
Summary: Does anyone know the REAL definition for nub? SamxFreddie SEDDIE one-shot

"Shut up, nub."

"You're such a nub."

"Move, nub."

It was usual for Sam to say these things. In her mind, I was dork, dweeb,and any imaginable version of my name that sounded insult-ish, but for the most part, I was nub.

I never truly questioned why she hated me, or even why she called me so many nicknames. My real question had always been what the hell does nub mean? It seriously confused me some days.

Like days when she would be nice to me. When she would laugh at my jokes, and smile and I said something interesting, and be patient for things, and be calm. And even though she would lay off of most of the nicknames, she still continued to call me nub.

Sam had been my best friend since 6th grade, whether I liked to admit it or not. We may fight and all, but we're more like an old married couple. Well, that's what Carly says, even though it still makes me shudder to think about. Sam has always had a nickname for me, it normally varied though. Truthfully, I didn't mind. I thought it was kind of cute. I began calling her Princess Puckett in return, one of our jokes. Sam and I understood each other better than Carly could. It was like, something could happen, and without saying a word, we both understood, knew not to say anything, and to just sit there until everything was okay again.

And that was Sam. She suffered. I knew she did. She knew I suffered. But we never had to tell that to each other. But we helped each other through it. She's not good at showing affection either. But in my mind, I like to believe that the nicknames are her way of showing me that we are friends. That she doesn't only hang out with me because I 'come with the Carly package.'

At first, I thought the strange word was just a part of her language. Of course, when I first came to this theory, the language was titled Blonde-Headed Demon-ese. I chuckled at my uptight, middle school self.

But one day, while texting Carly, I found that nub was not an incorrectly spelled word.

Curiosity was not me at that time, and being too scared to know, I chose to not look up the nickname.

But now, I was curious.

More curious than ever.

Now, sitting in the dim light of my room on a Friday night, working on my laptop as the rain drizzled outside, it seemed perfect. Just a couple of clicked and an online dictionary would appear.

Letting go of all sense, my fingers ran across the keyboard as one of the online's most useful resource loaded onto my screen. I quickly clicked the search button after typing the three letter word. The page loaded and-


That's exactly how I felt.

There were a couple of definitions, a couple of variations, but the first, the only one I could see as the time, read something that confused me and made me even more curious than I was before this page appeared on my screen.

The point, gist, or heart of something.

Okay, so I'm either the point of something, such as a story, the gist of something, such as a story, or the heart of something, such as-




Something caught my eye outside of my window that lead to the fire escape. I thought it was just my imagination, until I saw it again. I slipped on my jacket and quickly crept out of my window.

"Hey." I whispered.

Her curls whipped around as she turned to look at me, a grin appearing on her face. "Hey."

I sat in the chair across from her. "So, hey, just wondering, why do you always call me nub?"

A.N. Very short, I know, but I wanted to type this out really quick so I could get this happiness around. That is the actual definition of nub. Anybody else think that's a very interesting coincidence?

Review :)