sweet ass?'

Tyler growled low in his throat and turned, keeping a hold on Jeremy who was standing behind him, his mouth turning into a snarl

'I don't have to answer to any of you. And as for your question Scott, the answer would be never' he barked at them. They all had the decency to look shocked, before a few averted their gaze and started mumbling about going home and screwing their girls. Matt stayed standing there, looking at Tyler then Jeremy, who had closed the gap between his chest and Tyler's back by wrapping his arms around the shorter boys chest. He was nuzzling the neck before him and grinding his dick into Tyler's ass. Tyler leaned his head back against Jeremy's shoulder, looking at Matt.

'Why are you still here? Don't you have to go bang Caroline?'

Matt blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He knew Tyler was just acting, knew that deep down his opinion mattered to the dark haired boy.

'I just wanted to say that I'm glad you two have someone and are happy. I hated seeing you both pine over Vicki, especially when she didn't deserve it. It's good that you found something in each other.'

Two pairs of eyes looked at him, shining with unshed tears, Tyler's because his friend accepted who he was with no questions, and Jeremy's because he never knew Matt even looked out for him let alone cared. He thought he'd just been Elena's kid brother. Matt coughed again and turned around, walking to his car. Turning slightly, he smiled at them both, before he climbed in and drove away.

Tyler sagged against Jeremy, the adrenaline rush from making out with him in front of his football buddies gone. Jeremy's arms tightened around his chest, anchoring him to Earth and not letting go. He nuzzled Tyler's neck again, ghosting his lips up to Tyler's ears before whispering

'Let's go home.' He didn't think about who's home, just as long as they were together he'd be happy. Tyler turned in his arms and burrowed his head in Jeremy's neck, hands clutching at the taller teens back, tears escaping his eyes and running down his cheeks. He started shaking in Jeremy's arms and the younger teen started.

Where's the Tyler from earlier? The one that gave me the best fuck of my life and marked me as his? Oh God don't tell me he regrets it…

'Ty? Baby what's wrong?' he stroked his hands up and down the strong back in his arms and felt Tyler's breath hitch. He clutched the shorter teen closer to his body, wanting with all the world to protect him from whatever he was thinking about.

'I just…I never thought I would get this…be happy with someone I actually…' he started shaking harder, sobs wracking his body as he clung tighter to Jeremy.

'Baby you're scaring me. What did you mean? Someone you actually what?' Jeremy was getting nervous. Was Tyler gonna run out on him? Leave him here with his heart breaking? Tyler removed his head from Jeremy's neck and looked him in the eye.

'Someone I actually care about. I always thought my parents would pick someone and I would have to go along with it. Give them the grandkids they want and have a picket fence house with a retriever. Now though…now I don't care what they throw at me coz I know I'll have the strength to say no and stick with you.' He stared into Jeremy's eyes, seeing a flash of love before lust took over and he found his mouth covered with Jeremy's soft, sweet lips.

He moaned and grabbed the back of Jeremy's head, tilting it slightly to deepen the kiss. He pushed Jeremy against his car door and ground his hard against an answering hardness coming from Jeremy. He pulled back and whispered in Jeremy's ear

'Didn't you say something about going 'home'?' he smirked as Jeremy's eyes darkened and opened the door he was leaning on, holding it open while Jeremy climbed in. He got in the driver's side and started the engine, thinking about what he wanted to do to Jeremy when they got to their destination.

Ok so I stopped it there for the simple reason that I don't know whether or not they should go to Jeremy's or Tyler's house as the story will take a different turn depending on where they go. Please let me know where you think I should take them (wink wink) and also let me know what you thought of this chapter.
