Brennan hadn't slept in this late on a Saturday morning in a long time. A smile pulled at her lips as she considered exactly why she had been so tired in the first place. She stretched and as she blinked her eyes open she found that the source of her fatigue was looking at her with warm brown eyes.

"Hi, Bones." Booth couldn't stop grinning at the woman next to him in the bed. Last night had been beyond his expectations and he was glad that it hadn't all been a dream.

"Hi." She offered him a smile and then reached over and laced her fingers with his. "I believe that I may have been wrong about something."

He looked a bit panicked. Was she going to change her mind now? "Oh?" He have her fingers a little squeeze just in case she was going to run. Although, this was her apartment and he had a key - she couldn't run far.

Her smile slipped into a smirk. "While we may not have broken the laws of physics last night, I now believe that it is entirely possible that we will given time." The emotional connection that they shared had added a component to the experience that had taken it to a level she had never experienced before.

Booth let out a low chuckle and leaned in to softly kiss her. Oh, he could definitely get used to this. It might take forty or fifty years before the newness wore off, but this was the woman that he was meant to be with and he was glad that she finally agreed to trying a romantic relationship with him.

Oh, yes, now this was a nice way to be woken up by your partner. Soft warm kisses and gently roaming hands were far superior to phone calls or early morning knocks at the door - even if coffee was involved. Brennan mumbled against Booth's lips. "This is nice."

Booth yanked the covers over their heads as he answered. "Yes it is." He was fairly certain that there wasn't going to be any need to be getting up anytime soon, especially with the way that Bones was appreciating his assets.

The next time Brennan woke it was to the sound of someone knocking on her door. A quick glance over at her clock and she realized that it was almost noon. A smirk stole over her face as she noticed that Booth was just waking up too.

He mumbled as he felt her move to get out of bed. "They'll go away."

"That is doubtful." She considered that Angela was the most likely person right after Booth to show up at her door without calling first, and since Booth was laying right next to her, she was sure that Angela was stopping by for a shopping trip or some other female bonding ritual.

"I could go get rid of them." He did have a big gun after all and he wasn't afraid to use it.

"It's probably just Angela. I'll be right back." Brennan leaned over and kissed him softly before pulling herself out of bed and quickly wrapping herself up in her robe. Booth might enjoy the view, but she wasn't really interested in showing it to anyone else.

It wasn't Angela that she found at the door when she opened it.

"Hi, Honey." Max Keenan smiled brightly at his daughter who he appeared to have woken up. "You feeling okay?" It wasn't like her to not be up for hours already.

"Dad. I'm fine. What are you doing here?" She most certainly did not expect to have her father dropping by, but she closed the door behind him as he stepped inside and kissed her on the cheek.

"Can't a father just stop by to see his daughter once in a while? I thought you would have been up by now." Out of the corner of his eye he spied a jacket and a pair of shoes that had been kicked off near the couch that were most definitely not women's shoes. This would definitely explain her current attire and her mussed up hair.

"While I realize that it's unusual, I do sleep in now and then." She wasn't sure if she should tell her father that she and Booth were what Angela would refer to as an item.

"You have company." It wasn't a question, but a statement and as a father he felt like it was his duty to make sure that whatever man had stayed over was good enough for his Tempe. He glanced around to see if he could garner any further clues to the identity of the mystery man. He had half a mind to follow the guy around to make sure he didn't have some dark side that she didn't have any idea about.

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked directly at her father. "I'm an adult, Dad." She didn't need to justify her choices to her father.

"I know, Honey. Is he a good guy? Is he someone I would approve of?" He knew that he was treading on shaky ground by phrasing it that way.

"You're a criminal, Dad. I'm not sure that someone that you would approve of would be a good measurement." She was simply stating the truth, but she could tell that she had hurt his feelings by the expression on his face.

"Well, okay." He offered a soft smile. "Is he at least someone that Booth would approve of?" He knew that of anyone, Booth would be looking out for his little girl. He really would prefer that the two of them just wake up and realize that they were destined for each other.

