AUTHORS NOTE: I do believe that this story is now complete with this chapter and if it aint then eh, who cares. I'm leaving it here. I might give you a wedding sequel at a later date so watch this space.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the characters, apart from Ewan, Ronan and Jenny.


"Hey handsome," Stuart looked up at the door and saw Ewan standing there, Ronan holding his hand. They'd both agreed that Ronan shouldn't come visit him until he looked a little less scary and now, two weeks later, the purple bruising had nearly faded and the only wounds visible were from the small shards of glass that had nearly cut his eyes but his little girl didn't seem to mind as she ran into the room and wrapped her arms around his legs.

"I've missed my daddy!" She squealed and Stuart couldn't help but laugh as he gestured for her to climb up onto the bed, he still wasn't strong enough to lift her, so that he could give his princess a real hug. She didn't need telling twice. She was bouncing on the bed, her arms out wide, within two seconds of his gesture and Stuart's face broke out in a grin as he pulled her into his arms, his lips pressing a kiss to her temple.

"Daddy missed you too," he promised causing her to hold onto him a little tighter but he wouldn't let her see the discomfort. He needed this embrace as much as his little girl did and he could see Ewan smiling at them from his position at the doorway. "Now tell me, Ronan, why isn't dad joining in this hug?"

"I don't know daddy!" She said turning round and glaring at Ewan. "Why you not hugging daddy, dad?" She demanded to know and Ewan just laughed. The little girl was always team Stuart, even though Stuart would argue that there was no such thing as teams in their household, whenever there was a situation and he found it sweet. Moving over to them, he wrapped his arms around them both before pressing a small kiss to Stuart's lips.

"I thought the princess would want some time alone with her daddy before I stole him away," he said sincerely causing Ronan to giggle before she grabbed hold of Stuart and using her hips to push Ewan out of the way.

"No! He's mine," she squealed happily causing the two men to laugh.

"Hey! I thought you were mine!" A voice from behind said that sounded a lot like Robbie and Ronan let go of her daddy before sprinting across the bed and literally diving into her uncle's arms, her giggles loud as he blew raspberries against her cheeks.

"I'm replaced so easily," Stuart teased looking at Ewan and the man just laughed.

"You're the only one for me," he promised before looking around at the little room. "So did you pack everything?" He asked grabbing hold of the suitcase just as the nurse walked into the room with a wheelchair, closely followed by Burke, Jenny and Jackie.

"And what do you think you're doing with that?" Stuart demanded glaring at the contraption as if it was about to come alive and eat him whole. "Ronan, do you want a ride?" He asked reaching out for his daughter ignoring the glare of the nurse.

"Detective Fraser, it is hospital policy that patients leave in the..."

"Get in the chair," Ewan said wrapping his arms around his husband and pressed a kiss to his lips. "You might as well get used to the pampering because the minute we're back at McIntyre Manor, you're on your own cowboy." He teased causing Stuart to laugh.

"So what will it take for you to take care of me?" He joked sitting down in the chair, grunting as Ronan bounced into his lap the minute he did waiting for the ride that he had promised her before turning back to Ewan. "Actually die?"

"Babe, if you actually died, I'd bring you back and murder you all over again."

"Detectives, I believe that was a death threat." Stuart said whining to the other three detectives standing in the room with them.

"I'd help him," Burke said with a shrug.

"I'd help him bury the body," Robbie promised moving to take hold of a box of medication that Ewan was struggling with.

"Then I'd provide him with an alibi," Jackie said moving to grab hold of the wheelchair handles so that she could push him out of the hospital.

"And if all else fails, I'll state that he was insane." Jenny chipped in after the three detective's had thrown out their suggestions, causing everyone to laugh even Stuart despite the fact it was his murder they were so thoughtfully planning out.

"Well I'm glad you'd all take care of Ewan when I'm gone," he joked before smiling as he left the small little ward room. "I need blue face paint so I can shout "Freedom" and look cool while doing it," he joked lightly causing the team to laugh as they shook their head. Ronan cuddled up to her daddy, her hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat and her head tucked in at the nook of his neck as if making sure that he was still there with her. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his arms wrapping around her as his own silent promise that he was there and never leaving her. "I fancy pizza. Who wants take out?"

