
Eight months later, ICA Administrative Headquarters.

Around the table in the starkly lit conference room were several members of the ICA Council, the head of the department of energy, and several other government representatives from around the world. Nora, Jason, Landon Quinn, two other scientists and an engineer from the Terra Healing Project were also in the room. They had been talking nonstop for several hours about the state of the planet, including its energy prospects, and how to handle diplomatic relations with the Na'vi.

It was quiet. The presentations, arguments, and general banter had stopped. Everyone was looking at Nora. Her eyes were closed, and had been for almost ten minutes. At first, the stuffed shirts in the room ignored her. They honestly praised her work on the Cinder Flu virus. Her research helped to advance a suitable vaccine that kept the recrudescence at bay.

Since her return to the United States, she was becoming notorious for seemingly odd or spontaneous behavior, whether it was laughing out loud at sometimes inappropriate moments, walking away from meetings to watch a water fountain, or simply smiling all the time. It was rather bizarre to others, but it made sense to her. And to Jason. And that's all that mattered.

At the moment, Nora was simply trying to diffuse the growing negativity in the room.

"Is she all right?" the lead ICA Council member who had convened the meeting whispered to Jason. Taylor March was getting annoyed but played his hand delicately. Jake Sully wouldn't talk to anyone else now that she was safely back on Earth. Only her. And maybe Jason.

"Mmmmmm, yeah," the former president said, dragging out his reply. He then turned away from Taylor and grinned uncontrollably.

"Listen!" the virologist suddenly spouted. Everyone in the room looked at one another except Jason. He was still grinning.

"Uh, what...what is it, Nora?" Taylor asked.

Nora opened her eyes and looked directly at him. "It's quiet. For the first time in nearly three hours, this room is quiet."

March cleared his throat. "We won't get anything accomplished if we don't, well, talk."

"You have been talking and nothing is getting accomplished. You know why? You refuse to face facts. We can't go back to Pandora. At least, not for what you want to go back for. Not for unobtanium, not for its supposed wonder drugs and miracle cures...none of which actually do anything for humans. Nothing. The only things we can bring back from Pandora are knowledge and friendship."

"Well, I think you're wrong," March retorted.

"And you can say this because you've been there? You've lived among them? Got to know them personally? Talked, laughed, sang, danced..."

"It would be nice to party with the natives like you did, but that's just not going to move our planet forward."

Disgusted, Nora's expression turned icy cold. "You're a real son-of-a-bitch, you know that, March?"

At this, Jason attempted to intervene. "Nora, let me..."

Flustered, the woman jumped out of her chair and cried, "Dear Eywa, Jason! I came back to Earth for this?"

"Mr. March, Mr. President, if I may." Mira Stewart was the head of the Department of Energy and wanted to redirect the conversation.

Taylor sat back. "Be my guest," he said with a flick of his hand.

Jason looked at Nora and motioned for her to sit down. She complied.

"Given what's happened to our planet during the past decade, Miss Augustine," Mira asked. "And given what you know about the Na'vi and Corporal Sully..."

"It's Jake," Nora interrupted flatly.

"Pardon me?"

"Just call him Jake. He doesn't like to be called Corporal."

"But...well, alright, then. Jake. Given your experiences on Pandora, wouldn't they want to help us?"

Nora cast her gaze down and composed herself. She was clearly dealing with a mentality reminiscent of an addict.

"Let me try to make this as plain as possible. Everything that is needed to rejuvenate Earth - the diverse ecosystems found everywhere on this planet - everything...is found here...ON EARTH! Plants from Pandora live only in the controlled environments that we humans make for them to live in. They do not survive outside of that. The plant food the Na'vi eat is inedible to us humans. What doesn't kill you will leave you vomiting and squatting for days in the bush wishing you were dead. As far as medicinal uses, any remedies have only had short term results with disastrous long term effects. Some twenty years of the RDA manufacturing and distributing pxorna..."

"Episoth," Landon quickly interjected before the non-scientists in the room could ask.

"Right. Episoth. I sometimes slip and use Na'vi. Episoth has finally revealed just how bad it is for our skin, irreversibly damaging it, aging it prematurely and creating those awful pockets of dead skin cells that flake and discolor."

"What about the animals? What about the ocean life? We were just tapping the surface of all that before Quaritch went mental," said a woman from the back of the room.

"Let me tell you. Tapirus tastes like ass. I tried it on a dare. As for the rest of the creatures...don't even think about it!"

"We know there is still more research that needs to be done..."

