Love, Matrimony and Muchness

Disclaimer: I dont own Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carol does and The movie belongs to Tim Burton.

This is a two shot. Or maybe more. We'll see how it goes xx Review please.

I sat up straight for the third time that night. I keep having the same dream. Every time I close my eyes I see the lush gardens, the sleeping flowers and the rocking horseflies. It is all so beautiful that I could just stare all night. Then I hear the same crash and I rush through the forest to find the tea table and the three friends sitting arguing over who was having the last scone. There was a dormouse, a hare and a man wearing a top hat, but I wont lie because I know who these three people(If that's the right word) are. Its Mallymkun, the dormouse, Thackery Earwicket, the March Hare and Tarrant Hightopp, the Mad Hatter.

I shook my head to clear the memories of the dream once again. I slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom across the hall. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. Maybe returning to the Overland was a bad idea, I had answered all my questions in less that a few days. Said no to Hamish, gave Lord Ascott permission to take over my fathers business, he was off to China at the moment, he calls every other day to tell me how its going. I had also told Margaret of Lowell's affair with Katrina and told the Chataway sisters' mother that they swim in the Havershim's pond naked.

I splashed my face with water and quickly dried it with a towel. I turned around to head back to my room when I bumped into my sister.

"Oh Alice!, you scared me. Why are you up so late?"

"I couldn't sleep. Nightmares" I answered sleepily.

"Oh. Well I was hoping you were awake."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Well remember when you told Hamish you didn't want to marry him and mother was well…angry at you?"


"Well I overheard her talking to Lady Ascott today and they were discussing your decision."

"What do you mean discussing my decision?"

"They are accepting your proposal to Hamish for you Alice, you are to marry him on Wednesday"

My eyes widened in horror. Wednesday. That was in 2 days time. "No"


"No, I'm not marrying him its up to me what I decide and I decide no"

"Mother will have your head you know"

I shook my head again, everything I hear refers back to Underland and all my friends and…Tarrant. I froze. Everything in my body cut off from everyone and everything. I was having an epiphany, a sudden realisation or something like that. The reason for having the dreams of the tea party, its because of Tarrant. Its because I…I-" My thoughts were interrupted by my sister.



"Mother has already accepted, you have to marry him"

I blinked and walked swiftly past her and into my room. I closed the door and locked it before climbing back into my bed to continue my dream for the fourth time.


The next morning

I woke up with a small smile playing on my lips. But that soon disappeared as I thought of what Margaret said to me last night.

"She couldn't possibly have meant it"

I changed and walked down towards the dining room where I saw mother and Margaret sitting eating breakfast.

"Good morning darling, how did you sleep?" My mother asked.


"Now darling sit down we have an important matter to discuss"

I sat down knowing exactly what was coming.

"Now with all due respect to your decision not to marry Hamish my dear, but you are 20 and single and it is not looking good for me within my friends society, therefore I have accepted for you marry Hamish at midday tomorrow"

My eyes widened in horror. "What are you talking about! I am not marrying Hamish, I refused him and that is how it will stay, you may be my mother but you have no right to tell me who to love and how to live my life. I do not care who or what thinks wrong of me but I will let you know right here that I am in love with someone who is not welcome in our society"

My mothers face was like a soured prune. "Alice, you will listen to your mother and marry-"

"NO! Mother I am 20 and I am capable of making my own decisions." I took a deep breath and sighed. "And with that, I bid you good day"

I ran from the dining room and into my bedroom and packed a suitcase before putting on my favourite white dress. I stepped over to my dresser and pulled out a small vial of purple liquid. Jabberwocky blood. I picked up my suitcase and closed my eyes before forcing the disgusting liquid down my throat. Before disappearing from this world forever I whispered.

"I'm coming home Tarrant, please remember me"