A/N: Here you go. This was born of my sister's consistant talk of Vampire Knight and a five minute break from my studying for exams…

'I can't take this anymore!' Thinks Zero, 'If I watch this a moment longer, I'll-I'LL…! Arg!'

Kaname and Zero were currently rushing from place to place, trying to keep up with Kaname's agenda. Since was busy at the academy for the most part of the year, Kaname fell behind in his extra-curricular and co-curricular lessons. And by fell behind, I mean he didn't go. Now the Kuran Prince had to make up for it. Now, as in, during Summer Vacation. Let's just say Kaname was a very busy person.


He always dragged Zero along with him. And yes, I mean literally drag.

As Zero doesn't see the sense in it. I mean, come on, it isn't as if Kaname needs those lessons anyway. He's perfect at all those things…

With a bored sigh, Zero looks down at the maroon organizer with 'Kaname Kuran' etched in gold on the front.

'Poetry was never this boring…' He thinks idly.

Flipping through, he found Kaname agenda for the day…

~15th March, 2010~

-Poetry -- 8:00 am – 10:00 am

(# 8 St Martin Street)

(1…Assignment: 2 Gothic Renaissance Poems

2…Kiss Zero-lovingly-)

''Kiss Zero?' ….Looking forward to it. Once it's in the limo and not somewhere public. He knows I hate to draw attention…'

-Calligraphy -- 10:00 am - 11:00 am

(Room # 22

The Academia Royal De Japon)

(1 a*…Remember to have Zero buy 8 Silver 0.5 Mont Rouge Pens

1 b*…And Kiss him-gratefully-when he's done)

'Twice in one day? That's nice…I guess…'

~Short (Lunch) Break -- 11:00 am – 11: 50~

(1…Take Zero to Aragawa for some Kobe Beef

2…a*Call Yuuki to confirm safe and enjoyment

2…b* Threaten Aidou about Yuuki

3…Kiss Zero-passionately- in the middle of the restaurant)

'Kaname! You jackass! Like hell you will!'

-Orchestral -- 12 noon - 2:30 pm

(# 32 Kakashin Avenue,


(1… Call Yuuki to have her bring the Cello, Violin and Flute

2…Compose 84 bar melody for Soprano voice

3…Kiss Zero-nicely-)

'Kiss me 'nicely…' What the heck!?!'

-Gymnastics – 2:45 pm – 5:00 pm

( Room # 2859

International School of Athletics',


Ikkaku Avenue)

(1…Presentation Today

2…Kiss Zero-deviously-)

Zero twitched.

'Why me, Kami? Eh? WHY!?!'

-Gala Preparations – 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm

(1…Buy Yuuki 2 dozen white roses and Zero, I know you'd end up bored and read this so I won't write your surprise here.

Gomen ne…

Zero smirked.

'You know me to well, Kaname…'

2…Check on Flowers / Have them delivered

3…Confirm Food preparations with Takuma

4…And ensure Siren has done back ground checks etc on security personnel

5…Call designers and make certain that they've delivered Yuuki's ball gown and Zero's Mont Blanc Tux and my Monte Cristo Tux

6…Call Akatsuki to check on the interior decorators

7…Kiss Zero-tauntingly-)

''Tauntingly?' I'll slice your lips off!'

~ Short Rest at Home – 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm~

(1…Present Roses to Yuu-chan

2…Prepare documents for meeting with Vampire Council

3…Meet with Tamuma-tachi to ensure all the preparations are secured

4…Prepare documents for all noble and ruling families to sign over all supreme power and right of rule etc, etc to me

5…Kiss Zero-peacefully-)

'Hopefully, 'peacefully' means in a quiet, deserted, alleyway…'

-Meeting with the Council – 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

(1…Kiss Zero-hungrily- preferably during the Head Councilman's speech)

'As if I'd let you embarrass me in front of those evil, manipulating, self-centered, aristocratic beasts! Those vampires!'

~Home – 11:00pm – 12 midnight~

(1…Prepare for Gala in honor of me, The New King of Vampires

2…Check on Yuuki and preparations

3 a*…Allow everyone to return to their respective homes to change

3 b*…Except Aidou who must guard Yuuki

3 c*…Make Akatsuki bring his suit

4…Kiss Zero-romanticly-)

' 'Romantic…' Pfft!'

-Sign off Ruling rights etc etc completing the legalities of my reign 2:00 am

(1…Kiss Yuuki

2…Make-out with Zero-intimately- in front of all present)

'Let him try, the barrel my Bloody Rose will be in his mouth before my lips are!'

-End of Gala 5:00am

(1 a*…Smile at departing guests

1 b*…Wish them a goodnight and then…you know exactly what then, Zero-Kun…I won't ruin the surprise…)

Ps- you're not bored anymore. Are you, Zero?

Zero sat seething.

'No, I'm not. But…It's gonna be a long day…'


I'm not sure it was very funny.

Silly at best.



Tell me if you think it was boring!