"No Mira. You can do all the research you want. You can't bring Pandora's plants and animals here no more than we can ship ours there and expect them to live and grow without an artificial environment. It's a different world."

"What about unobtanium? We need the energy source."

Nora sighed and glanced at Jason. The pressure to return to the moon and mine for its unique source of energy was increasing again. "Have you not learned from the RDA's mistakes?"

"But we're not the RDA," piped a voice from the back of the room. It was followed by "yeahs" and nods.

"But this thinking that we have to go back to the way it was to get ahead, I'm sorry, but that's just flawed. It's not a step forward, people. We have to break our dependence on unobtanium. Now is the time to do that. We are being given an opportunity to do so. If we go back for more, we're just retracing old steps, not forging a new path. We have to continue finding new ways to bridge the gap between unobtanium and aneutronic fusion."

"But we've tried and it's not going well," Mira said. "Designing the engines needed to power our massive machines and way of life is taking a long time and we've encountered numerous obstacles."

"But they can be overcome," Landon stated. "Altna Energy is very close to some breakthroughs."

"That's right. There are people all over the globe working on the alternatives, in addition to aneutronic fusion," Nora added. "Let's continue to help support the individuals and groups making the greatest progress. For so long, people were oppressed from expressing their ideas. Now they are excited about these new potential energy sources. They have been for years and they're not giving up."

"Yes, but the plague took many of our best people. It boils down to not having enough brainpower to overcome the obstacles we face in such a short amount of time. And as far as bridging the gap, we can only use the fuels of the past for certain targeted operations. The infrastructure worldwide doesn't support fossil fuel use like it did a seventy-five, one hundred years ago."

"Let's not forget, we have more than a thousand souls scattered across our solar system, eagerly waiting to come back to Earth," March interjected. "The only way we're going to get them back in a timely fashion is by burning a huge chunk of the remaining supplies of unobtanium. Then what?"

Once again, Nora glanced at Jason. He was quiet, not a good sign. That usually meant he couldn't argue for her, despite his personal feelings. The last time that happened, she ended up hurling through space to Pandora. "We simply must not let this chance to once and for all end our dependence on unobtanium go by. Can't you see? Look out the window! What has it really done for us?"

"Nora, I know where we ended up with the RDA in power," Mira countered. "Though I'm alive, I'm still a victim of the Cinder Flu plague. I lost my entire family, most of my friends and co-workers, and I nearly lost my own life in a burn that wiped out everything I ever owned. We're still trying to rebuild everything everywhere on this planet. We still need more time to research and develop. It's a terribly slow process and we're simply running out of time. We need the stopgap that a fresh supply of unobtanium will give us. With the way things are going now, and the mind set of people everywhere, I can't imagine that we'd ever go back to the way it was when the RDA was in control."

"Oh, you don't?" Nora replied. "Look at Jason. Look at what they did to him. And 'they' are still out there. 'They' don't like us. And 'they' will do whatever it takes to go back to the way it was."

"We're making sure that doesn't happen," Taylor said.

"I don't believe what I'm hearing."

"I know this is a little hard to digest, but we really have no other choice. We may have to go back."

"Try telling that to Jake," Nora said as she stood up. "And let me know what he says." Without looking back, she stormed out of the conference room.

"We can't talk to Jake without her," Taylor said to Jason, who just shrugged. Annoyed, the ICA lead council member stood up. "I have the utmost respect for you and Nora. I really do. But she's getting in our way. Our prospects for the immediate future are grim."

"No, Taylor." Jason stood and positioned himself just inches away from Taylor's face. "That's where you're wrong. Change is happening all over the globe. The planet is healing. People are healing. Our future is just fine. That is, if we don't pick up our sloppy old habits again, which is what Nora and many people are afraid of."

"What do you suggest, then? Do we leave those people stranded way out on Mars and Ceres? Do we stop rebuilding? What?"

"We stop looking back. Start looking forward. Do what I did. Get out of the way of people who are trying to make things better. For every one person who complains about not being able to do something the old way, there are about ten others who can find new ways. We'll have the energy to bring those people back, and maybe return to Pandora to assist the human colony."

"There's no time!" Mira argued from her seat at the table. "We need Jake to give us clearance to mine just enough unobtanium to see us through another decade..."

"A decade? Never gonna happen."

"Five years? Whatever we can get. We could send it back on the ISV Galaxy. It's there, already."

