Yeah I totally stole half of this from the show...

I do not own A: TLA


Secret Admirer

"So far, this intermission is the best part of the play," Zuko said. He leaned against the stair railing with his arms crossed. Aang sighed as he plopped down on the last step.

"Apparently the director thinks I'm an oaf that tells bad jokes about meat all the time!" Sokka exclaimed, chewing a bit of his beef jerky.

"Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics," Suki chuckled.

"I know right?" Sokka said, waving his jerky.

"At least the actor Sokka actually looks a little like you. The person playing the Avatar doesn't represent me at all!" Aang cried. Toph snickered,

"You are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys Twinkle Toes." Aang growled in frustration.

"Seriously guys, it's just bad acting portrayal. It's not like I'm a whiney cry baby that can't resist giving over dramatic speeches about hope all the time," Katara said. There was an awkward silence as everyone stared at her in disbelief.

"What?" she asked.

"Yeah…that's not you at all…" Aang said sarcastically.

"Guys, it's obvious that the director did his research. I know it hurts, but what you're seeing out there is the truth," Toph said with a smirk on her face. The group was silent as they pondered her words.

"Oh Aang! I was wondering who that fan boy Blue Spirit guy was?" Sokka asked. Aang and Zuko's jaws dropped. Sokka didn't appear to notice.

"Uh, Sokka? Why do you ask that?" Aang asked nervously.

"Well it's obvious that's he's your fan boy considering that he went through the trouble of rescuing you from Zuko…"

"What are you trying to say Sokka…" Zuko said through gritted teeth.

"Oh! Sorry Zuko! But it can't be helped. Seriously, who is that?" Aang had no idea what to say. Should he say that the Blue Spirit is Zuko? No, that would just ruin Zuko… Toph leaned into Aang's ear.

"I didn't know Sifu Hotman had a secret crush on you," she whispered. Aang stared in horror at his earth bending teacher. How does she know who the Blue Spirit is? Then what she said kicked in.

"What?!" he cried in a girly high pitched voice. Toph laughed. Zuko started to blush, knowing the earth bender had figured out that the Blue Spirit was him. She probably said something horribly perverted, he thought miserably. He took the liberty of putting his hood up. Suki noticed this and she too figured out what was happening.

"Sokka, I think you should drop the subject…" she said calmly, trying not to reveal anything for Zuko's sake.

"Why? I want to know who he is! He could've helped us if he wanted to," Sokka exclaimed. Suki sighed, knowing it was a lost cause. "Wait…when did Zuko capture you?!" he said, realizing something was missing.

"Sokka, I really think you should drop it," Katara said, not know what really was going on. She did know that Sokka was acting as if Zuko wasn't standing with them. This play was probably hard enough on him without them discussing what he did in the past. Strangley enough, Sokka was right. Zuko only managed to capture Aang a few times, and she and Sokka were usually present as well. Aang had enough with the questioning. He really didn't have to lie to his friends; it was just a play despite how awkward it made the situation.

"Well, it wasn't Zuko who captured me…" he started, "It was Zhao…" he knew what would happen next. He had already told them about Zuko rescuing him from Zhao. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea… Sokka was stunned for a moment before cracking up laughing.

"You mean-Zuko's- blue spirit- ah ha ha ha ha!!!!!" Aang winced as Zuko quickly walked back to their seats.

"Sokka, I really think you should let it go. You know who the Blue Spirit is now…" Aang started, but Sokka just laughed even harder.

"Um, guys. The intermission is over…" Suki said, walking back to their seats. Aang sighed as he got up too. Toph was giggling with Sokka and Katara was just stunned.

The group sat through the play, giggling when actor Toph came in until she was overjoyed that a buff man was playing her. They endured the pathetic "honor" jokes and Zuko's drastically changing hair. Suki gave comments on events. Toph and Sokka gave exaggerated answers to some of her questions. They reached Lake Laogai, and Zuko was shocked that Jet had died.