She couldn't hide her smile as she considered that Booth would more than approve of the man waiting in her bed. Before she could say anything, a voice came from the other room.

"Hey, Bones, did you get rid of whoever was at the door?" Booth had gotten impatient waiting for her to come back, so he'd slipped on his boxers and decided to go in search of his woman instead. Who knew, maybe they could christen her couch too - he'd certainly dreamed about it often enough. Oooh, or there was the possibility of the dining room table.

Max's eyebrows shot up and then a big smile spread across his face as he looked at Tempe.

For her part, her cheeks tinged a little pink.

But Booth was really the one that was the most surprised as he noticed that Bones hadn't gotten rid of the door knocker at all. He tried to hide the squeak in his voice as he noticed who was standing there. "Max."

"Booth." Max gave him the best intimidating father look he could muster up, but he also couldn't hide the fact that he was very pleased with this particular turn of events.

"Dad." Brennan wasn't exactly sure what to say, it was evident that Booth was her company and given his state of dress, it was also evident that they had slept together. Although technically there had been far less sleeping than the phrase would imply.

"I've come at a bad time." Max grinned as he looked from Tempe to Booth and back again. "We can all do lunch sometime soon." He of course was going to grill Booth and make sure that he knew that FBI agent or not, if he hurt his little girl, he was going to have to watch over his shoulder for the rest of his life.

Brennan seemed to be the only one to have the presence of mind to say anything at that moment. "Yes, lunch sounds nice. Give me a call later this week."

Booth felt even more naked standing there in his boxers than if he'd walked out into the living room without a single stitch of clothing on. He glanced over at Bones and then at Max and wished that the hardwood floors would just swallow him up.

"Okay, I'll call you then." Max smiled as Tempe kissed him on the cheek. He glanced over at Booth and flashed him a smile with a hint of a 'don't you dare mess this up stare' and then turned and left as quickly as he came.

Neither one of them moved for a few second and then Brennan turned to take a good look at Booth and smirked as she admired his physique. "We'll have to get you a robe."

Booth couldn't have grinned wider if he'd wanted to. "I suppose we might." If she thought he needed a robe, well he guessed he was going to become a permanent fixture in her bedroom and he was definitely not going to complain.

"Although right now I would say that it's completely unnecessary." In fact she had half a mind to take him right back to bed, although the couch was closer.

He laughed and closed the distance between them, letting his arms slide around her waist. "I'm no so sure this robe is necessary either." He would have been very convincing too if it hadn't been for the very loud grumbling sound coming from his stomach.

"Why don't we eat something and then we can talk about a clothing optional environment?" She was all for a little more sex, but there was no need to starve themselves in the process.

He leaned in and kissed her softly, resting his forehead against hers as he pulled back and looked into her eyes. "Okay, but I have just the thing. If you have bread and eggs, I can make the most magical cinnamon sugar french toast that you've ever had and we may not have to eat again for the rest of the weekend."

"Food isn't magic." Clearly he was implying that the french toast would energize them enough to live on sex for the rest of the weekend, and perhaps he was right about that.

"Ah, but you also didn't believe that it was possible to break the laws of physics either." He winked at her and he knew he was going to win this argument.

"You may have a point. I will reserve judgement until all of the data is in." She let out a girlish laugh as he hugged her a little tighter and kissed her neck.

"Alright. Magic food first, then I get to have my way with you." Booth winked as he let her go to ravage her kitchen for the ingredients he'd need so he'd be able to ravage her later.

"Hey, what if I want to have my way with you?" Brennan didn't really care either way, she had Booth and Booth had her.

"Then I'll let you." Booth was sure that nothing was going to be able to wipe this grin off of his face for about the next forty or fifty years. After a little cinnamon toast, he was certain that she would never again question that the laws of physics had been obliterated.

The End

Author's Note: I thank all of you for sticking with me during this little story. I hope that you enjoyed it.