Haiyo~ It's been so long since an update, like four months? Oh my… I'm sorry it took so long but here's the finale to my wonderful story, Promise.

Hope ya enjoy it~


Classes have been real quiet these days. Bella hasn't come to school in awhile. Come to think of it, Edward's been ditching school too. I wonder why… I haven't been speaking with the others as well. Leah especially. She hurt me way too much.

As lunch came, I went to join the lunch queue and got my food. As I walked towards the table I now sat at, I saw that the other Cullens had already gotten their food and resumed to their non eating style. I didn't understand why they took the food knowing they would waste it but I also couldn't be bothered to ask.

I really liked the Cullens. Emmett and Jasper especially. Emmett's hysterical. You can always count on him to lighten your mood when you're feeling down. Jasper on the other hand is the quiet one but he provides a good listening ear and when I'm with him, I feel calmer, more at peace with myself – the pain that I got from Leah just seems to disappear. They're both great and they never looked at me like I'm an idiot. It seems like I was the only one in the dark about Leah cheating on me. Lauren & Co – as Bella so affectionately called them – all knew about Leah and Sam. When I found out, Lauren especially laughed the loudest and the rest just followed their pathetic leader.

"Yo, earth to Jacob. You there?" Emmett almost shouted as I was again, in a daze. I've been daydreaming more and more these days. Guess that depression thing does that to you. But what can a guy do? He's been rejected twice. Yeah I know Bells never meant any harm but she still chose Edward over me. No resentment towards Edward though. I'm just saying.

Alice cleared her throat. "Anyway, this here's for you Jacob." She handed me a pink envelop and boy did it look and feel expensive. Even the envelop was decorated with elegant patterns.

I examined it closely. Must be about something pretty special. Man, if the envelop looks so fancy, I bet the inside is even fancier. Slowly, I opened the envelope – making sure I didn't ruin the fancy paper – and pulled out the invitation card inside. As I predicted, it was even fancier than the envelope that it was kept in. I flipped open the card and read the contents.

As I read through, my eyes bulged wide open and I felt my heart tear a little. Hey, I still loved her…

"Bella's getting married?" I asked. This was truly shocking news. Bella just turned seventeen and she's getting married? So soon? Not saying that Edward won't be able to keep her happy for a lifetime – hell, he'd better or he's gonna have to deal with me.

The lil pixie gave me a small smile, "Yes, they're getting married in three months."

"B-but why? Why so soon? I mean, can't they like… y'know… wait?" my eyes bulged and I was getting really agitated. "Don't tell me!" I stood up from my seat, "He knocked her up! He freaking knocked her up didn't he?" I bellowed and for a second, the whole cafeteria turned to stare at me. I quickly sat down and shook my head. They all soon diverted back to what they were doing before I shouted.

"No… no! Edward would never do that… I'm insulted that you think of my brother that way," Alice chided.

"Then what? Please explain this sudden urge to get married? I mean, they're only teenagers for crying out loud! They haven't even graduated from High School and they're already planning a lifelong commitment?"

"Yo, Jake. Chill…" Emmett put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged his shoulder away. How can I calm down? When Bella is getting married at what… seventeen?

I suddenly felt a soothing effect in my body and I calmed down immediately. That's just plain freaky. One minute my blood was boiling and the next, I felt calm as the ocean.

Looking that I wasn't shivering anymore, Alice took in a deep breath. "Okay, have you calmed down enough for me to explain?"

I nodded fearing that if I opened my mouth, I would just snap and yell again. Didn't want to make a scene in this god damned place…

"Carlisle got an extremely good job placement in New York and the whole family's moving there hence, Edward and Bella will be separated. And the only solution that we can think of for them to not be separated was that they get married. Edward already popped the question and Bella agreed Jacob. She wasn't forced to or anything. She truly wants to spend her whole life with him."

"But Bells has only known him for what? Less than a year? How can she be so sure he's the one she wants?" I questioned.

I thought it would leave them dumb founded – that they would be unable to answer – but Rosalie answered for everyone. "Trust me Jacob. Bella and Edward have known each other practically her entire life. He's the only one she wants to be with."

I didn't know what else to say. After Bella rejected me, I had always hoped that she would change her mind and that she would come to love me again and that she would leave Edward. And when that time comes, I would be waiting for her. I was always selfishly hoping for this but it looked like it was all futile. I had wasted my chance with her but after what Rose said; it looks like I never ever got a chance at truly earning Bella's affections. She always looked like she was waiting for something. Like when I first met her…

I remember the way her hair flowed with the wind as she stared out into the blue ocean with her arms wrapped around herslef as if she was trying to hold herself and prevent herself from breaking into pieces. She looked like she was looking for something but didn't know where or what it was. I remember her looking like a complete mess as the way her father said she was and I also remember the tears that flowed out of her warm chocolate brown eyes.

