A/N: Sorry for leaving everyone hanging for so long. As a forgive me, here is a nice long lemon. That involves chocolate! Btw I dare someone to go watch Harry Potter while eating the chocolate mentioned in here in front of parents! and not blush. if anyone can do it I suggest you go play poker. anyways like always I make nothing off this and I will attempt to get the next one up faster. oh and all mistakes are mine.

It had been a week since Harry had moved into the other room, his mate's group bedroom, and still Harry had only gotten through half of the first book, thanks to Draco and the twins coming in to interrupt his reading. Usually Draco came in crying about one thing or another, Harry really couldn't keep track, as far as the twins Harry just groaned. The twins would usually come into show Harry a new trick or wanting him to test a product as they couldn't test it on Draco due to his condition, but sometimes they would come just to molest Harry- right up until Snape or Lucius came in and shooed the twins out leaving Harry hard and still lost.

To tell the truth Harry had only read half of the first book but had skimmed 12 others looking for the pictures with attributes of each creature Harry had observed on his mates. Both Lucius and Draco had three elegant soft curves leading into three sharp points on their ears. Where Fred and George had two points on their ears yet Snape's were sharper along with his canines which Harry noticed, he himself had grown longer ones but Snape's still were longer. When Harry found no description of the traits he simply tossed the book to the side of the bed.

Which is where Harry sat now looking through a book similar in size to Hogwarts a History, spread over his legs. He hadn't gotten used to sleeping with his mates but he really wasn't comfortable wandering the huge mansion. So Harry sat, silently reading when Draco burst through the door where the sky-room (as Harry had started to call it) was.

"I hate Gryffindors." Harry just sighed figuring the twins had pranked him…again.

"What did they do this time?" Harry grudgingly asked, he wanted to finish his chapter. He was sure they had figured out what each of his mates where.

"They won't let me have sweets!" Draco pouted, flopping down on the bed.

"Were they in an orange case?"

"Yes?" Draco looked confused before he got angry and slapped Harry on his arm.

"Sorry but trust me you don't want to eat those- they are their sick candies. You take half of one ad it makes you vomit or breakout in pussing boils, or get a sudden nose bleed so you can get out of class. Then when you're out you take the other half and you're all better!" Harry snickered at the picture of Draco alternating between slapping each twin and trying to stop his nose from gushing anymore blood.

"Oh, fine than I hate those stupid Gryffindors pranks!" Draco crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the headboard pouting before he spotted the book. Lunging for it he grabbed it and pulled it closer to see which page Harry was on.

"So you figured it out then? You know what we are?" Draco said excitedly- obviously forgetting about the sweets.

"I think I have an idea." Harry muttered, he didn't really want to say if he wasn't right.

"Well come on- tell me what you think you know." Draco was practically bouncing- Harry had another reason not to give Draco sweets, he would be bouncing off the walls.

"Well, as far as I can figure the twins are elves and you and Mr. Malfoy-"

"Lucius, Harry, please call me Lucius." Harry almost chocked on his saliva when Lucius walked in surprising him.

"Oh right, um ok so you and Lucius," It was strained but it was enough for Lucius happiness.

"Are some sort of humanised Dragons."

"Very good Harry- yes we are vlieger" Lucius helpfully put in- as he slide into the bed, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist slowly brushing his fingertips over the exposed mating band Harry almost moaned, but held back as he really didn't want to be molested right now.

"So Harry what are you and Sev?" Draco pushed, he could feel the slight arousal brought from Lucius and Harry's bodies but he was far more use to it then Harry.

"Um, I-I think that ahhh- that Snape is- is a um dark elf a-and so am I." Harry stuttered and moaned out.

"Well done Harry." Lucius slid his hand away- gracefully getting off the bed.

"Oh I almost forgot," Lucius searched through his cloak finally he pulled out a golden ball with a blue sticker stuck to the top.

"A peace offering from the twins."

"What is it?" Draco gingerly took the ball, but Harry stopped him before Draco could rip the gold tinfoil off.

"You have to smash it first." At Draco's blank look Harry rolled his eyes taking the ball, he turned so he was kneeling facing the wall. Harry held onto the headboard before raising the ball so the blue sticker faced the wall.