"If it's compromise you're after, I'll talk to Nora. And maybe she'll bring it up with Jake. But I wouldn't count on things going back to the way they were. The RDA got their asses kicked over there. Don't assume it won't happen again," Jason warned.

"We all want the same thing. But getting there doesn't have to be as hard as you and your wife seem to want to make it," said Taylor.

Jason paused and furled his brow as he looked deeply into Taylor's eyes. "Are you sure you're a protégé of Christopher Tripp?"

"Don't get sarcastic with me."

"I'm not. Believe me, I'm not."

"Nora, wait up!" The virologist slowed so her husband could catch up. He was moving as fast as he could on the slick hallway floor with his cane. "It's not as bad as it seems," he said catching his breath.

"Of the two of us, you are the eternal optimist and I usually don't doubt you, but in this case, I'm not so sure. I think March is towing the old RDA line. What's his background? Would Tripp allow someone like that on the board?"

"I have questioned that myself. But, yes, he was working with Tripp."

"I wish Christopher was here now. He understood the big picture."

"You've got me."

"I'm not so sure. You got awfully quiet in there." Nora stopped cold in her tracks when Jason didn't defend himself. "You think we're going to have to go back for more unobtanium?" Her husband cast his gaze downward. "You're not serious."

"Maybe we can work out some sort of compromise with Jake."

"You are serious. What's going on with you?"

"I'm not betraying you or the Na'vi. It's the last thing I want. But it's true we've been trying to turn the Titanic here."

"This isn't how it's supposed to go. How can you say that?"

"I'm encouraged by the Altna team in Hawaii. They're making great progress in developing a way to get aneuronic fusion mainstream. But they tell me they may need a few more years."

"Then we just...wait until they..."

"You want to be the one to tell all those people in those outposts they have to wait not one year, but three or four, before coming home?"

"You shouldn't have sent them there to begin with."

"We did what we thought was best."

Nora looked beyond his shoulder, then pressed her hand to her forehead briefly. Wearily, she said, "I know. I'm just frustrated at the corner we seem to be getting backed into. Look, I'm not going to argue with you about it. I'm so disappointed right now. I just want to go home for a few minutes and chill."

"I'd join you but I'm meeting Landon back at the office to hook up with Holling on a video call."

"Don't worry. I'm just going to sit for a moment, then I'll go to my post-cryo workout class. Of all the crap we have to go through upon returning from Pandora, that mixed martial arts stuff is my favorite. It'll help me blow some steam and clear my mind."

"I tell you what, this call shouldn't be long. I'll meet up with you after. What class is it tonight?"


"Can you bring my gym bag for me?"

"Sure thing."

Jason pulled her closer to him. "It'll all work out. I promise." They parted with a kiss and an "I love you."

It was early evening and getting dark. The Secret Service detail was unnoticeable to Nora as she made her way back to her apartment. Not that she was complaining. She wasn't fond of being trailed day in and day out, but now that she and Jason were married, it was a part of her life. As much as she would like to deny it, he was still in danger of being killed by RDA sympathizers. It seemed rather peculiar that she didn't see at least one of them. Usually, one would give her a nod to let her know they were there.

Inside her home, she plopped onto a couch for just a brief respite. Then she prayed. As of late, she was calling out her spiritual side to help her cope with the stresses and strains of trying to prevent a return to Pandora for the one thing that could devastate both the Na'vi and Humans.

When she opened her eyes and got off the couch, she turned to see a man, dressed from head to toe in black, his features indistinguishable under a tightfitting ski mask. Startled, she turned to her left to get away, but there was another man, dressed identically to the first. How the hell did they get in here? she thought. Despite wanting to turn and flee, she stood her ground and tried to not panic. "Jason isn't here."

"We know that," the man on her right said. His voice was gruff and raspy. He took a step toward her.

Keenly aware her life was in jeopardy, Nora called on her kickbox skills and made every effort to mimic the deftness that Vahlo taught her as a dreamwalker, hoping it would translate to her human body. She turned and let loose a double side thrust kick. The first bruised the intruder's thigh, the second hit his junk square on. It took him by surprise and left him crumpling toward the floor. The other intruder received an elbow block then a cross punch to the jaw as she turned his way. Unfortunately, he didn't flinch much. Rubbing his jaw he said, "Not bad, Mrs. Snow."

The recipient of the groin kick behind her was now standing semi-upright again and seething. "Let's just off the bitch," he growled between heavy breaths.

"And take all the fun out of?" the other replied.

