Chapter 4

Ichigo looked around. He had no idea where he is heading to. No matter what he is looking for something, someone whose important to him. He looked down to his chest, placing a hand on his heart. He can feel his heartbeat, but something is not right. It felt lonely and empty as if he has lost his heart. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in his ears as he turned his head to the direction of the voice. Without another word, Ichigo start walking to it. The more he walked into was blinding his sight. Was it the sun light? Moon light? He doesn't know.

Then, he heard someone calling him from behind. He looked back at first, but there was nothing since his surrounding was too bright to be seen. Soon, a figure stepped into his view and his eyes widen. The long wavy locks of orange hair that slides along to her waist. Her deep grey stromy eyes that has stolen his heart.

"Ichigo..." Orihime gave a faint smile to him.

"Orihime!" Ichigo ran to her, stretching his hand out.

"Save me."

His vision has once more changed. Faint white light shinned in front of him, it was blinding his sight. Ichigo closed his eyes as he continued searching for her hands. He shouted out her name again and again with no reply back. And now, the light is around him. He could not see or hear anything anymore. Immediately, Ichigo was falling down at nowhere till he hit to the bottom hard.

His eyes snapped open in shock and finding himself lying on his own bed. Ichigo blinked. Was it only a dream? His breathe was uneven and sweats kept escaping from his forehead. He tried to recall back his memories, but all he remember was vague image of Orihime with a helpless eyes looking at him.

"Welcome back." He heard a familiar voice.

He turned his head in surprise. Urahara?

"What happened to me?"

"Your right shoulder was badly injured when we found you. You have lost a lot of blood."

Ichigo looked blankly at his wounded shoulder.

"Then..." He paused. "Where is...?"

Urahara ignored his question. "We have no idea who they are and what they want from us." .


"The Gotei 13 decided to do a further investigation toward this issue."

"Wait a sec."

"Yet there haven't been any news heard by them."

"Listen to me."

"There's nothing-"

"The hell are you talking about!" Ichigo fiercely interrupted.

Urahara studied him for a moment before speaking. "She's gone."

What the hell.

"Gone?" Ichigo repeated confusingly.

Urahara remained in silence.

"What the hell are you talking about."

Ichigo suddenly stopped talking as those faint image smashed into his head. Save me. His head began to hurt. The next time you hear it will be your end. Shinigami! He remembered the last fight he had fought. The last thing he had saw and heard.


"I think you've figure it out." Urahara finally spoke quietly.

"Where is she?"

He didn't reply.

"Where the fuck is Orihime!"

"Hueco Mudno." A voice cut in.

Their heads turned.


"The Gotei 13 just gave their words." She said. " Follow me, I believe Yamamoto is expecting you, Ichigo."

Ichigo nodded understanding the current situation. Perheps having a communication with Yamamoto things will turn out better than now.

"Woman, I'm coming in."

Orihime heard the door being open and the demon entering the room.

"Your lunch is here." He announced impassively.

"I'm not hungry." She answered back.

"You do know the consequence of disobeying orders yet, why are you still doing this?"

She doesn't answer. Orihime bit her lower lips, turned her head around purposely avoding the unyielding stare of her captor. She knew exactly what he meant and what will happen to her. He will never be kind hearted or show any mercy when it comes up yet, somehow she's not afraid to it. Without looking at Ulquiorra, and nervously clasps her finger together. The atmosphere around them soon turned into a dead silent. A minute has passed as a faint disturbed sigh has reached to her ears.

Orihime looked up to where the sound has came from. She was finally caught by a pair of mysterious crystal green eyes meeting hers. Ulquiorra kept looking at her without turning away. He kept his normal composition, with hands in his pocket, standing straight and an expression of absolute indifference.

"Give up." He stated coldly.


She didn't get a chance to finish.

"They will not come for you, to rescue you. So why do you put your hope on them?"

"Because we're friends."

"Ironic." Ulquiorra responded. "Simply because of that pathetic believe of yours supported your hope. Did you expected them to come here one day to rescue you." He looked at the hurt in her eyes as he continued. "If you have time to keep believing those thoughts, you should have concern more about yourself than the others."

"It's not only because of friends! but the heart as well." Orihime complies back.

"The heart." Ulquiorra repeated unsure. "Why is it that you always say it out so easily, as if it's the only exception."

"It is the only reason. If you can feel it."

That has made Ulquiorra completely out of words.

"Everyone has a heart." She said softly. "If one day, one of your friend has suddenly disappear you will come for her, to save her."

"Ridiculous. You expected me to listen to all your nonsense about the heart."

"Because I know you have heart, but you've never notice it."

He felt his anger rising. What was the heart so important to her? He doesn't understand it at all, it doesn't make a sense to him. Yet here she was absolutely determined to keeping telling him what a heart is. She wants him to fully acknowledge it not as a muscle but something that shares a bound between people.

"Because of the heart." His voice was cold. "While you're here, your friend are probably happy with others accompany. They are probably laughing, chatting together and not having a single clue where you are."

"Why are you...?"

"Did you expected me to say 'Oh don't worry. I'm sure they will come here and rescue you.' "

"Stop it!"

Ulquiorra watches Orihime breathing very hard. He knew he was pushing it, but he had to let her see the truth. He didn't care under what cost it will be. Since he has no attach toward this woman in front of him.

"You should've known the best that your behaviour wouldn't change your current situation. However you still take the challenge of speaking out what a heart is?" He paused for a sec and drew to a conclusion. "Pathetic."

