"Tina: The Untold Story" Chapter Five - New Revelations

After a year and a half at being at the whorehouse, Jeanette, who had now changed her name to Tina, no longer had thoughts of escaping. Her original motive to move up in the ranks, was that she could make it to the streets, then make a break for it. However, since then, the more she went with the flow of life at the whorehouse, the more she liked it, while at the same time, the staff had been brainwashing her. Today was Tina's big day, as she was being graduated from D block, which meant she was no longer a D girl, and now, a full-fledged prostitute.

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time." Tina said, as Lori escorted her down a corridor she never walked before.

"You're gonna knock 'em dead!" Lori said. "You heard the Boss, with you being the only brunette around here, you're automatically dark and mysterious compared to the other girls... use that to your advantage."

"Don't worry, I plan to..." Tina said, as she flipped her hair around her shoulders, nearly catching Lori off guard.

"Take it easy, we're on the same side here..." Lori said.

Tina chuckled. "Just warmin' up."

Lori brought Tina into the main lobby, where the newly promoted whore was almost humbled. The room seemed almost as big as all outdoors, whores as far as the eye could see, and customers everywhere. Tina felt somewhat overwhelmed.

"Think you can handle it?" Lori asked.

Tina was speechless.

"Tina?" Lori pressed.

"Huh?" Tina responded. "Oh, yeah, you kidding me? I aim to please..." Tina proclaimed, as she ran her hands down her sides.

Nearly immediately afterwards, Tina began garnering attention from customers, who weren't familiar with her.

"And it's workin' already..." Tina mumbled.

"Well, have fun..." Lori said, "stop by my place anytime you're off duty."

"Fine," Tina said, "I'll see you in about a hundred years then."

Slowly, but surly, the customers were drawn to Tina, as a few of them began to approach her. Tina checked her watch.

"Well... 11:30..." she said, looking up at her perspective customers, "any of you boys in the mood for a little..." Tina began licking her lips, "early lunch?"

Tina worked like a charm in the whorehouse. She took the advice given to her, and used it to her advantage. She was the only brunette in the house, among different shades of blond, and one redhead, and the wardrobe that she had previously picked out for her work was all mostly dark. Little black dresses, deep plum colored outfits, wardrobe as dark brown as her hair, she worked hard to make herself come off as 'dark and mysterious' as possible. Pretty soon, other girls were envious. Tina began raking in customers like leaves in autumn, and the moves she used on them during each session resulted in customers lining up to spend a session with her. As Jeanette in D block, she would see mostly five customers a day, eight at the most. But as Tina in the main lobby, she was seeing so many customers a day, that everybody began to lose count, even her. She didn't care, she was offering her sex for money, and was pretty soon making anywhere between $10,000 to $15,000 a day... a far cry from the $500 she usually made as a D girl. Pretty soon, Tina began setting her own, new rules. She found that her customers couldn't resist reaching out and groping her, while she was flattered they so enjoyed her sexy new body, she found them trying to make moves on her too destracting, not only from the session, but from her job as well. She stopped allowing customers to grope her, while in the middle of the intercourse. Before or after, but not during. She had to make all the moves herself. Another new rule was that she wouldn't allow her customers to fly off the handle. Tina usually preferred to be on top, however, so seductive she was, and so wonderful her services, that some of her customers would snap, and swiftly switch positions, so they would be the ones doing all the work. She couldn't allow that. It's her job to do all the work around here, not their's. This kept up for several more months, Tina soon found herself the most valueable player in the operation, she brought in more customers a day than the other girls, and had more asking for her in advance compared to other girls, not to mention the fact that almost all her customers wouldn't stop talking about her methods. Of course, Boss saw all of this was unfolding, and decided it was time to make some changes around here.

One hot, summer's day, Lori continued her usual dispatch in D block. She almost never saw customers anymore, herself, because most of them had gone over to Tina's side. In a speak-of-the-devil moment, Tina casually strolled into D block, and ran her hand, in between Lori's thighs, catching her off her guard, while she was looking over her clipboard.

"Yoo-hoo!" Tina said.

"What up, girl?" Lori asked.

"I'll take over from here," Tina said, "Boss wants to have a little meeting with you."

"Alright, fine..." Lori handed Tina the clipboard, before leaving D block for Boss's office.