Nora didn't recognize either mens' voices and fear prevented her from wasting time thinking about it. As if the couch were a bough she needed to clear to get to Sully in trouble, she dove over it and rolled toward the door. But as she jumped to a stand, she felt one of the men grab her waist. He pulled her so hard against him it nearly knocked the breath out of her. He locked her arms behind her, then yanked hard on her hair to keep her head steady. The pain caused her eyes to water and she let out a small yelp.

The other man approached her from the front and scowled, "Say goodnight." It was the last thing she heard.

"Hey," Jason whispered as Nora's eyes very slowly opened. He held her left hand, then kissed it lightly.

Not recognizing where she was, confusion set in. "Where are we?" she managed to utter hoarsely.


"Hospital?" she croaked. "What happened? I feel like I got thrown head first from a pa'li." It was difficult turning toward him because of the thumping in her head.

"You were assaulted."

"Oh no..."

"Do you remember anything?"

"Not really. I remember sitting on the couch. I was trying to get motivated to go kickbox. Other than that, I don't remember."

"Yeah. It's normal after trauma."

"Well...oh, ouch." The smallest attempt to sit up caused Nora to squint as a stabbing pain shot up her right side and left her short of breath.

"Just take it easy. You're going to be here for a little while longer."

"When you say assaulted..."

"You were attacked in the apartment by at least one, possibly two suspects. A couple of broken ribs, some bruising, and a nasty blow to the head," explained Jason. "Thank God, nothing more."

"I guess kickbox is off tonight."

"You mean last night."

"No way."

"You've been out most of the night."

"So I didn't show up at class and you did, right?"

"Actually, I tried calling you to tell you the video call with Holling was going to take longer than anticipated and to not bother bringing my gym bag because I wasn't going to be able to join you. When you didn't answer, I knew something was wrong." As he recalled, her husband fought back a sudden bout of tears. "I...I'm so sorry."

"Oh Jason, this wasn't your fault."

"They could've killed you."

"But they didn't."

"It was just a warning. They're trying to get to me through you."

"Where was the security detail?"

Jason shook his head and looked down at the floor. "He had a family. All the people around me...I don't know if I can stand to see people die because of me."

"I knew what I was getting into when I married you. And everyone who is working toward bettering the state of this planet knows just how difficult and dangerous it is. We just have to keep pressing on. They won't win. Look how far we've come."

"We can't stay here. We're going to have to relocate."

"I don't think that's necessary."

"I do. Maybe we head back to Australia. Or New Zealand. You liked it there."

"I like it here at home, too."

"Well, okay. Maybe we go to the Northwest part of the country. Washington state? Or how about Alaska?" Nora began to shake her head slowly. "Canada? Hawaii? You can't turn down Hawaii."

"Jason, stop. We're not going to run away." The anxiousness in her husband's expression weighed heavily on her but Nora wasn't going to give in that easily, despite the dangers. "This is exactly what they want. We can't be afraid. There's too much at stake."

A micro smile started to appear on the weary man's face. "You're right. I just can't stand to see you like this. I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. Or worse."

"We just have to be more careful." She backed up her statement with a reassuring squeeze to his hand. "Now. I want to get the heck out of here."

The ex-president composed himself quickly to respond. "Not so fast."

"Oh , c'mon! I can handle it..."

"You've got to stay under observation for a while longer." Nora snorted disappointingly. "To help bide your time here I brought this." Her husband produced a video drive.

"You sure like carrying those things around all the time. What is it this time?

"Norm sent over another transmission, and with it came the second video album that Sumyr promised. It's a companion to the first."

"Oh, good! She indicated there would be more pictures of Sully and the rest of the clan in it this time."

"So, here you go," Jason said as he loaded up a bedside computer. He brought the translucent monitor down to her level over the bed.

"Can you stay?" she asked.

"For a few minutes. Move over," he said climbing on the bed and snuggling up next.

The screen began to flicker with images from Pandora. Sumyr's face appeared with a glowing smile. "Hey, Nora and Jason! As promised, here are more pictures and videos of Ahnwyn, Sully and the rest of the gang. You'll see a lot more of the clan children in this round since Ahnwyn is now learning more about village life. We've made it a part of her traditional schooling experience here on Pandora."

Max stepped into camera range and waved from behind his wife. "Hi ya! I've got some interesting research to send back to you on the Saltarus Pendulus. Norm was itching to climb those and get more stalks ever since you gave him that mat woven with some of it. He found an unusual species of bird nesting in it that we've never documented before. It's rarely seen in these parts of Pandora according to Mo'at."