He saw it all. The flash of anger in her eyes, the determination, the hurt and sympathy. He could've moved, slapped her hand away. But he didn't, he had chosen not to do anything.

His head snapped to the side. A second after, his cheek burned from the slap as he finally realized what she has done. Ulquiorra slowly turned his head back and starring down at her. She was panting in anger, clutching her hand to her chest. He couldn't stand the sudden mixed up feeling in his chest as he decided to turn around and started walking away from her. Then he stopped.

"This behaviour of yours wouldn't change a thing." He pointed out.

Ulquiorra did not stay a moment longer and head towards the exit. He did not stop when he heard her sink to the ground. And as soon as the door closes. He did not stop when he heard her sobs from the other side. He closed his eyes, leaned his back against the door and letting out a long painful sigh. He knew she will never belong to him, to be his woman. And then he resumed walking.

Ulquiorra sat under a tree thinking back to his last conversation with Stark. So become friends with her or more... If you wish too. He did not expect such a responded from him yet what's the purpose behind those words. Ulquiorra doesn't know what exactly Start was doing. He didn't care, but he wants to know what made him to say such a thing.

His thought soon tailed off to the woman who always seem to be able to confuses him. Yet Orihime still has the will to defy and maintain her own beliefs no matter what. She is something he has never met or witnessed. Her words and action has always caught him off guard. Yes, he will be friends with her, maybe even more although they are supposed to be enemy, rivals. Nevertheless, it was his interest to the woman that changes his mind. He is not doing this for anyone, not for stark. But for himself only.

In a short while, Ichigo finally arrived in the Captain's meeting hall. On the other side, Yamamoto was standing in front waiting patiently for his upon arrival. Yamamoto studied Ichigo for a few seconds then a sudden loud burst of sound interrupted. Ichigo twirled around as he saw a panting Rukia entering the room.

"Head Commander , I would like to request about the Gotei 13 finally decision of princess Orihime." Rukia was the first to spoke.

"The girl is no more known as a princess of Soul Society, but as a traitor."

"Traitor? How is she a traitor!" Ichigo yelled. "Don't give me that bullshit!"

"The decision has been made for princess Orihime's sudden disappearance." He replied calmly. " Inoune Orihime was no where to be found or seen after the accident, instead we found a heavily injured knight. According to the law when a princess left it's own knight means that she has either abandon her throne nor country. "

"That's fucking crazy!"

"Ichigo, watch your words." Rukia whispered and turned to Yamamoto.

"Captain Yamamoto, I would like to request a retrial for Inoue Orihime." Rukia pleaded.

"There's no need. The decision has been made already."

She hesitants. "What if things weren't what we thought it is?"

"Princess Rukia your action towards our final decision is meaningless."

"What if this is something the Arrancars has planned for?"

"I will not repeat myself again, Princess Rukia."

"What if this is what the Arrancar wanted?" She pointed out loudly.

Yamamoto frowned "Nonsense! How dare you challenge the authority of Gotei 13. Inoue Orihime committed a betrayal act of betraying her very own country and throne by secretly contacting the Arrancar in private. From the very start of her act she has been known as a traitor and nothing more than that."

"But without any proves or evidences. How could you declare her as a traitor?"

"Kuchiki Rukia!" Yamamoto bellowed. "Enough is enough."

But Rukia didn't get a chance to respond. Yamamoto waved his hand slightly and in a sec or so they were surrounded by the Onmitsukido.

"What the hell. Do you think you're doing, Old man?" Ichigo glared at him.

"The main purpose I have called you here is because the two of you share the strongest and closest relationship with Inoue Orihime." Yamamoto spoke seriously. "Therefore, the two of you may be a threat to Soul Society."

"You sneaking bast-"

A punch was sent to Ichigo's stomach in a flash of second, without letting him finish his words. He felt himself from falling down in slow motion when his eyes were locked to Yamamoto. Then, he saw Yourichi appearing next to the head commander, looking at him with absolutely nothing. On the other hand, Rukia shouted out his name when she tried to reach him, but was held by one of the Onmitsukido from behind. And now, he was falling to the ground.

He growled deeply and slowly his eyes were opened. Founding himself staring at the moon outside the window.

Where am I...?

Ichigo looked at the dim light in the distance, turning around and spotted a petite raven haired woman at the other side of the room.

"Rukai." He begin.

"You're finally awake." She said, without looking at him.

"Where are we?"

Rukia remained silent turning her head away and looked out the metal bars. Following her gaze, Ichigo realized they were caught and put into one single cell. Apparently Soul Society think of themas a threat, an enemy as they locked them inside here. It was all for their best and safety. Sneaking bastards especially the head commander, Yamamoto.

"They think us as a threat, everyone and everybody." Rukia hid her face in her knees.

"We gotta get out of here."

"We can't." She said.

"Why is that." Ichigo questioned her doubtfully.

"Because I've tried every possibility."

"There must be a way to escape from here."

"But what can we do after we have escape from here?" She asked, looking at him worryingly. "If they found us disappeared they will come after us. We are known as a criminal already, no one will help us nor support us."

Ichigo was about to answer, but he head noise outside. He turned his head to the direction.

One figure entered, Ichigo recognized him. His eyes widen, his mouth curved into a sly smile.

"Yo, Strawberry." The new comer greeted him.


people i know it has been a long time since I had uploaded. BUT HERE IT IS.

Next week more will be upload since I have a week holiday

Please bare with my GRAMMAR cause I really really suck about it. If you can't stand it send an message to my inbox with correction.

PS. I still can't have a beta reader due to rules of it.

like the word limited. So I guess you still have to wait :P