Before Harry could bring his arm down to smash it, arms wrapped around him, one hand lightly squeezing his semi- erect penis while the other hand slide completely under his pj's band to stroke firmly over the mating bands that circled his hips.

Harry couldn't help it- he gave in. His arm dropped down, dropping the golden ball to grab on to the headboard his head slumping forward to lean on the cold wall and Harry let out a long low groan.

"Sorry Harry, I've waited too long and you're so-"


Lucius glared at his mate. He had to break the moment.

"No-I- oh- just lay Harry down." Draco unwrapped the now smashed pieces and seeing, as he had assumed, they were chocolate, laid them over a panting Harry. Lucius never once stopped stroking Harry's mating bond as he manoeuvred them to lie on the bed.

One piece was laid in the dip between Harry's collar bones, one on each nipple, two surrounding Harry's bellybutton, and one on each hip. Before Harry's pants were pulled off by Lucius, Draco placed another half-moon where Harry's pubic hair should have started- oh how Draco loved elven heritage.

"Oh Draco- now he looks even more delicious. As it is your chocolate go ahead and take the first bite." Lucius complemented, pulling his mate closer for a very deep kiss. When he pulled back both Draco and Harry where flushed and panting. The only difference being Harry's pants were turning into small whines.

Draco finally decided on the piece of chocolate he wanted most before diving in to nibble bits of the chocolate away from Harry's right nipple. At the first taste Draco pulled back, covering his lips with the tips of his fingers.

"It's orange-chocolate mix. What is that- it's good but Harry makes it better. Try some Luc."

"Terry's chocolate or-orange." Harry moaned as Lucius did as requested taking the right nipple and chocolate piece into his mouth fully allowing himself to chew it while his teeth still massaged and lightly bit Harry's nipple.

"Hmm quite right Draco, Harry does make it better." Lucius said once the piece was gone.

"Oh look what you've done, you've left a mess." And sure enough covering the edge of Harry's nipples was a thin layer of chocolate. Now that they looked all the chocolates had a small puddle forming around them.

"I think Draco, we need our mates to help clean up our mess, but I'll clean up this one."

"I quite agree with you." Lucius turned to see Severus, George and Fred standing around the bed- Draco already playing tonsil hockey with the twins.

"As I took Draco, you may take young Harry's virginity."

"Oh believe me Severus I planned to." And with that Lucius leaned over to gently lick the chocolate from -the still whimpering- Harry's nipple.

Severus watched a moment more before crawling onto the bed and attaching the piece which was slowly sliding off Harry's gently wiggling hips, he finished of the hunk of melting goodness before starting on the trail it had left.

Despite Harry's mind telling him to push the two men away and run, Harry couldn't do it, instead he lay panting withering and bucking as they slowly cleaned the chocolate orange from his body. But Harry couldn't stop wiggling wanting so much more from those tongues, especially when Severus firmly pressed his tongue to the band which lay millimetres from the tip of Harry's erection. It didn't help any when he looked over to see the twins ravishing Draco.

"Harry turn onto your hands and knees." Lucius said hoarsely. Harry looked down his body to see all the chocolate half-moons were gone, so figuring he wouldn't get his release and wouldn't get the sheets dirty, he struggled up onto his knees but feel on to his elbows. Severus helped him keep steady as he wobbled. When Harry was finally steady Severus started to stroke Harry's back, soothingly as Severus' saw Lucius crawl up between Harry's legs, with his wand held loosely in his hand.

"Are you ok with this Harry?" Lucius wanted to know. They would stop but he knew there really was no way- at least if Harry said no now they could continue on with the foreplay- which he seemed fine with- until finally Harry would give into the idea of sex. Luckily Harry nodded his readiness. Lucius gently tapped his wand on the top of Harry's bum whispering two spells quickly.

Harry gasped as a cold liquid coated his warm insides before he was slowly stretched by and invisible force. It was gentle but it still was awkward and slightly uncomfortable, but Severus' soothing stroking hands were enough for Harry to not struggle or protest.