She looked so sad, so lost on that day when I first met her. But it was understandable, her mom just died. But who wouldn't be? When my mom died, my sisters just lost it, so did my father. I didn't really understand what was going on – I was so young at that time. But then again, Bella looked different. She looked like she had been lost or something and that the only hand that was guiding through the maze was gone but yet, she knew there was another somewhere in the darkness but she just didn't know where it was.

When I went to talk to her, she looked like she was in a dreamland or sorts. She didn't seem like she belonged in this world or anything. She was just lost somewhere unreachable. But soon, as I spent more time with her, she started smiling again. I would hold her hand when she was down and she would do the same for me. We became the best of friends soon enough and without me realizing, I feel in love with her.

But I was so blinded by Leah I didn't notice it. So, when Jessica came and opened her big mouth and told me that Bella liked me, I turned her down flat. Now when I think about it, I realize how stupid I was. Fate had given me a chance to be with Bella but I threw it away like a piece of paper. I didn't seize the opportunity when it knocked and now, she's with someone else. But, she's happy. And that's what matters.


"Did you hear? Bella's getting married," Lauren whispered into Jessica's ear.

It's English now and its one of the worse periods ever as the two biggest gossipers in the whole school – specifically Lauren and Jessica – are in the same class and they're like right behind me. Jessica told me the news of Bella's crush during English too.

Man, now that I think about it, all I could think was what the hell was I thinking when I rejected her that time. I was so blinded, so stupid! But what's done is done… I inched myself a little away from the bitches to avoid what they were about to say but man were they loud!

"Yeah, she's knocked up I tell ya… Bella's sure smart. Getting all hot with the hottest guy in school and forcing him to marry her now? Man, she's a bitch!" Lauren whispered to Jessica.

"You got that right. And to think she acted all sweet and innocent at the start. She's been hiding that bitchy self all along. Bitch," Jessica mumbled back.

"So… Are you going to the wedding?" Jessica added.

"Heck no! I don't want to see that whore have her hands all over the most gorgeous guy in the whole wide world. He's too good for her!"

They continued their endless rant and though I wanted to defend Bella, I didn't know how. Wouldn't want to cause a scene now do I… I just tried to block out everything I didn't want to hear and pay attention to the teacher but that was so freaking hard…

When the bell for the end of class rang, I literally jumped out of my seat and left the classroom. As I went over to my Rabbit, I decided not to head home. Instead, I decided to drive down to Port Angeles to have some alone time to think through things.

There's going to be a bonfire tonight at the reservation and since Billy is like the head of the council and all, there's bound to be loads of people at home and getting some peace would be like asking a dog to moo instead of bark.

I needed time to think. I dashed through the pouring rain to my Rabbit on the other side of the parking lot and quickly unlocked the doors and jumped in and turned on the heat. Man it was cold. As I placed my backpack on the passenger seat, I took out the wedding invitation that Alice passed to me during lunch.

I opened the card and read the contents once again.

You are cordially invited to the wedding of




13 March 2010

Cullen's Residence

After I read through the card for about a thousand times, I threw it aside on my bag and started the car and made my way to Port Angeles.

After a long car ride through the rain, I arrived at Port Angeles. Man, I really hope the rain would stop. If this doesn't stop, we're not going to have a bonfire but a house party and that would just suck to the core. They would never leave and there would be nowhere for me to escape to.

Pulling up my hoodie, I started walking and thinking about what happened today. Bella's getting married and it causing quite the amount of gossip in school. I myself am starting to doubt if Bella was making the right choice. I mean, they're still so young. You don't get married at seventeen.

Bella's my best friend no matter what and I don't want her to make the wrong choices. I don't want her to regret this in ten twenty years time when she looks through her photos and think whether she made the right choice or not. I want her to be happy. Can Edward give her that? The Cullens all say that they are certain Edward is the one but what about Bella? I need to know. I don't know why but I feel the need to keep her safe not just because I love her but because she is my friend and she's always been there for me.

Just then, as I walked down the quiet street, I saw Bella and Edward on the other side and walking towards me. They were holding each other close and looking through the shops. Now that I think about it, this street was filled with wedding boutiques so I would assume they were here to find a dress for the wedding. They were smiling and laughing and totally consumed in their little world that they didn't notice that they were walking towards me.