"No way," Nora uttered when a picture of it flashed up.

"That's quite a strange looking thing," Jason commented.

"It's not really," explained Nora. "It's got the typical four wings and beautiful colorations. It's the shape if its beak that makes it look a bit out of place. Might be a regional variation."

"Norm's new nickname is 'Beanstalk' now that he climbs them whenever he's dreamwalking," Max added.

"Enjoy the video," Sumyr piped up. "Most of what we're sending was taken in the village this time, instead of at Tawkelku. The clan wanted to see what a human baby was like so she's been quite welcome there."

"Oh, look at her, Jason. Behind that exomask I swear she looks just like Max!" Nora said as Ahnwyn popped into view.

"Actually, I think she looks more like Sumyr," her husband countered.

"Yeah, maybe. She doesn't seem phased at all by the towering Na'vi children around her, does she?"

"Not at all. They must get her out to the village quite often." There was a pause between the couple as they continued to view the "home" video. The camera zoomed in on Neytiri who was corralling some of the children in the background. "Wow," Jason ogled jokingly.

Nora elbowed him. "Oh, look, there's Sully!" The young warrior was running circles around the group of children. He then jumped into a low hanging tree branch and waved his fist into the air, then jumped down in front of the camera with a proud grin. The action produced laughs from the couple. "That's so Jake!" Nora exclaimed.

Jake's mug then appeared. "We miss you here, Augustine. Oh...wait, I think by now it's Mrs. Snow. We sure wish you both were here."

"Stop it, Jake." Neytiri scolded him from off camera.

"Ok, ok. Enough of the guilt trip. Hope all is well. As you can see, Sully's getting bigger every day. We're having a hard time keeping up with him. We also have some news. But I want Neytiri to tell you." Then Jake pulled a reluctant Neytiri into view. "Don't be shy. Go ahead."

"Oel ngati kameie, tsmuke. Only a few suns have passed since we learned. Sully will have a tsmuktu to play with soon!"

"What's that?" Jason asked, not picking up on the Na'vi word for sibling.

"Oh! She's going to have another baby! She and Jake are expecting again!"

"We think maybe a girl this time," Jake said.

"It is really soon now for me to understand," Neytiri interjected.

"You mean, it's too soon for you to know," Jake corrected.

"That's what I said," Neytiri countered.

"The word here is know, not understand," Jake said.

"Oh, Nora knows what I mean, Jake." Neytiri slapped his belly lightly.

Nora smiled at the harmless bickering.

"They are really in love with each other, aren't they?" Jason stated with a question.

"Yes," Nora replied, nodding slowly and grinning knowingly. "They certainly are."

They found themselves interrupted suddenly by buzzing noise. "That's for me," Jason said. I'll be back in a minute. Probably Landon. Keep watching. I'll only be moment."

"Ok," Nora said, not taking her eyes off the screen. When Jason left, she settled back into her pillow and watched the moving scrapbook pictures.

"Guess who!" It was Norm in his new avatar. "Wanted to let you know I'm having a ball here. The clan has allowed me to follow Jake's steps to be one of the people and soon, I'll be climbing into the Hallelujah Mountains for the ultimate challenge. Wish you were here to see it, Nora."

The virologist just shook her head in disbelief and mumbled, "Unbelievable. Braver than me."

The scene changed to a group of children playing again. Sully was running around with a su'shiri t'acto sa - a toy banshee. As he did so, weaving between playmates, someone caught Nora's eye. It was Vahlo. He was in the background and a child, a young Na'vi girl that looked to be younger than Sully, was following him. Noticing the camera in the vicinity, Vahlo scooped up the child and tried his best to avoid being caught on video. Neytiri then skirted across with hands up and said something to him that Nora couldn't quite make out. The entire visual with Vahlo and the child took mere seconds. Intrigued, Nora rewound the video and watched it again. And again. And once again, stopping it at a certain point just after Vahlo picked up the child. Nora wasn't exactly sure if what she was seeing was real or some sort of blip in the video. On the child's hand that gripped Vahlo near the armband that Nora made him were five fingers.

She sat and stared at it. "This can't be. Did someone..."

"What's the matter?" Jason asked upon his return.

"Look at this. That's Vahlo."

"Ok," her husband said, not sure where she was going with it. "Should I be worried?"

"Oh stop," she replied with a quick slap to his side. "No, look. He's holding a little girl."

"See it. So?"

"Well, who is she?"

"How would I know? She could be anybody's child. Why the concern?"