Lucius watched as the other Dom stroked there precious sub, and in truth he almost preened at the thought that he would be the one to enter the virgin body while all Severus could do was stroke the boy's body. He quickly looked down seeing Harry's body was stretched and held open by his magic. A quick flick of his wand had the magic vanishing leaving the small hole winking at him.

"Deep breath Harry." Severus whispered in to the double pointed, over sensitive ear. So Harry did, tightly gripping his pillow. When Lucius pushed into him, Harry whimpered gripping the pillow tighter, trying not to clench his bottom.

Lucius on the other hand moaned, trying not to thrust fully into Harry. Harry was so tight Lucius wanted to just embed himself into Harry. Lucius meet eyes with Severus and knew it would be a long night. When he finally was hilted into Harry he moaned again. The boy was so tight.

Somehow in all the shifting down by everyone on the bed, Harry and Lucius had ended up at the end of the bed, Lucius butt just missing the footboard with each withdrawal from Harry, Draco who had ended up facing Harry while George thrust into Draco, his butt just missing the headboard with each thrust. Draco took this as an opportunity to pull Harry towards him kissing Harry gently. Both their moans mingling with their tongues as George thrust into Draco and Lucius slowly worked himself into Harry. Fred and Severus were leaning across Harry and Draco's head, Fred was allowing Severus to dominate their kiss while he dominated Severus' cock, squeezing and rolling it even through Severus trousers.

It only took moments for George to finish and he and Fred switched positions. Draco didn't mind, he just kept making out with Harry enjoying the vibrations coming across Harry's tongue. That is until Harry ripped away, flinging his head back. Draco giggled drawing George and Severus' attention to them.

"Found his sweet spot did you?" Severus asked in his husky drawl, which made George groan.

"Yesss." Lucius moaned back. Severus could only guess how tight Harry had become but he got a good idea when Lucius stilled with his hips flush to Harry's before he was leaning over Harry's back panting. Just as Lucius finished so did Fred, taking up a similar position over Draco.

"Hmm two for one- aren't they special." Severus chuckled darkly into George's ear, making him moan again.

"Now, you both get off I have a position I want to see." Severus commanded, Fred instantly crawled off Draco to lean against Lucius who was glaring at Severus for the command, but did it anyways.

Instead of commanding anyone else Severus pushed Draco until he lay on his back, and just picked up Harry, placing him directly over Draco's straining manhood. Harry was placed low enough that Harry wouldn't hit Draco's stomach, instead it would trap Harry's penis between their stomachs giving him friction with each thrust.

It only took a moment for Harry to understand and sink down onto Draco. Draco moaned loudly- he hadn't had anything other than hands around him since before his majority. Finally having a warm- or rather hot- body squeezing him as tightly as it was, was simply heaven.

"Oh Potter, you're so tight." Draco gasped out. Harry was so tight Draco felt that if Harry squeezed he would lose his manhood. He could only imagine what Lucius had felt like as he did have a larger girth to his manhood then Draco did, not to mention he had been first to enter the virgin boy.

As Harry moved Draco lost all train of thought, focusing solely on Harry's sweet hot hole. It didn't help Draco's brain from turning to mush when Lucius thrust into Draco.

Not use to the position or type of exercise Harry was getting very tired, his legs shook every time he rose, yet he continued- Draco's moans where just to addicting to stop but when Lucius went behind Harry wrapping his arm around Harry's waist helping him to raise: Harry couldn't help but be grateful. Even if Lucius movements into Draco felt odd as every time Harry would sink down Lucius would thrust in leaving Harry to land on his lower abs.

It didn't take long for Draco and Lucius to cum, leaving Harry red, swollen and almost in pain. Seeing this Snape took over, he again lifted Harry off Draco and placed him beside Draco on his back. Before Harry even had a chance to open his mouth in a small complaint, Snape thrust himself fully into Harry making him scream and arch off the bed.

Severus was by far the largest of his mates, and even being stretched by Lucius and Draco his ass still felt too tight. But then Severus hit Harry's prostate causing some of his pain to recede a little. While Harry recovered some of his scattered thoughts, he didn't notice that Severus didn't move a millimeter. He only moved again when Harry gave a small thrust, giving Severus a small warning to his wish of wanting Severus to move if for no other reason than to hit his prostate with full force again.

