Hey everybody. Thankyou for sticking with me though this. I don't know whether or not I'm going to leave it off here…I might I might not…something may come to me in a dream again, or if you guys have any ideas, please tell me :D. Anyways away we go…

Special Agent Seeley Booth had witnessed countless identifications. He had seen people break when they see their loved one on the cold metal table. He had seen them cry and touch the lifeless body. He had seen them beg that there was a mistake. But there never was. Booth never thought he would have to identify anyone, yet here he was standing at the end of the examination table, awaiting the morgue attendant's entry. Booth gripped the side of the table and took a deep breath in. No matter how hard he tried to prepare himself, what was under that white sheet would shock and rattle him. The morgue door opened and a dark skinned woman in a white lab coat walked into the room.

"I'm Nicole. I'm so sorry for your loss." Nicole offered her hand and Booth shook it firmly.

"It's- just, can we get this over with?" Booth stuttered.

"Of course." Nicole put on a pair of gloves and held the white sheet in her hands. "Are you ready?"

"No…I'll never be ready" Booth licked his dry lips and closed his eyes. "Just do it." Nicole slowly lifted the white sheet. Booth opened one eye then the other. "That" Booth pointed to the body "is not Temperance Brennan." The woman on the table looked about the same age as Brennan, had the same dark hair and blue eyes but was definitely not her. To someone who didn't spend almost everyday with her, the woman on the table could've been mistaken as Brennan. But Booth noticed things others didn't. The woman's on the table's ears were too small, her eyes the wrong shape, and heck her shoulders were too broad. Booth couldn't help but smile.

"Excuse me?" Nicole looked at Booth strangely. Booth skipped over to her and hugged her.

"Thankyou" Booth walked out of the morgue. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialled a rescue team "she's still out there." Booth hung up and headed to the lake.


Brennan floated on her back in the middle of the lake. Her whole body was on fire with pain. Her lungs burned with every breath she took and her head pounded every time she opened her eyes. Why aren't I dead? She asked herself. Brennan had thought it through…she should be dead, not mangled and slipping in and out of consciousness. Brennan thought back to the moment that made her do this, that made her want to end her life…

2 weeks earlier…

"Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth is in a stable condition. Unfortunately you cannot see him yet." Nurse Joy informed Brennan.

"When will I be able to see him?" Brennan asked, looking past the nurse and into Booth's ward.

"As soon as his vitals are back to a near normal range, I can't see why you wouldn't be able see him."

"Thankyou." Brennan sat down on the waiting room chair and buried her face in her hands.

2 days later…

"Dr. Brennan, you can see you're partner now." Nurse Joy popped her head out of Booth's ward. Brennan jumped up.

"Thankyou." She nodded at the nurse and entered the ward. Booth was lying on a hospital bed, connected up to tubes and a heart monitor. Although he looked a little worse for wear, he was conscious and breathing by himself. "Hey." Brennan sat down next to Booth and held his hand, she ignored the increase in his heart rate.

"Hey." Booth mumbled.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I was poisoned"

"That's because you were poisoned…you do remember don't you?" Brennan suddenly looked concerned.

"I do remember I was-"

"Ahhh you were joking…it was funny." Booth smiled cockily. "Rebecca is bringing Parker to come and see you. I called her soon after I heard what happened, I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all, it was very thoughtful of you." Booth squeezed Brennan's hand and smiled at her. Brennan was glad that she wasn't hooked up to a heart monitor…that would have been very embarrassing.

"This is…completely unprofessional but-" Brennan leant forward and kissed Booth on the cheek "I'm glad you're ok." Once again the heart monitor beeped at a faster rate.

"That thing" Booth pointed to the heart monitor "has been going crazy ever since you got here."

"I know…you're heart rate has increased ever since I've been in the room…I wonder why that is?"

"I'm not sure…maybe we could find out once I get out of here?"

"Maybe we could." Booth smiled happily at Brennan. All was well until…

"Ahh God!" Booth clutched at his chest and began coughing uncontrollably. He brought his hands up to his mouth.

"Help!" Brennan called out "somebody!" Booth's face began turning red. He pulled his hands away from his mouth, revealing that they were covered in blood. Very slowly blood started to trickle out of the corner of his eyes and ears. A team of nurses and doctors came rushing into the room. "What's happening to him?"

"Miss you're going to have to leave" a nurse attempted to usher Brennan out of the room.

"What's happening to Booth?!" Brennan yelled, before the nurse could answer a long slow beep filled the room. "Oh no." Brennan slowly shook her head "no no no no no!" Tears streamed down Brennan's face. She rushed to the side of the bed, pushing the doctors and nurses out of the way. "No Booth, don't die on me!" She desperately grabbed his face in her hands "come on Booth." Booth lay motionless "please Booth, please! Don't leave me, please don't leave me." Brennan bent down and kissed his cold lips "oh God I love you Booth…please." Brennan pleaded over and over again.

"I'm so sorry miss." A nurse placed a hand on Brennan's shoulder. "Is there anything you need, a drink, would you like me to call someone?"

"No…I'm fine" Brennan took one last look at Booth before she walked out of the ward "just fine."

Present Day…

Brennan took a deep breath, well as deep as you could take with broken ribs. She suspected that almost every bone in her body was broken, it was a miracle that she was still alive. Brennan was so tired, so incredibly tired. All she wanted to do was go to sleep and never wake up. Just close her eyes and give into the impending darkness. Brennan's eyes slowly shut when she heard his voice.

"Bones! Oh my God Bones!" Booth swam over to Brennan "she's over here!" he put his fingers on the side of her neck, searching for a pulse "she's alive! Bones, can you hear me? Please open you're eyes if you can hear me" Brennan's eyes slowly fluttered open, then closed again. Booth grabbed Brennan's hands "squeeze my hands Bones." Brennan squeezed as hard as she could with her broken hands. "Can you wiggle you're toes?" Brennan focused everything and wiggled her toes. "Thank God." She hadn't broken her neck, or her spine. "Thank God you're ok." Booth kissed Brennan on the forehead.

"You're really alive?" Brennan whimpered.

"Yeah Bones." Booth ran his hand through Brennan's hair "I'm alive…you're alive and that's all that matters."

Thanks for reading everybody. Please leave a review on you're way out.