One Night Stand

(Chapter One: Temptation)

It had been a long and shitty week at work. Too many cases and not enough happy endings had left Elliot and Olivia quite exhausted. After a not so promising Friday, the gang decided to meet up at their favorite bar to unwind and celebrate their mere survival of the week from Hell.

"Umm," Olivia mumbled as she tossed the lime peel into her shot glass and tapped the bar to signal she wanted another shot.

"How many is that?" Elliot asked as he handed her another beer.

"Four, dad. I didn't know you were keeping track."

"Aren't you a little worried about how you are going to feel in the morning?"

"Nope. I'm not on call. I'll just sleep it off. I need this. Something to help me unwind." Elliot watched as she smiled at a guy across the bar. "I might need a little of that, too."

"I am going to pretend I didn't hear that."

Olivia smiled. "Please, it has been so long since I have had se…"

Elliot placed his hand over her mouth as she grinned.

"Seriously, Liv. That is not something I need to know."

She laughed. "Sorry. But it has. Too, long. What about you?"

"I am separated from my wife. I don't think I am really supposed to be having sex right now."

"How long have you guys been separated this time?" She asked handing him a shot of tequila.

"Almost three months. And this time she had papers drawn up. She said she can't take it anymore."

"What did you do?"

"Not me, the job."

"In her defense, this job is really hard to live with. Even if you aren't married with a family at home."

"I know. And I know they deserve more. But I am not even sure I know how to do another job."

Olivia smiled at him as they raised their shot glasses together, "to balance."


"Yeah. The balance of work and personal relationships."

"The balance of work and life."

She smiled again and they took their shots together. Over the next few hours they had both consumed way more alcohol than they should have.

Elliot sat at the bar and watched her dancing around to the music. At this point it was obvious to him exactly how long he had gone without sex as he kept reminding himself exactly why he was not supposed to appreciate Olivia the way he so badly wanted to. Sober, he could redirect his train of thought and head off the inappropriate attraction. But here in this bar after so many shots of Patron he had lost count and at least a six pack of beer and the haze set in his eyes from the effect of the booze she looked like an angel dancing around in front of him.

Elliot tipped his head and watched as the curves of her body swayed with the music. She smoothed her hands through her hair and continued them down her body as Elliot's heart pounded so fast he wasn't sure he wasn't having a heart attack.

"Wow," he mumbled under his breath.

He couldn't help but wonder if she knew just how much she was teasing him.


Olivia's bedroom door flew open so fast it slammed back against the wall as Elliot tossed her down against the bed. She went to work on the buttons on his shirt as Elliot grasped her ass through her blue jeans.

Olivia moaned as she pushed his shirt back from his shoulders and pressed her mouth to his once more. Elliot pushed her jeans to the floor and pulled her tank top over her head. He stared at her as she stood before him in her lacy bra and matching panties.

Olivia stretched out on the bed as she arched her back and smiled up at him. She raised her finger and motioned for him to come to her. Moments later their underwear were in a pile beside the bed and he was inside her. They made love for hours, then made love again.

Each soft moan she made, made him try even harder to please her. That night Elliot touched and kissed her in every single place he had fantasized about for years. This one night was a real life fantasy for both of them.

The next morning Olivia groaned softly as she raised her hand to her forehead. Her head was killing her and she wasn't used to sleeping with a man in her bed.

Olivia climbed from the bed and went in to take a hot shower. She stood under the water until it ran cold then got out and wrapped herself in the comfort of an overstuffed towel. She walked down the hall into her bedroom and dug through her drawers to find something comfortable to wear. She slipped on a tee shirt and a pair of pajama pants, then ran a brush through her hair.

She looked into the mirror at Elliot sleeping behind her in her bed. She exhaled softly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Elliot," she said softly.

He groaned and opened his eyes to stare at her.

"Good morning," he said with a smile.

"Good morning. It's after ten," she said pointing to the alarm clock. "Don't you get the kids today?"

"Yeah. I pick them up at one. I'd better get moving."

"Why don't you hit the shower and I will start some coffee."

"Good idea."

Half an hour later Elliot joined her in the kitchen as she sat on a barstool drinking her coffee.

"You got any eggs?"

"Eggs?" She gulped placing her hand over her stomach as it churned.

"You know, the round white ova of a chicken. Eggs."

"I cant believe you would even consider eating eggs after the two gallons of tequila we consumed last night."

"Feeling a bit hung over, are we?"

"Kind of. My head is killing me. That's it. Not too bad. How do you feel?"

"Hungry. I'll make you an omelet."

Olivia watched as he cooked them both breakfast.

"One cheese omelet with salsa. Made just for you."

"Thanks, El. But I am not sure eggs are such a great idea. I am starting to feel a little queasy."

"Eat something. You will feel better," he said handing her a bottle of water.

She took a couple of bites as they made small talk.

"This is really good, Elliot."

"Thanks," he said smiling at her from over his plate. "I told you you'd feel better. I'd better get going," he said placing his dishes in the sink. "Liv, about last night. It was really amazing."

She smiled at him. "I was there, remember."

"Oh, I remember. I just think that maybe…"

"This doesn't have to be strange, Elliot. I have don't do this often, but I understand the rules of a one night stand."

"But it isn't every day you have a one night stand with your best friend."

"It was hot. It was something we have both wanted for a long time, Elliot. But it was just sex. We're adults, we can handle this."

"So we're okay?"

"Yeah. I don't see how it is any different than if we had picked up anyone else from that bar last night and gone home with them. Right?"

"True. I guess I didn't really think of it that way. So, we're okay then?"

"Yes. We are fine."

"Good," he said as he hugged her. "So, I will see you on Monday then?"

"Yeah. Enjoy your time with the kids."

Olivia waved at him as he walked to the elevator and they tried to make the best of an awkward situation. She closed the apartment door behind her as she leaned against it and smiled as it finally sunk in that last night was real. Olivia took another bottle of water from the kitchen and headed back to her bedroom to sleep off her hangover headache.