"It wasn't very clear," Sokka had told him when he asked about the event. After the Earth King had arrested Long Feng, they were opening their letters from supposed family members and people who wanted to see them.

"Avatar Aang, there is another letter for you," an actor in a cheap earth kingdom costume said, handing the actress a scroll.

"Oh! I wonder who it's from?" she exclaimed as she opened it. (AN: Totally stole from Blue's Clues)

"Oh my! It's from my secret admirer! The Blue Spirit!" Zuko's and Aang's jaws dropped for the second time that night, and Sokka started cracking up. Suki had to shush him to not attract attention to them. Toph was laughing softly, much to Zuko and Aang's dismay. Zuko hid himself underneath his hood and had his hands to his face. Even Katara couldn't help but giggle at the situation.

They eventually got to the crystal catacombs. Zuko, already irritated from the embarrassment he went through, stormed out of the theater as soon as the Zuko actor and the Katara actress started flirting with each other. Aang looked at his friend's retreating back and decided to follow him. After all, it was his fault that Zuko was embarrassed.

"Oh! You're getting up? Get me some fire flakes!" Sokka called after him. Aang choose to ignore this request. He walked to the balcony and saw Zuko leaning against the railing. He stood next to the fire bender. If Zuko noticed Aang, he didn't show it.

"Zuko?" Aang started. "I'm sorry. I should've known that Sokka would make the whole thing uncomfortable." He heard Zuko sigh.

"This play is already making me look bad," he said.

"It's making us all look bad," Aang told him.

"Except Toph," Zuko stated. Aang chuckled,

"Yeah, except Toph." They stood there in silence.

"It's strange though. I actually kind of did act like a fan boy…" Zuko said.

"How so?" Aang asked. Zuko was embarrassed before, but now he's admitting it?

"Well yeah. I stalked you guys, obsessed over you, and did anything in my power to capture you," he said calmly. What is with the sudden mood change? Aang wondered. It was weird though, because Zuko was right. Aang was suddenly curious,

"So you would've done anything?" he asked.

"Well yeah," Zuko said, unsure of where Aang was going.

"Would you have dressed like a girl?" Aang asked. Zuko's eyes widened. Would I have cross-dressed to capture him? Is he out of his mind?! But…would I have? Zuko was silent for a moment. He might have, but the thought never occurred to him before. Azula dressed as a Kyoshi Warrior to get into Ba Sing Se. If I had done the same thing…would that have worked? Wait- what the hell am I thinking?!!!!!!

"Aang, what the hell?!" Zuko shouted, backing away. Aang didn't flinch,

"Well I was just wondering. Sokka dressed as a Kyoshi warrior for love and dignity, I even dressed as Avatar Kyoshi to prove my innocence when I was arrested. If it was the last resort, would you have done it? You've done so many other things." Zuko hesitated before answering.

"I-I guess I might have..." he said nervously, "But only at the last resort!" he quickly added.

"Ok, I was just wondering…" Aang said casually. Zuko sensed Aang wanted to say something else, but didn't know at first what it was.

"Aang, was there something else you wanted to say?" Zuko asked. Aang suddenly became nervous.

"I have a confession…" he started.

"You already said you dressed as a girl, what more is there?" Zuko joked. Aang smiled at Zuko's attempt to make him feel better.

"Well, I really didn't mind it when you were chasing us, chasing me…" Zuko was quiet for a moment.

"Why?" he asked.

"It was a reminder of the responsibility I had. I just wanted to play around and visit all the places I had gone to a hundred years ago. You helped me shape who I am today. Besides, I always knew we would be friends one day," he said, adding a sheepish grin. Zuko was suddenly over whelmed with relief that he didn't know he was holding back. The usually distant teen walked up to Aang and hugged him, startling the young monk.

"Thank you Aang. That makes me feel a whole lot better about my past actions," Zuko whispered. Aang hugged Zuko back. He had finally made Zuko fell good about himself and couldn't wait for all the stories they would share with each other in the future. He knew Zuko had lots of them.
