In Dilemma

Summary: After an 'unthinkable' takes place, Roy chooses to stay as a single parent. Sixteen years later, with a child to care for, he starts questioning his own decision: Did he take the right step? Eventual JeanxRoy, someonexRoy MPREG.

AN: My first ever...the seme!guyxRoy Mpreg (though that 'someone' is just a camio)...and a second JeanxRoy fanfic. Can't speak of the initial pairing yet or else there wouldn't be any fun, right? XD Requested by Fiama D'Wills. I hope that you guys find this to your liking.

Disclaimer: *sighs* If only...

Warning: The following unbeta'd fic you're about to view contains yaoi and mpreg. Don't like mpregs? Then please! By all means. No flames. Thank you. Now, on with za fic! :P


Chapter I: Seriously?


Roy stared dully at his foster mother, a hand on his belly and the other clutching his hair. It wasn't grief that struck him; it was shock. That too, one of those shocks that came suddenly with a full blown force taking one's breathe away and perhaps also his mind, leaving him to wonder about the animosity which the great power above held against him.

Roy was no exception.

He too had fallen prey to this power's wrath. For what, of course, was still a matter of mystery.

"W-what?" The teenager asked, voice shaky and squeaking with anxiety or disbelief.

His mother gave a slow firm nod for at which Roy died a million deaths.

"I think," began Madam Christmas, "That you should talk to him. Tomorrow, preferably." She cleared her voice, backing away by half a step as Roy threw her a...well, the same dull and dumb look but it unmistakably screamed out to the woman to explain herself. That...and how she knew.

The older woman started encircling her fingers in the air, barely uttering a word when she was mentally or rather, visually interrupted by her son's thoughtless yet irritated narrowing of eyes that was too minute of an action to catch hold of but not undetectable by any chance. Not by Madam Christmas who happened to raise this boy as her own for years. And the said boy was giving her a look which clearly shouted, 'No mothers-know-everything crap!'

"That is I'm saying", She replied, carefully choosing her words, "It has to be a 'he' because if it's a she who-"

-This time, Roy's glare became prominent, inky black eyes flickering with a short term rage.

"-I mean, if it's a 'she'...then...shameful!"

The rage started to melt from Roy's eyes, appeased at his mother's reasoning only to be filled with the earlier emptiness now, with a tinge of hurt.

"But it was just one night!" He still persisted, hoping as we all hope, for the otherwise.

"That was enough to do its job!" The woman shrugged.

Which of course wasn't much of a comfort to the eighteen year old. He remained silent for a while before looking up at her again, the hope in his eyes dimming by now.

"I-I'm a male. Doesn't that count?"

"Well, fuck you!"

"He did fuck me! That's why all of this is happening!" Roy let out a screech, eyes seemed to be vibrating with a glossiness which increased with each passing seconds and by lord, did those eyes ever shine! Roy had to blink several times to keep those 'something in the eyes' from not sliding down his cheeks.

He had still some manhood left in him to do that.

Crying like a...woman!

"This not right! I'm...I'm gonna sue him! I'm gonna kill him! Rape him, slice him and feed him to the dogs! I'm...I'm...a man! DARN IT!"

Chris smirked with obviousness, her voice ringing it just as the same, "You're an alchemy nerd!"

Roy's head hung low for the second time since his entry to his unlikely home.

Of course. Alchemy. Scientific mumbo-jumbo. That was the reason behind it. The root of all evils. How, though, was still a blur in Roy's head but what else could be blamed for this?

"That bastard!" He sighed painfully, hand gripping his belly even tighter than before. And the referred person was sure to be lying in a bloody pulp amongst the damp sewers or better yet, scorched beyond recognition- that much was certain. It was he who was to blame for most of the part. He did it! He was the cause of Roy's dilemma.


Well, a simple answer.

Roy Mustang, age eighteen, was pregnant.


That was it. Short chapter. I know! But this is just a prologue. The next chapters will hopefully be longer. -.-

So, what do you think? Like it? Hate it? Please do let me know through your reviews. If I get sufficient reviews, I'll continue. Otherwise... *sniffs* I'll have to delete it. So, please review guys!