There was a small shock amongst some of the D girls. Sadly, quite a few of them, who were there around the same time as Jeanette originally was, were still in there, either proving themselves unworthy, or unfit to move up in the ranks, or simply insobordinates. Those girls who were familiar that Jeanette had been promoted, and gone through all kinds of changes had no idea just how shocking the transformation was, they almost didn't recognize her. She was unrecognizable. They couldn't imagine, that this whore, who just took over dispatch in D block momentarily, was the same girl, who, nearly two years ago, was seen almost always with her head hanging low, and her hands folded in her lap. Even the tone in her voice was different, too.

"Numbers 15 and 16! Get up here, it's time to get to work!" Tina screeched.

Afterwards, when Lori entered Boss's office, she met an unexpected fate.

"Okay, Lori..." Boss said, "we won't be requiring your services anymore."

"What?" Lori asked. "What do you mean, what are you talking about?"

"We're cutting you loose," Boss said, "we're letting you go, we're sending you to the streets."

Lori was confused. "What the hell brought this on?"

"Face it," Boss said, "we've got new blood in our veins."

"Tina..." Lori mumbled through her teeth.

"You had a good run," Boss continued, "but it's time for change, and sometimes that means cutting some good people loose... besides, you'll do just fine."

Tina was already overseeing the moving progress in Lori's private chambers. Guards were grabbing the belongings she collected during her years at the whorehouse into a small dufflebag, before she stormed in.

"What kept you?" Tina asked.

"Taking my heat, huh?" Lori asked.

"Why shouldn't I?" Tina asked. "I've worked hard to make it up this far... and like you said before, I got no one holding me back."

Lori was completely dumbfounded. "I don't believe this... I can't believe it..."

"Well, believe it, sweetheart," Tina said, "you're yesterday's news, I'm on top around here, now!"

"Why, you little bitch..." Lori said, "how dare you do this to me... and after I created you!"

"I created myself," Tina said, "you simply helped with the assembly. See ya!"

Lori paused in her rage, before grabbing her dufflebag, and leaving what used to be her own private chambers, for so long. "I hope you burn in hell!"

Tina, on the other hand, made herself right at home in her new private chambers, "out with the old, in with the new..."

In the months to come, Tina had found herself pretty much walking in Lori's footsteps. Tina handled everything that Lori previously handled, she took over dispatch in D block, she would backhand any of the D girls who showed insobordination, even handling the other end of a deja vu, when Boss instructed her to take a tough case under her wing, and mentor her the same way Lori had mentored her before. On top of that, Tina had it made in the whorehouse by then, during her off duty hours, she would lounge her private quarters, anything she wanted at a moment's notice, a guard would tend to her needs. In addition to that, she set her own hours, and refused to see the same customers more than twice a month, she didn't want her sessions becoming routine, especially since some customers liked to try and renact certain moves that were used during previous sessions. Tina was like the queen of the whorehouse, very high calibre, and very high maintainance, and she absolutely loved it. One evening, however, Tina was sleeping soundly in her chambers, until a dream entered her mind... a dream that seemed rather disturbing to her...

"Jeanette?" She heard the voice in her mind. "Jeanette? What are you doing?"

"Leave me alone, Brittany," she said, "I'm doing my homework."

"Well, stop doing your homework, and help me with my own homework!" The voice of her older sister demanded.

"I don't have time, Brittany..." she said, "between tutoring Eleanor, I'm starting to fall behind as it is... why don't you ask Simon for help?"

"Because I don't like Simon," the older sister whined, "besides, you're my bitch, whatever I say goes!"

Tina awoke from her dream. She felt so unusual. Why did she have that dream? Whatever the reason, she tried to shake it out of her head. "Ugh..." she mumbled, "that... that... that girl... always bossing me around... always holding me back... fuck her... she should see me now... if she were here, then she'd be my bitch, instead..." Tina slapped herself, in an attempt to rid her mind of any thoughts of the girl she had just dreamed about.

One day, Boss called Tina into his office.

"Tina," Boss began, "how would you like to move on?"

"Move on what?" Tina asked.

"I mean move on to the next level?" Boss asked.

"You mean workin' the streets?" Tina asked, in confirmation.

"Exactly." Boss confirmed.

Tina was excited. She remembered the talks she once had with Lori about being promoted to the streets... but back then, it was in talks on her making an escape attempt. Of course, Lori did make it a point to mention the possibility of her growing to like the prostitution profession. She was right. As far as Tina is concerned, the only escaping she'd be doing is if a new customer tried to cheat her.

