UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! :33

Alfred backed up a few feet from the creepy man and glanced nervously over at Arthur.

"Ivan!" Arthur snapped, stomping his foot.

Ivan glanced over at Arthur, his creepy smile vanishing to a sneer. He stepped up to Arthur, towering over the smaller man.

"I was not the one who punched someone in the jaw...." Ivan glanced back to Alfred who flinched back. ".....when I just met them."

Alfred gritted his teeth and stood up straight.

"Well I wasn't the one who judged someone before they even know them, jerk!"

Ivan giggled and then shot his hand out and grabbed Alfred by the front of his shirt, pulling him close against him.

"What of it? I always state the truth."

"You asshole!" Alfred growled and started to claw at his hand.

Ivan let out another giggle, "Awww, you are acting so much like a kitty cat."

Alfred stopped struggling and glared fiercly at the man.

"Uhh....you two. Please don't go killing each other. Af-after all you have to work together." Arthur carefully walked over slowly and pulled Ivan's hand off of Alfred's shirt.

Alfred huffed out and turned his back on the rude man and started to walk away.

"Running home with your tail between your legs, hmmm?" Ivan teased.

"Alfred! Where are you going? Don't you want to work tonight?"

Alfred let out a sigh and turned back around. Both Ivan and Arthur were staring at him, waiting for an answer. His mother's threat briefly flew across his mind, but then Ivan's mouth spread out and up into a smirk that was just expecting Alfred to say he quit and was going home. Alfred narrowed his eyes and walked back over to the two. He flicked his eyes over to Arthur and let out a huge sugar-sweet smile.

"Of course I will work tonight, Arthur." He looked over to Ivan, the smile still in place, "After all, I wouldn't want Ivan here to be all alone back here. I can make sure he won't accidently choke himself with his scarf."

Ivan's smirk twitched and his eyes narrowed. That was not the answer he expected.

Arthur broke into a smile. "That's wonderful! We are...ah, actually a bit short-staffed tonight."

Alfred looked back over to Arthur. "Do you mind if I make a quick phone call before I start?"

Arthur nodded his head. "Sure, of course. I will give you your Hollister card that will have your number to clock in and-"


Arthur and Alfred looked over at the door to see a pouting boy with shoulder-length blonde hair, vibrant green eyes, and wearing a skirt over jeans standing there with one hand on his hip and the other holding car keys, while hanging on his shoulder, he had a bright pink bag.

Alfred raised both eyebrows and tried blinking a few times. Nope, he was still a dude. His light-blue T-shirt most deffintly was not covering boobs. Flat as a table top.

"Oh joy, you're here Feliks."

"Of course I am! When you called me this morning, like telling me we got a new shipment of boxes, like what the fuck did you expect me to do? Leave it to you who would just get one of our co-workers to slowly go through one box per three hours, or to Ivan who would end up ripping the clothes? Hell no!"

Arthur groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm glad you take your job so seriously."

"Fuck right I do." Feliks stomped over to the lockers and opened one of the top ones where he shoved his bag in and closed it with a slam. He looked back over and finally noticed Alfred who was standing there wondering what part of California this valley-girl came from. "Who the hell are you?"

Alfred snapped his mind away from his ponderings and held out his hand. "I'm Alfred Jones. I start work in a few minutes. First job."

The boy stared at Alfred's hand then looked behind him at Ivan who was, unknown to Alfred, frowning at the American.

"Awesome! You seem great! My name is Feliks Lukas, and any one that pisses off Ivan is a friend to me."

"Huh?" Alfred looked back at Ivan, but the man was now glaring at Feliks.

"All-righty then! That call you were going to make...?" Arthur cut in.

"Oh right!"

Alfred smiled at his manager then turned around and walked out of the back room. Like he would let Ivan listen in to his phonecall to his mother? Psshhh!

"Hello Alfred sweetie! I hope your on your way home right now!"

"Uhh....not exactly..."

Alfred heard his mom suck in a breath and he could imagine her face twisting into anger.

"What are you implying dear?"


"Hold it right there young-"

Alfred shut his phone with a snap and let out a held breath. That went well. He is going to be so dead once he goes home. You never anger his mom, that included him.

"She wasn't very happy, da?"

Alfred cried out and twisted around in the dim light. His foot tripped over the edge of the carpet and he stumbled to the right, hitting one of the fake plants before he regained his balance.

"What the fuck dude! Where the hell did you come from!?"

Alfred looked around Ivan to see the door that led to the back room still swinging slightly. How come he didn't hear Ivan come out? Was he that sucked into the phone call?

Ivan just stared boredly at Alfred. "Nyet, you are just too brain-dead to notice people around you." Alfred was about to sock him another when Ivan gave a cough. "Please move, you are in my way.

Alfred looked down to see Ivan holding a pile of neatly folded shirts. He looked back up at the Russian and smirked. "O course."

Alfred then stepped off to the side, but as Ivan began to walk past, he slid his foot in front of him, causing Ivan to give a yelp as he fell face-first on to the ground. The neatly folded shirts flew forward and landed in a messy heap next to Ivan.

"Oops. My bad." Alfred flashed a grin down at Ivan who was gathering the fallen shirts. His grin vanished and he gulped in fear when Ivan looked up at him with the most meanancing dirty look Alfred has ever seen. He started to head quickly for the back door when Ivan snarled out.

"Where do you think you are running off too?"

Ivan grabbed one of the loops of Alfred's jeans and tugged harshly. Alfred lost his footing a second time and fell backwards on to the ground beside the Russian. Alfred hissed out in pain and raised his fist to punch the fucking asshole when a loud cough rang out above them. Both Alfred and Ivan looked up to see Romano, Arthur, Feliks, and two other people hovering above them with looks of amusement to anger.

"Like, what the hell do you two clowns think you are doing!?" Feliks growled out.

"Yes, I would like to know as well. " Arthur stated dryly, arms folded across his chest.

At the same exact time, both Alfred and Ivan glanced back at each other.

"This is war, you commie!"

"Likewise, you stupid cat."

"I'm not a cat you idiot!"

"You sure have the temperment of one."

"Ugh! Yea? Well you are a evil communist who is spying on poor innocent Americans!"

"Really? Where do you come up with such foolish ideas?"

"They are not-"

"ENOUGH!" Arthur shouted. Luckily there were no customers in the store right now.

Alfred and Ivan froze and Alfred realized that their mouths were mere inches away from each other and pulled back in disgust.

"Both of you, get up and go to the back! Alfred, I want you to fold the pile that you caused to become unfolded, and Ivan, I want you to show him how." Arthur ranted out. When Alfred and Ivan did not move, he stomped his foot again. "NOW!"

Alfred cursed, stumbled up and stormed into the back room. He hoped the door swung back and hit the Russian in the face.

Please Review! REVIEWS ARE LOVE! 3