"Oh Stuart..." They all laughed causing him to grin.

Stuart had won.

McIntyre Manor, as it was affectionately known as, was now empty besides the three that lived there and a mountain of pizza boxes but neither of them wanted to move. Jackie had kindly offered to take care of Ronan for the night so that they could be alone together even if it was just cuddling on the couch like they were.

"Are you ever going to ask me?" Ewan finally said disturbing Stuart's slight slumber but he was now intrigued so he shifted gently, wincing despite the small movements, so that he could look into his partner's face.

"Am I ever going to ask you what?"

"What I meant when I called you my husband?" He ran his hands through the blonde hair. "Don't even try and deny that it didn't disturb you, I know it did."

"Babe, I know it was from the shock of having me alive and with you again. I'd be the same with you," he said covering up his thoughts but he could see that Ewan didn't buy it because the man just laughed before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Is that what Doctor Scott said?"

"No. Doctor Scott actually said..." he then decided that that was a conversation he wasn't ready for so he sat up, his hand against his ribs as he observed the mess. "Come on, let's tidy up so that your OCD doesn't go overboard and you turn in to a monster." He joked lightly attempting to stand up but Ewan took hold of his wrist.

"Stuart, I'm trying to talk to you here and I'd appreciate it if you didn't run away from me, not this time." Normally Stuart would get pissed at that sentence but he knew that it was right. The last argument had resulted in him running out of the house without even a goodbye and then Ewan had nearly had to face the idea that he would never see his husband again.

"Fine." He said sitting back against the man, allowing him to wrap his arms around him and press a kiss to his temple. "What is it you meant by saying that, Ewan?"

"I want to marry you, Stuart."

"Oh not this crock again," he said attempting to move again but Ewan refused to let go of his grip causing Stuart to call him a few names that basically had the jist of him being extremely stubborn but allowed for the man to continue on his silly little speech that he would totally rebuff.

"Yes, this crock again. Stuart Fraser, are you telling me that you don't want to get married?" This time, Stuart's attempts worked and he managed to pull free. He moved to stand in front of the large fire before turning to look at him, his hands holding onto his chest still but he decided to ignore the slight pain that was building.

"Ewan, yes. I do want to get married. I, however, want to get married for love."

"And so do I." Ewan snapped. "I've already done a marriage of convenience and I can tell you now, it sucks. They're a complete waste of everyone's time and I'd never want to put anyone through that. I'm not going to lie it would be convenient for the pair of us but that's not the only reason. I want the whole world to know that I, Ewan McIntyre, have the love of a man so damned precious the rest of the population should be jealous. I want to walk down an aisle and tell our friends and family that this is for forever."

"I don't do divorce," Stuart pointed out with a grin.

"And I'd be heartbroken if you did," Ewan admitted taking the steps to stand right in front of Stuart. "And besides, the minute you say I do to me, you're never leaving. Ever."

"Oh someone seems pretty sure of himself,"

"No." Ewan said wrapping his arms around Stuart's waist and pulling him close. "I'm pretty sure in us and we can make it. I know we can. So," he pulled away and knelt down on the floor, "I'm sorry that I have no engagement ring but tomorrow I promise to buy us the world's most beautiful promise rings in the world," he said with a laugh causing Stuart to smile, "Detective Stuart Fraser, will you make me, Glasgow's Most Wanted criminal," he grinned while Stuart laughed, "the honour of being my husband."

"Well I'll think about..." He stopped short when Ewan picked him up and started spinning him around. "Okay, you idjit. Of course, I will." Ewan put him down on the floor, a smile on his face as he leant in and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Now that was the right answer."

"So do I get a prize?"

"Me?" Ewan said with a wink making the man smile.

"Oh I don't know," but then at that moment Ewan kissed the sensitive spot behind his ear and he whimpered, "you are more than enough for me," he said with a smile, his lips pressing against the man's as he grinned into the kiss.

It seems everyone does get their second chance after all.