"I'd like that very much." Tina said.

"Fine..." Boss said, before sticking his hand out, "been a pleasure having you around here."

"Pleasure is all mine," Tina said, shaking Boss's hand, "in more ways than one."

"I'll have one of the guards drive you down to the city... set up business wherever you want, and keep every cent of your earnings... just don't forget your roots." Boss told her.

"I won't." Tina said.

It had been just a little over three years since Tina's eyes last saw the city of Los Angeles, as soon as she saw the familiar landscape again, for the first time, she saw that things hadn't changed an awful lot. Not only that, but being familiar with the area, she knew exactly where she wanted to set up her territory. Her driver drove her into the heart of downtown Los Angeles, allowing her to take off in any direction she wanted.

"Take it easy." The driver said, as Tina exited the vehicle.

"That's the only way I take it." Tina said, as she stepped onto surface streets for the first time in years, and went about her way.

For some reason, Tina liked the sound of saying that she works the 'southside', so she decided to mark southern Los Angeles as her territory, and her services soon spread. Several people have pulled over, and offered to pay for her services, and she didn't come cheap. With her earnings, Tina bought a whole new wardrobe, going from sexy and sophisticated, to flashy and preppy, knowing she'd draw more attention quicker. On top of that, with her earnings, Tina also managed to get herself a nice, loft apartment, which she hardly spent any time in, save for her off days. She wouldn't work under certain conditions, like bad weather, and when those days would come, Tina usually passed the time away with masturbation. It seemed unatural for her to not achieve an orgasm in some form, so when she had off days, she'd thrust her fingers, or one of her favorite sex toys, as deep into her sacred opening as she could, to keep from going crazy.

It wasn't before long, that word of Tina's services began to spread, and soon, she found herself covering more than just the southern end of the city, she started to get around. Then, that day came. That one, fateful day. The day Tina was to catch a bus, to take her to her next job in another part of town, that was too far in walking distance. Tina grabbed a seat on the bus stop bench, lighting up a cigarette, while she waited. As she waited, a group of pedestrians crossed the street, and suddenly, Tina heard a voice...

"Jeanette?" The voice called out.

Jeanette? Tina hadn't heard that named being used in a long time. On top of that, the voice speaking out to her also sounded vaguely familiar. Tina slowly looked up to see who was trying to garner her attention, but when she saw the familiar face of the girl who was once her favorite, and only big sister, Tina froze for a moment. She had remembered the 'truth' she was shown these past three years, about how her sisters did nothing but hold her back, especially the way Brittany always treated her like a bitch, and a nobody. Brittany never let her do anything, and whenever she got through pushing her around, then Eleanor would step in, coddling over her, like a defenseless little animal. If there was one thing Tina didn't want, it was to have to return to that awful life she was convinced she once had, she was a woman of importance, and had more in her life now, than she did before. At least, that was what she was brainwashed to believe. Knowing that she wasn't the same girl, this person was claiming her to be, Tina simply brushed her off.

"Nah, you got the wrong person." She said to Brittany.

Brittany knew in her heart she didn't have the wrong person. She knew this slutty prostitute, waiting for the crosstown bus, was her long, lost, little sister, and she was bringing her home where she belongs, whether she likes it or not.

After the visit to the psychiatrist successfully reversed the brainwashing, and Jeanette found that she was alive again, she had trouble sleeping for weeks. She couldn't believe what had become of herself, she couldn't believe she let herself be suckered into a life a prostitution, but even worse, she couldn't believe she was convinced how horrible her family was. She could clearly see, now, that those talks were nothing but a bunch of lies, in an attempt to erase any thoughts of escape from her mind. Not only was Jeanette happy to be reunited with her family, she was also happy to be reunited with her friends as well. Especially when one friend, in particular, tried to right a wrong of his. One day, when the chipmunks paid Jeanette a long, overdue, visit, Alvin stuck around a moment, after his brothers left. He didn't have much to say, but what he did say came from the bottom of his heart.

"Jeanette, I'm sorry." Alvin said.

Jeanette blinked back her tears. "I forgive you."

It took a long time for Jeanette to get used to her old life again, but with the love, and support, of her loved ones, she eventually, was able to bounce back. Having been named an honorary graduate from her high school, Jeanette was ready to tackle college, and the new academic challenges that awaited her, leaving 'Tina' in an early, but well-needed grave.

The end.