"She has five fingers. Just like Sully."

"Can't be. You sure?"


Jason squinted and leaned in for a closer look. "Yeah, it kinda looks that way. But, she's not Jake and Neytiri's, is she?"

"They just announced they were pregnant with a sibling for Sully. They would've told us if they had another child by now."

"Do you think Norm, maybe...?"


"You think he might've hooked up with a Na'vi woman?"

"He didn't mention anything."

"Well, I don't know. I'm sure there's an explanation. Maybe you can ask about it next time we hold an interstellar conference, which will probably be soon if things keep going the way they are. I've gotta go. You rest and I'll be back in time to have a little lunch with you."

"Ok," Nora mumbled while still staring at the paused screen, mesmerized.

"You okay?"

His wife didn't answer.


"Oh. Yes, love, I'll be fine." She tore her gaze away and smiled at her husband. "I'll see you for lunch. Then you promise to get me out of here?"

"We'll see about that. It's not up to me." He kissed her delicately on the lips. "Patience, my dear."

As soon as he left, Nora continued to stare at the smiling child on the paused screen who was happily giving Vahlo a quick hug before Neytiri intentionally blocked them from the camera's view. The little Na'vi girl's bright amber eyes tugged mysteriously at her heart.

Pandora, four days after Nora's departure for Earth on the Salvation.

The serious expression on Jake's face concerned Norm. The Olo'eyktan rarely contacted Tawkelku outside of scheduled visits and calls. He wasn't supposed to meet up with him and Max until the day after tomorrow when Nora's avatar was going to be moved from her resting place at Kelutral to her amnio tank for long term storage. "What's up, Jake?"

"It's Vahlo. He just came to me in quite a panic over Nora's avatar."

"Is something wrong?"

"He seems to think so. He says her avatar has changed."


"That's what he said."

"In what way?"

"He wasn't specific other than saying he's afraid it may be ill in some way. Given what happened with the counter virus here, I want Max to check her out, just in case."

"But her avatar was given the nectar and showed no signs of infection. Have you seen her?"

"Not yet. The way Vahlo was acting, it sounds serious. He's really upset. It's not like him at all. I wanted to call you first before I went to see for myself. Just in case."

"No problem. I'll get Max."

"Have him bring in his team, just in case we need to transport her back to Tawkelku right away."

"You got it."

Norm and Max quickly gathered a transport team together that included Anna, who was rapidly becoming the team's avatar specialist, three other med techs, and Lucas. Drew flew them all to Kelutral, with the exception of Norm. He entered his avatar that he last left resting in a hammock. He was already standing next to Jake at the base of Hometree when the team arrived.

"I don't like the looks on your faces," Max said as he and the team approached the pair. "What is it?"

Jake and Norm looked at each other, then Jake said, "Not really sure. Take a look for yourself."

With help from both Jake and Norm, it didn't take long for the team to climb and enter the alcove where Nora's avatar was being kept temporarily before storage. Vahlo was kneeling next to her, holding her hand. An opaque cloth spun of very light, silk-like plant fibers was draped over her body. Though empty of consciousness, she was resting quietly as if only asleep. She looked like she might wake at any moment. However, the machine she was connected to sharply contrasted that peaceful image. There was an intravenous tube attached to her arm for nourishment as well as a video display monitoring her vitals.

Max and the others stared for a moment at the avatar and then at Vahlo. At first glance, nothing seemed wrong with Nora but Vahlo was clearly in distress.

"When was her avatar to be placed in long term storage again?" Lucas asked Anna in nearly a whisper.

"Two days from now," she whispered back.

In a lowered voice, Max asked Jake, "Where's Neytiri?"

"Healing ritual. With Mo'at," Jake answered quietly. "I sent a scout to get them. They'll be here shortly."

"Vahlo," Max gently addressed the hunter. "Can you tell me what you think is wrong?"

The hunter took a moment to answer. Then in English he said, "She is taken ill."

Max studied the monitor. "Our machines show that she is fine, Vahlo."

"Kehe! Spixn!" he replied quickly.

"Sick?" Max repeated. "Will you tell me why you think that?"

"She changes."

"In what way?" Max pressed him. Vahlo then placed his hand on Nora's abdomen. Max stepped closer to Nora's avatar. "Okay. May I?"Vahlo nodded, stood up and allowed Max to check the body. The doctor placed his hand where Vahlo had his and gently massaged his hand around the area. "There's a protrusion."

"A protrusion?" Lucas asked. "What, like a tumor?"

