Ups and Downs


"WHAT!!" The shout rocketed through the MI6 headquarters.

In the main office, a grey man looked up and pushed the secret file he was reading back into the filing cabinet. While a woman with short black hair popped a mint into her mouth.

The pounding of about 30 guards running went past their office toward the source of the shout.

"He knows," the woman commented. The man had to hold back a snort at the obvious comment. "This isn't going to be clean," he said back. "Sara can you get in contact with Hero Lyca and tell him to get here soon".

"But sir he's on his break," he waited just a moment to allow the woman who she was talking to. "Right a way sir," he held back a smirk. They all came around to his was of thinking.

"BLUNT" the sound of running feet came towards them. A blond boy with hard, cold eyes burst through the doors without the guards and bloody knuckles. In a short sentence Alex Rider was pissed as hell. "What is this," he held out a piece of paper with blood stains and crumpled from miss treatment.

Ms Jones leaned forward and shot a sympathetic look at Alex which he ignored. "DNA test," she whispered. She never wanted him to find out. "It's compulsory".

"According to this-this piece of paper," Blunt had never heard the word 'paper' said with so much hatred. "Wolf is my father and some random woman is my mother". "You asked for me Blunt" came a growl from the door.

"Ah yes, Mr. Lyca," Blunt said pleasantly. "Perhaps you would like to have a look at the piece of paper that Mr. Rider is waving around" Wolf turned his gaze to the furious teen. "CUB??" Wolf shouted.

"Mr. Lyca the piece of paper." Wolf took one look before turning white and whispering "fuck" and fainting. "Well," Ms Jones said. "That was melodramatic".

"Didn't he know" Alex said calm. "No he didn't. Alan didn't see a reason to tell him" Jones said after looking at Alex. Silence descended on the room.

A moan came 3 hours later after a call to Jack, 2 cups of coffee or tea each and 3 declines for anything but a coke in a can from Alex.

Wolf sat up and looked at the piece of paper "I wondered when this would come back again" he muttered. He looked up a snort "that's so cliché: Alex explained to all of the confused looks that surrounded him.

"so.." Alex raised an eyebrow at the weird comment. "I guess you have questions" Wolf finished feeling like an idiot. "yeah who is she, for a start". Wolf sighed before answering. "An old crush that turned into a relationship. She was Irish. I was on holiday and we became friends. I always liked her, so I came out. Turned out she felt the same.

"A year later we were married and I was in my second to last year of college. Our parents wanted us to wait but we felt strongly. She got kicked out the year before because she got pregnant with you.

"I came home one day to find the house dead my wife dead and the police al over the place. I asked everywhere where you were but couldn't find any sign of you. The police thought that I was irresponsible for leaving a child alone until I reminded them that your mother was there… they couldn't find you either.

"The next day I signed up for the army swearing that no more crinimals would ever roam the streets that I protected. And then 13 years later I was in the SAS and then you came in. I was trying to get you binned so you wouldn't have to face the world yet for what it is. But you never gave up, so much like your mother always survived no matter the odds, though in the end her luck ran out. Though they said it was 10 to one.

"When I saw you go down that mountain then find you at the bottom all broken I went insane Fox nearly had to knock me out, but he and snake talked some sense into me. I saw that you had changed and decided that there was nothing I could do except be backup and make sure nothing killed you. Though that went down the toilet when I saw you run towards that helicopter.

"But now I have you again nothing like that is ever going to happen again" Wolf finished with a determined look in his eyes. He hadn't looked away from Alex once. "I guess I won't be a Rider anymore" Alex said the only thing he thought he could say without breaking down. Wolf chuckled and gave him a knowing look. "Yeah guess so."

"As touching as this is would you all mind getting out of my office." Alex and Wolf jumped they had forgot about Jones and Blunt.

They shot dazed angry looks at Blunt and walked out with Alex saying he had to go back and grab his bag. When the door had closed Jones turned to her superior and glared at him, she soo wanted to smack him but didn't want to face the consequences such as loosing her job.

"What" Blunt snapped, unable to face it anymore. "You are so insensitive." "You knew I was when you took the job." Jones glared at him once more before storming out of the office. Blunt just turned back o the work he was doing before.