Bella was smiling like I've never seen her smile before and she carried that happy warm glow around her. Anyone standing twenty feet from this couple would not think that they were too young to be wedding dress shopping or anything. They would be thinking about how happy they are and wish they too could be like these two. Edward can make Bella happy.

If you were to look at Bella closely, you would see that she isn't as pale as she was as before. She gained a little weight too but that made her even prettier. She's also dressed warmer with a pink beanie and scarf around her neck. Her clothes looked expensive too and not those clothes she got from Phoenix. Without having even tied the knot, her life was turning for the better.

Edward was first to notice that I was in front of them and he turned and smiled at me. At that instant, Bella too turned and smiled. The happy couple quickly walked over to me and all I could let out was a nervous hi. I didn't know what to say…

Bella let out a pearly white smile and held on my hands as I looked at her. "How've you been Jake? Haven't seen you since Edward and I dropped out of school."

I forced myself to smile at her but quickly took my hands and hid them in my pockets. "I'm fine. Why did you drop out of school?" I decided to act like I'm oblivious to everything and ask even though I knew the answer.

Bella looked a little shock, "Oh! Alice didn't tell you? I thought I told her to give you the invite earlier on," Bella starting speaking really quickly like Alice and this was so unlike her.

Edward cleared his throat a little and wrapped one of his arms around Bella. Bella giggled a little, "Sorry Jake. I'm just so excited. Anyway, I'm getting married to Edward."

"Ah! Now that I think about it, the lil pixie did mention it to me," I smiled at the happy couple.

"So you're coming right?" Edward asked. I was a little shocked that he asked as he was silent for quite awhile.

"You bet cha. Wouldn't miss it for the world…"

Bella clapped before mentioning that they were going to take their wedding photos. I pardoned myself as I looked at the time and realized I was so lost in thought that I also lost track of time. I needed to be home soon. I said my goodbyes before running to my Rabbit.

As I turned around one last time to look at Bella and Edward, I saw them kiss and I saw how happy Bella was. Yes… Even though I hate to admit it, Edward is the one for her. He can make her happy. There' nothing to worry about. With that, I sighed and continued to make my way back to my Rabbit.


Twilight soon came and before I knew it, everyone was huddled together near a huge fire and just passing food around and chatted aimlessly among their own groups.

For me, I just sat at a corner and ate a burger. I was not in a party mood these days. My dad was with the other council members as they chatted about stuff. Though I know that he wishes he was sitting with me, it was his job to sit there and be with the other council members. The leader of the council has to be there to watch over things and stuff…

As I continued nibbling on my burger, a lady who was clearly older than me with raven black hair came and sat with me. I've never seen her before so I would assume that she's from the other village nearby – heck, I couldn't remember the name. She too looked like she was depressed about something and couldn't stand parties.

I continued staring at her as she stared into the fire before turning and looked at me before smiling. I didn't know how to react so I just turned away from her gaze and took a big bite out of my burger.

She continued staring and giving me that kind smile and slowly, I turned to look at her to and noticed her features as my eyes bulged wide open. She has a very pretty face but one would miss this from the huge scar that crossed from the right side of her face all the way down to her arm. It looked like a bear attacked her or something.

She noticed that I had seen her scar and I was left dumbfounded. She gave out a light chuckle before speaking. "I know it's awful but can you be anymore obvious?"

I quickly looked away and apologized as she laughed out the sweetest laugh next to Bella's I've ever heard and came to sit closer to me.

"Doesn't matter. People stare all the time to the point where you don't really care about it anymore."

"Well, if it makes it any better, you have a very pretty face under that mark," the words just slipped out of my mouth. What the hell did I just say? What the hell? I quickly turned my head and cussed myself under my breath.

She smiled and looked down at her plate of food before turning and looking at my direction again. "Why thank you very much. I don't know if you know me and all but hi, I'm Emily." She took out her hand and held it there for me to shake it.

"Jacob. Jacob Black," I stuttered as I took her hand and shook hers.

"Pleased to meet you Jacob," she smiled again and for the first time in a long while, I felt the warmth I felt when my mom was still around.

Soon, I got to know Emily more and more. In a way, I was using her as I was lonely and she felt so much like a motherly figure to me. She understood the pain I was feeling as she had been dumped by Sam before. She truly loved him and he just ripped her heart out one day and throttled all over it. It made me sick just to think about the pain Sam caused to so many.