While Severus waited for Harry to be ready he looked over and almost burst out laughing. Lucius and Draco where laying side by side, eyes drooped down to half mass as Lucius stroked Draco's belly, it was a serein moment but not the thing that made Severus want to laugh. It was the complete opposite scene created gleefully by George and Fred right beside Lucius and Draco.

Fred was bent over Lucius' hip sucking whole heartedly on Lucius while George thrust into Fred at dizzying speeds- leaning over Fred's back, and by the flexing arm muscles Severus could almost promise the George was giving Fred a hand job. Severus couldn't help it he chuckled.

Harry moaned as Severus' penis vibrated in him, right against his prostate. Cum leaked out of Harry landing on a small pile that had gathered on his stomach. Looking back at Harry Severus caught that slight movement and chuckled again, before he pulled back and started an almost brutal pace.

Harry could only moan, almost in distress as Severus thrusts pushed him to the edge but he couldn't fall over that edge no matter how many times Severus hit his prostate or kissed him or even stroked his body.

When Severus was close enough he grabbed Harry's cock and started to stroke in time with his thrusts, Harry clenched, trying to stave off his orgasm, it felt to good, he didn't want it to end. Severus seeming to understand that smirked and thrust, hard, into Harry's prostate, while he squeezed Harry's penis firmly. Harry screamed, the coil that had slowly been tightening finally released, jerking Harry forward into Severus' hand. Harry's passage clenched so much Harry feared that he would take Severus' manhood off, but at that moment he really couldn't care as his whole body clenched and released all his muscles spazzaming with his orgasm.

Seeing and feeling Harry reach completion pushed Severus over his own cliff, leaving both Severus and Harry breathless, Harry still jerking occasionally. Severus kissed Harry, licking and caressing Harry's bottom lips until Harry finally allowed him entry. Only when the need for air called did they pull away- Severus laid down leaving Harry panting in the middle of the bed, covered in sweat and his own release.

Harry shivered as the bedroom air finally got the chance to pass over him, chilling the sweat covered body. Severus pulled him close to his chest forcing Harry to face Fred, George, Draco and Lucius.

Fred pulled off Lucius cock, a string of precum and saliva still attaching them for a few seconds longer. As soon as Fred was far enough away Lucius pulled an almost sleeping Draco into his chest. George saw Harry and Severus watching and pulled out of Fred, causing Fred to moan in disappointment, looking back for a moment he saw what George was looking at and understood. Crawling off the bed they came around and crawled over Severus- pushing him away from Harry- to lean over Harry. Looking at Severus and Lucius they waited for a breath before getting nods from each older man, they jumped.

Instantly Fred was in Harry, causing him to moan loudly while George straddled Harry's chest, facing Fred and leaning down to capture Harry's penis in his mouth.

Harry was shocked George's mouth was hot and moist and Fred was long and rock hard. Opening his eyes, which he didn't remember closing, he saw George was just as long and hard as his twin brother. Harry blinked for a second as the head bobbed in front of his face. Before he could think of what he was doing Harry stuck out his tongue and swiped it across the head of George's penis.

George groaned and thrust down, filling Harry's mouth with the head of his cock to his surprise Harry didn't gage but pulled him in deeper, deep throating him. Fred stilled for a moment at his twins moan, but as George's face was buried in Harry's crotch. He looked to Severus for answers- or where he used to be.

Looking around he saw Severus on the other side of the bed, Draco's legs over his shoulders as he thrust into Draco moaning he started up the vigorously pounding into Harry faster, making sure to hit Harry's prostate every other thrust. George realizing his twin intent sucked harder on Harry.

Everyone came to their completion quickly- Harry was the only one who released anything, as it was only his second orgasm and everyone else was pretty well dry- collapsed down in a sweaty heap. No one noticing the glow of their bands, as each became more prominent on their skin.

"Well that was fun." George panted out, curling his body tighter around Harry. Fred agreed nodding against Draco's back.

"Hm- sleep." Draco grumbled, snuggling into Harry and Fred at the same time. Lucius and Severus chuckled wrapping their arms around the sweaty group which in moments was the sleeping sweaty group. The chocolate orange completely forgotten, laid melting on the floor.