"Don't know," he answered. "It..." Max suddenly raised his hand into the air and stared at the spot where it had just been.

"What is it, Max?" Norm asked.

Instead of answering he instructed Anna to retrieve a stethoscope from his medical pack. The med tech did. As Max listened, his face turned ashen.

"You ok, Doc?" Drew said. "You don't look so good."

Lucas took a step forward. "Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Max, c'mon," Jake urged calmly as Vahlo began to shift nervously side to side.

Quickly standing, Max looked directly at Jake. "It can't be."

At that moment, Neytiri and Mo'at entered the alcove in a flurry. "What is it?" his mate asked as she quickly took to his side.

"Vahlo is worried Nora's avatar might have taken ill somehow," Jake told her.

With one glance at her avatar, Mo'at stood frozen in place. "Oh, Eywa!" she gasped lightly. Neytiri grasped her mother's hand, also displaying the same look of astonishment.

"What is it Mo'at?" Jake asked.

Mo'at didn't answer. Instead, Neytiri cried out, "She's not sick! She's with child!"

The reaction around the room was varied. Norm's mouth fell open, as did the male med techs in the room. Anna gasped. Drew whistled under his breath. And Lucas stammered, "Wha..what?" behind his exomask.

Keeping his own calm, Jake watched as Vahlo's eyes widened and his ears twitched and flattened slightly in disbelief. "Jakesully!" he cried out, his tail slinging side to side. A torrent of emotion erupted in his native language with words familiar to all the humans in the room, like prrnen (baby), nokx (give birth to), ngazik (difficult), luke Nora (without Nora), and kxani (forbidden).

When the seasoned hunter crescendoed in panic, Jake put up his hand. "fnui'awn, tsmukan." But Vahlo did not calm down when Jake requested it of him. "Easy, Vahlo," he said more sternly in English. When his friend quieted and looked to the ground in an effort to compose himself, Jake turned to Max and asked, "Max, is this true?"

Max nodded slowly, a look of shock written all over his face. "That is a heart beat I hear. A very strong heart beat."

Once he spoke those definitive words, a stillness took over the room. Only the tinkling of the wall decorations disturbed by a mild breeze broke through the quiet.

Finally, Jake spoke. "What next, Max."

With a sigh, the doctor rubbed his chin with three closed fingers, his mind churning over all the possibilities given the current situation. "Anna, you've been studying the latest in avatar science under Krista's mentorship. What are your thoughts?"

The woman exchanged looks with Max then nervously cleared her throat. "I know what you're thinking. And..." Anna's eyes darted around the room and fell onto Vahlo. A look of deepening anxiety was getting ever more deeply etched onto his face. "It's never been done before, but it's possible to do. We should try it."

"Try what?" Neytiri asked.

"Norm, it would mean a little change of plans," Max said.

"You mean, float her in the amnio tank until...?" Norm questioned.

"It's the only way. The avatar can't sustain this state. This was only temporary. The suspension would aid in movement and fetal growth..."

"You sure about this?" Lucas interjected.

"It's never been done before," Anna said. "But, yes, it could be done."

"So this is an experiment?" Lucas asked.

"Max is right. There's no other way," Anna said in defense.

"What kind of logistics are you proposing here?" Norm asked.

"We'll need to make a complete re-evaluation back at base, but I'm certain it'll just require some fine adjustments to the amnio fluid to provide more than adequate nourishment to the mother and fetus, constant supervision and daily monitoring of stats to..." Max tried to explain, but then stopped as Mo'at approached Nora's avatar with small, deliberate steps. Everyone watched as she placed a hand lightly on the avatar's abdomen.

"But how would it, the avatar I mean, give birth?" Lucas asked incredulously.

"Lucas," Anna scolded. "Nora's avatar is alive. Don't be so weird about it."

"It's just a question," he retorted.

"A reasonable one," Max answered. "C-section."

"What is that?" Vahlo asked deeply worried.

"Yes, explain," Neytiri demanded.

"A cesarean," the doctor restated. "It's a common procedure done in human females where the baby is born by a surgical incision on the lower abdomen. It's used quite often when complications arise in the birthing process that put the mother and baby at risk." The Na'vi in the room didn't utter a word at Max's explanation. "I know how this must sound to you but this is the only way that Nora's avatar and the baby have a chance of surviving."

There was more silence as the people in the room took in and processed the information. Then they all watched as Neytiri quietly stood next to Mo'at and put her hand on top of her mother's.