Emily moved down to the reservation with her mom and her house wasn't very far away from mine so I usually went to her home to hang out. She was older than me by two years and decided to skip College when her father passed away. She needed to help her mother with the kids at home while mommy was out at work. I liked going to her home as it was much livelier there as compared to my own home and Billy didn't mind I went there if it meant I could be happier every time I got home.

Without each of us realizing it, we soon became the best of friends and I soon started to fall for her and to my surprise, she felt the same for me. As we started dating, I started to spend more and more time with her and her brothers and sisters and we bonded even more.

I decided to take her to Bella's wedding and she was happy to go to see who was this girl that I couldn't let go no matter what. I still was super protective of Bella but the moment I saw her walk down the aisle towards Edward, I accepted everything and let her go. She truly looked happy and the way Edward looked at her was intense – like nothing I've ever seen before.

As she looked at me, she gave me a breathtaking smile as she saw that I too had found someone special and she looked even more gorgeous in her wedding gown. As they took their vows, I suddenly had a vision of me there taking my vows with my future wife and how happy I was to finally be with my other half.

As the wedding soon ended, I danced with Bella for one song before Edward claimed her back. They took turns to shove cake into each other's mouth and did all the standard wedding stuff. As the night soon ended, Bella came and gave everyone a hug before getting into the car and driving to the airport for her honeymoon.

As I saw the car she was in drive off into the distance, I put my arm around Emily's waist and held her close as she placed her head on my chest.

Goodbye Bella. I'll miss you.


Today's the big day. As I looked out through my room's window as I put on my tux, I thought through what was happening. I was getting married. And to Emily no less. She completed me in every way possible and I'm just ecstatic to make her my wife.

So many things have happened these 5 years. I haven't seen Bella since she got married. Even Charlie doesn't know what happened. She never visited for the holidays or anything but we would occasionally receive letters from her and Edward telling us that she was okay and for us to not worry.

I knew she was doing perfectly well as she sounded so happy in her letters but I really wished she was here now. I wanted for her to attend my wedding.

"You ready son? It's time," my father said as he peeped through the door. I checked myself one last time and went out the door as I waited for my bride.

The music soon started playing as Emily walked down the aisle and towards me. I couldn't help but smile as I saw how gorgeous she's become. Even with her scar on her face, she was still the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world.

As I turned my head a little to the side to look at the audience, something caught my eyes.


She was standing behind the bushes and trees and she's changed so much in her physical appearance that I hardly recognized her. She's become even more beautiful but also became paler. She hasn't aged one bit and I was questioning myself if I was imagining things.

She smiled at me as I took Emily's hand and we said our vows. As the priest pronounced us man and wife, I looked at the corner of my eye but Bella wasn't there anymore. I must have imagined the whole thing up.

Emily looked a little concerned but I just smiled and kissed her when the priest told me I could kiss the bride. I whispered an 'I love you' into her ears as our lips parted and she came and stood closer to me as I held her.

She's finally mine and nothing is going to take her away from me.


As I took one last glance at my best friend and his bride, I couldn't help but smile as I walked away from the scene. He too found his happily ever after just like me and I couldn't be happier.

He's no longer alone.

As I took my husband's hand, we bid goodbye to Forks and made our way to our new home. I didn't really know where we would be going but I didn't care. As long as I am with him, everything would be alright.

This isn't a goodbye to Forks forever. We would be back very soon. After all, we had forever to be together.

And it is finally finished! *Takes a tissue and wipes her tears away*

Again, I am truly sorry it took so long for me to update.

Any whoooo~ The next story I'm going to put my heart and soul to would be Kidnapped. And after that, I'm thinking of going back to Two Faces and rewriting it. Someone asked if I wanted a more experienced writer to rewrite it for me and it just bugs me. So I have decided to recreate the fuzzy I've created in Two Faces.

I'm currently on my study break so I'm going to put all my heart into preparing for my exams so I'm not sure when I'll update.

Once again (and for the last time here), thank you for all the wonderful love and support you've given me throughout the whole of my journey with Promise. I got my love for writing back and I don't think I'll want to lose it again.

Many thanks to the readers and also The Time Traveler's Wife who is the inspiration to me writing Promise. I owe the author of that story big time.

Oh yes, I made a blog for all my fics so do go check it out. www(.)lilvampgirl(.)blogspot(.)com – remove the brackets and you're good to go!

It's time for bed so I bid you wonderful people goodbye and before you leave, do leave a review if you could spare me the time!

Many loves,