This was the OMAKE chapter to my story 'Edward Cullen and the Real Girl' which had nothing to do with the actual story and was as it was named, an OMAKE. Anyway, for those of you who love Twilight to the point of strangling those who do not like it then this story is not for you-just to make a point at the beginning and hand out a warning. If you are the type easily offended by Edward being made a fool of in anyway you have been warned. If I get a flame anyway because I made fun of Twilight then, well...all I can say is that it makes you look bad since you were 'Warned'
To those of you who dislike Twilight or Bella to the point of insanity and love Hetalia-bear with me. What is revealed of her character in this OMAKE is merely for the funnies.
-Those of you who review well...I will take requests if you ask. This OMAKE was something made early in the morning for lack of anything better to do-there was also the writers block for Edward Cullen and the Real Girl.
...And i wanted to write in something utterly ridiculous too.
Bella didn't know what to think as she stared into Aro's ruby red eyes. She could almost feel his hunger the total dominance in his eyes screaming for her blood and for her to yield to him as easily as any other creature would for his pleasure of their blood. Beside her Edward seemed pliant, a complete statue of grief and horror as he stared into the eyes of the monster that would surely take her life without pause.
And suddenly the light left Aro in the form of a girlish shriek and Edward's indifferent cold mask changed into something that could only be identified as absolute horror.
"My God." Caius, another of the evil vampires said his white hands breaking his throne. "It cannot be...tell me that it has not happened!"
"Is it that time of year already?!"
"Good Lord in the heavens save us!"
"I'm to young for this!"
The voice did not warrant fright in Bella as it seemed to everyone else. Turning slowly (she took careful note to ignore Edward's panicked look and Alice's near feint) and stared at the boy by the door who's eyes seemed closed. He had auburn hair, tanned skin and a wild curl that seemed to have a life of its own and a blue military uniform.
"Oh Italy, thank God, it's only you!" Edward breathed a sigh in relief. "I surely thought the HE would have come with you."
"Ve~ Edward it has been so long! Have you joined the Vultori?"
"He has not." Jane said in a clipped voice, Alec nodding quickly at her side. "He is here to be punished for his ways."
"Hm?" The boy, Italy, cocked his head to the side in question and all Bella could think was that he was adorable. "What did he do?"
"He told a human about us." Aro calmly spoke. He pointed to Bella. "This girl."
"Ve~but this is no big thing. This girl isn't human."
"What?" Bella asked along with the others. There was a silence that befell them as Italy latched to her side and hugged her. "Ve~ Washington's daughter is so pretty!"
"My parent's are Rene Dwyer and Charlie Swan. You're mistaken."
"Exactly you are Washington's daughter."
"My mother-"
It suddenly occurred to Bella that maybe she should have paid much more attention to her dad when he spoke about the family tree. Italy smiled brightly as he explained and Bella almost fell over from an aneurism. "My father is a STATE?!"
She fell over in a dead faint, Edward barely managing to catch her.
After it was made clear that Edward and the Cullen's had done nothing wrong they were free to go...
...and go is what they would have done if not for the terrible sound of HIM.
Marcus was unmoving while Caius screamed and clawed at his mangled thrown. The guards all seemed to become stiff with fear while Aro and Edward clung to each other in absolute fright.
"Everyone quick, defend you VITAL REGIONS!" Aro shouted and Edward did just that.
"Hide the children!" Jane and Alec hid behind Felix who was busily shaking them off:
"Gerrof I don't want him concurring my vital regions!"
And France strolled through the door wearing nothing but roses covering his own vital regions and cat ears...
What happened that day no one will know for sure but what is certain...
The Vultori fought to protect their vital regions – and lost.
Italy, Jane, Alice and Alec made pasta. –it was good.
Bella never regained consciousness. –until she reached home and demanded the truth...which entailed meeting America her grandfather who looked about her age. She fainted again.
And Edward...let's just say France molested him so much he wound up in a bar with England- both were found later by Jacob Black and America who had to drag their sorry butts home. Both were too drunk to realize their current condition. England half dressed and Edward totally naked.
France- he had a good day all around.
Once a year Italy visits the Vultori and like clock work France goes with him to ensure that the Vultori know who is 'boss'. The Volturi are located in Italy of course so Italy checks on them to make sure they aren't taking over or stepping on any toes (they had a really nasty time with Romania in the past and then there was the thing with the Teutonic Knights...Prussia still thirsts for vengeance although Russia is on pretty friendly terms with them-read: he scares the living crap out of them-).
Since Bella is reveled to be the child of a state this explains why Edward nor any other vamp power effect her. She's going to be the future Washington maybe. It also explains why Charlie never left Forks Washington...he is Washington. Also, I should note, Alfred-America- doesn't like the rain (which is an excuse he's just afraid of the werewolves)
Much to the Vultori's and Edward consternation it's revealed that they have had many run ins with France who has a liking for Edward (since he's never changing and beautiful...France likes pretty shiny things and Edward is really like that also France thinks Ed's got a great ass.)
The ultimate Edward Bash is his molestation by France.
Don't get me started on how worse the other omake will be if I get the reviews and requests to make it I'll give you a clue however...
Just imagine...Shinatty-Chan, Russia, an angry Korea, Jasper and a bottle of vodka.
I leave that with you.
And here you have it! It was probably stupid but hey, I thought it was funny. If you have a request involving another OMAKE crossover with Twilight and Hetalia then send in a request okay. I'll do my best!
Review's would be nice!
Flames will be used to roast marshmallows-
-Russia will KolKolKol the flamers to an early grave or make you one with him (and not in the good way you pervs)
And England will sing the marshmallow song...seriously.