Jake turned to Vahlo. "I have full confidence in Max," he reassured the hunter. Vahlo remained nearly frozen and didn't respond.

"There are risks, of course, but we'll do all we can," Max added.

When Vahlo remained unresponsive, Mo'at spoke. "I believe it is her will, Vahlo." Implying Eywa, the elder Matriarch looked up and locked eyes with him. Looking exhausted, Vahlo gave affirmation by nodding very slightly. Satisfied, Mo'at then returned to stand next to Jake. Neytiri followed and Vahlo resumed his place, kneeling next to Nora's avatar.

"There is one problem," Jake whispered under his breath, careful not to let Vahlo hear.

"Yes, I know," Norm replied equally as quiet.

"Vahlo must stay close to Nora's avatar, then."

"We can arrange for Vahlo to visit Nora's avatar at Tawkelku as often as he wishes."

"Do not worry," Neytiri said to her mate, fully understanding his worry.

"But to bond with the child? If Tsahaylu cannot occur during gestation..."

"Vahlo will be able to complete the bond," Mo'at said loudly and without hesitation. Vahlo looked up at her with inquisitive eyes.

Jake almost asked her if she was sure, then repositioned the question. "What indication is there?"

"I saw the queue move when Vahlo kneeled before her avatar," Mo'at answered softly.

"Yes, I saw it as well," agreed Neytiri.

"It did?" Norm asked. "I didn't think that could happen."

"It is definitely a sign from Eywa," the Tsahik replied. "Vahlo, did you notice?"

Stunned, Vahlo looked down at Nora's queue. His eyes widened and his mouth parted slightly in disbelief. "I did not notice before."

"I'm getting chills up my spine," Anna whispered to Lucas.

"Jake, we'll have to ready her for transport back to Tawkelku as soon as possible," Max said, getting impatient. His mind was a whirlwind of analyses and planning for what had to be done next to safeguard the avatar through the remaining months of pregnancy. When Jake nodded his approval, he turned to Anna. "I need you to return to the base immediately and begin evaluating the changes in amnio fluids needed for her tank..

"Jakesully," Vahlo said over the noise of the humans scurrying to prepare Nora's avatar. With eyes filled with uncertainty, Jake read him instantly.

"Max," Jake said. "We need to give Vahlo a few more minutes."

"Of course," he answered. "There are some items we need to get from the Samson, anyway. Let's go, everyone," he said to his team.

Jake, Norm and Neytiri made sure all the humans in the alcove made their way safely down Kelutral. Then they and Mo'at descended leaving Vahlo alone with Nora's uniltiranktokx. The hunter looked at the moving tentacles on the avatar's queue. He brought his own queue around, then closed his eyes, a bit apprehensive as to what he might feel in Tsahaylu. When the wispy tentacles intertwined, Vahlo bowed his head thankfully and smiled.

After Jake, Neytiri, Mo'at and Norm landed on the ground at the base of their Hometree, the foursome gathered together near a lit fire pit to privately discuss the latest turn of events.

"How will he be able to bond if she's in the tank...?" Norm started.

Jake interrupted him. "The amnio fluid isn't toxic, Norm. We can stay for great lengths of time under water. The amnio fluid shouldn't be a concern."

Norm thought about it for a second. "You're right."

"But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, we need to support Vahlo. He's going to have a child and we all will need to assist him in raising him."

"Her," Mo'at said.

"Her," Jake quickly corrected himself. "We'll need to help raise her." He was still easily astonished at Mo'at's paranormal abilities.

"Mother, I knew it!" Neytiri exclaimed. "I sensed it, too."

Mo'at proudly smiled at her daughter. "You are understanding Eywa more and more, Neytiri."

"Well, Nora's sure going to be surprised about this when she gets back to Earth," said Norm.

"No," Neytiri said. "She must not know. Not right away."

"What do you mean? We can't keep this from her," Norm argued.

"She's right, Norm," Jake said. "This could be very devastating to her knowing she left her avatar pregnant."

"But, it doesn't seem proper," Norm said. "She's the mother."

"We'll have lots of time to discuss the best way to handle this," Jake said. "We first have to get past the baby's birth."


"Norm," Mo'at said. "It is the will of Eywa."

With that, Norm dropped the subject. The four then stood before the fire pit watching the flames dance before them, all of them wondering in silence what the future would bring in light of this strange new circumstance intertwining the lives of the Na'vi with Earth's humans.

A/N: I will be reviewing this story in full to make sure nothing is amiss and possibly making minor edits before I tag it complete. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!