Chapter Nine

(Previous) EPOV

"Edward what are those monsters doing up there?" Bella said uneasiness in her voice.

"What monsters? Do you mean those hobos on the side of the road?"

"Yes! They're monsters! Quick hit the speed." I hit the speed pedal, but suddenly something hit me car we went spinning. I blacked out.


Seewhat I mean. Good things never last, well not if you're me at least. I just had the morning of my dreams (literally). And now I'm being chased by a hydra, with Edward blacked out beside me.

"The one thing that could possibly hurt a vampire" I muttered to standing up breaking the chain on my fang necklace and turning it into my sword called "θάνατος´" meaning Death. I plunged my sword into the street and called up my own little army of skeletons. "kill it" I told giving them direct orders as the one closest to me handed me a small bag of ambrosia squares "thanks you" I told it (it's always nice to be polite, even to your personal army of skeletons) I started feeding the ambrosia to Edward and soon the hydra was just a shadow in hades. His eyes opened and he whispered

"Let's not tell Esme about this" I giggled and helped him up, but he seemed to be as strong as ever.

"Deal" I replied "Fix the car Please" I said to my mini army and then said "we should probably just run" to Edward

"Probably" he agreed as so we were off but instead of me beating him again I slowed to his pace and ran next to him, holding his hand. We slowed are pace as we walked up to the house and walked through the front door just to be bombarded

"Your Late" said Alice in a very patronizing voice


I wake up after blacking out (again!) to Bella, her hair flowing wildly in the wind, skeletons surrounding her. "Let's not tell Esme about this" She giggled and helped me up, but I tried to smooth out my girly black out with walking it off…

"Deal" She replied "Fix the car Please" She commanded her army and then said "we should probably just run"

"Probably" I agreed.

And we were off, but instead of her powering ahead, she ran alongside me. Reaching for her hand, we ran the rest of the way home, hands interlocked.

Barely even stopping, I open the door, and there is Alice, with an un-approving scowl plastered on her face.

"Your Late" said Alice in a very condescending voice.

"I'm sorry mom! But we-" Bella cut me off…

"I was fighting a hydra, which happened to be on the side of the road. Bat boy here was out cold…."

With furrowed eyebrows I glanced at her. She just winked….

Alice, barely stifling a snicker, asked "How in the world did you black out…..AGAIN?"

"If you really want to know… it hit the car…."

"And that caused you to black out!" Not even trying to hide her amusement, Alice burst out cackling.

"Well I-It was- Oh just shut it Alice…" Hanging my head in shame, I glided to the couch, popping a squat.

Now Bella has joined in on Alice's bout of laughter.

"Hey not all Vampires are meant to conquer the bad guys!" Alice blurts in between her laughing fit.

"Thanks a lot!" I said tossing a pillow to her head. But Bella, being Bella, had to catch it out of the air.

Both of them plopped down on the couch; their laughter subsiding. Awkward silence filled the void after their laughter stopped, Bella observing the room, I thought it was time to go grab some sodas from the kitchen. Leaving the girls, I jogged to the kitchen, and grabbed some pomegranate tea, because we were all out of sodas. (Emmet!) Jogging back, I noticed that Bella was focused on the window, shock plastered on her face.



No, not now. This can't possibly be happening! Everything was going great, and now this happens…. I look out the window and what do I see? Standing there plain as day, as if he has nothing to hide. As if he can't smell me from where he stands! The ex of all exs, Jacob Black.