After receiving my alert from Edward about my sister in law. I left Jasper to his own devices and ran to her aid.

I found her in the kitchen, scrubbing a late, tears streaming.

"Bella." I said softly, touching her arm. She looked at me worriedly, and threw her arms around my neck, sobbing into my shirt.

I rubbed her back and led her to sit down on the sofa, me still comforting her.

For a brief moment I thought over when I had found her after we had left, a few years ago, thank goodness Edward was not around to hear my thoughts.

Of course she was worse then, but she was quite bad now... and the worse bit was I had know idea what the matter was.

"Bella what's wrong?" I asked.

She looked at me anxiously.

"Alice I don't know what to do." She sobbed and hunched forwards.

I touched her side and looked anxiously at her.

"This isn't about Renesmee." I noted, she shook her head and her eyes glanced towards her and Edwards room where my niece was.

"Bella you can tell me." I whispered.

She looked down at her lap.

"I found a lump in my breast, and feel tired all the time and..." she began to cry and I froze, what if Edward found out, he'd flip.

"You think you've got breast cancer." I breathed.

She nodded and looked at me tearfully.

"My mum had it Alice, and my grandmother, what if Renesmee... oh Alice." She wept.

I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"Do you want me to ring Carlisle." I asked.

"I've already been checked over, he says he can't be sure, but that he thinks I'm right." She whispered, taking a stuttering breath.
"You need to tell Edward." I said flatly.

Her lips trembled and she looked at me pleadingly.

"Bella he is your husband." I reminded her.

"How can I?" She cried.

"You have to." I said and stood up.

"He'll be back in a minute, literally." I told her and kissed her cheek.

"It will be okay." I said and walked out, singing Barbie girl in my head.

My heart breaking as I walked away from my sister.

Bella POV

My husband walked back in, crouching in front of me and taking my hands.

"Bella this is killing me, tell me what is going on." He begged.

"Edward I'm so sorry." I sobbed and threw my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Love please?" He pleaded. I knew he hated to press me for things, but like Alice had said, he needed to know.

"Edward I found a lump in my breast, and Carlisle thinks its cancer." I cried. He froze and pulled me back to him hurriedly, rocking me as I cried.

"That's why you wanted me to promise to change you." He whispered his tone shaky.

I nodded and cried harder. He rocked me and we cried together, all though I was the only one producing tears.


I ran into Carlisle and Esme's house where the rest of them were, all sat watching TV.

I threw my bag down on the floor and glared at Carlisle, blinking rapidly through tears that would never fall.

"Alice." he said and stood up, looking sorry.

Jasper came to shadow me, his expression worried, sensing my emotions he must have known how upset and angry I was.

He put a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him off.

"You should have told us!" I yelled.

Carlisle shook his head, "Edward needed to know from her, not one of your thoughts."

"Know what" Esme asked anxiously.

"Bella may have breast cancer." I sobbed and everyone froze.

Jasper wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed into his chest, he rubbed my back and I cried harder at the thought that Edward might be doing the same to Bella.

"He'll have to change her now." Emmet whispered his tone for once serious.

"That's what she was worried about... that he still won't do it." I told him.

He shook his head and sighed, pulling Rosalie tighter to him.

Life was not fair.