CH12: Acolytes: I will be eagerly awaiting your 'official' review. S-R99: Well I'm glad that you continue to like my story, but now you made me nervous. I hope my ending will live up to your expectations (and no I am not 'the' best…yet) Well lets got it done.

By the way, I apologize for the last chapter having a lot more errors than usual. This is because a) it was very long and b) I stayed up till 2:30am to finish it, so I was tired and VERY hungry (I had to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich+ a bagel dipped in peanut butter as soon as I was done). Also I wanted to ask if you liked how I killed Nero in the last chapter. I wasn't 100% sure how to do it and I thought that it fit.

Sorry one more thing. This chapter may or may not contain some slight, SLIGHT, slash-like scenes. Nothing real substantial but I should mention it.

Do I really have to say anything here


The team arrived back at the tower and the first thing Rev wanted was a shower. While he was doing that Tech took the liberty of looking through the doctor's binder to see if there was anything useful or insightful in it.

Once Rev was done with his shower he went to his room and saw himself in the mirror with his shirt off. He could not help but cringe at the sight. Wow do I look bad. I can't let anyone see me like this…especially not Tech. I don't know what he would do, but it would not be good. He quickly put on a uniform he had in his closet and went to the living room to see the others. As he walked in he was a little surprised to see a big hole in the far wall.

"Boy-you-guys-really-let-the-place-go-did-I-miss-a-party-or-something?" Ace and the others smiled for a moment. They were all happy to see their friend again and were glad to see this ordeal had not affected him…as far as they could tell.

"That was were Nero's robot made it's grand entrance." Lexi replied.

"Now that you mention it, we should probably clean up all that broken glass before someone gets hurt." Ace said as he looked at the thousands of razor shard shards on their carpet.

"I-got-it!" Rev suddenly said and he dashed into the kitchen and grabbed the broom and dustpan. In a flash he was back and cleaning up the mess at lightning speed.

"Well its nice to have you back Rev." Ace said as he saw Rev had done the job in less than a minuet and a half.

"Yup, just means less work for the rest of us." Duck said as he was lying on the couch relaxing. Lexi proceeded to glare at him and Slam grumbled some kind of half-hearted threat at the inconsiderate mallard.

"Don't listen to Duck. Were glad to have you back because we missed you, right?" She continued to stare at Duck who just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, that's what I meant to say." He said in a sarcastic tone. Rev saw Lexi was about to yell at him again so he just waved off his remarks.

"It's-all-right-Lexi-I-don't-mind-I-just-like-being-helpful-you-know." He quickly zipped over next to her and whispered, "I-never-listen-to-him-any-way." Lexi and Slam snickered and Duck sat up on the couch.

"Hey I heard that!"

"So?" was Rev's simple reply as he smiled at the agitated foul.

"Your despicable." Duck muttered as he crossed his arms and sat back on the couch. Everything's right back to normal…great he thought sourly.

Ace had seen this playful exchange and had decided to stay out of it. He was just glad to see things getting back to normal. Then he remembered that there was another member of his team that he had not heard from in some time. He turned around and saw Tech sitting at a small table pouring over the contents of the binder.

"Hey Tech…" he said as he moved over and got his attention. "Have you found anything?"

"Well I have found some very…interesting things." Tech replied while continuing to read the papers scattered all over the table. At hearing this Rev suddenly remembered the binder and ran over next to Tech.


"That depends on your definition of 'important'. There is a lot of information in here and I have only just scratched the surface. I have found out that in his yearly college years Randal was planning on becoming a chemist, and he was actually about to graduate. The thesis project he was working on was very intriguing. He was, apparently, developing a special enzyme that, when introduced into the body, would be so efficient in it's catalyzing effect, it could possibly make the human body completely self-sufficient." Tech looked up and saw that Ace, Lexi, Slam, and Duck had the 'deer caught in headlights' look. He started to think of a simpler way of explaining but Rev was there to do it for him.

"Enzymes-act-as-catalyzing-substances-in-the-human-body-like-proteins." He saw that they were still confused. "A-catalyst-is-a-substance-that-causes-or-accelerates-a-chemical-reaction-without-itself-being-affected-didn't-you-take-highschool-chemistry?" He asked his friends who looked like they were in a daze from being bombarded by all this scientific talk.

"Uh…science was never my best subject." Lexi said and Slam garbled something in agreement.


"Why couldn't you just say that?" Duck asked Tech.

"I thought I did. Anyway, what is strange is even though he was about to graduate college and was making impressive headway in his experiments, according to these papers he switched his major to psychology, essentially starting his schooling over and delaying his career."

"I-know-why." Rev said and he suddenly felt himself sadden. "He-told-me-that-he-switched-to-psychology-when-his-father-and-little-brother-were-killed-in-a-bank-robbery." He felt a little uncomfortable talking about it, but he did not really know why. Tech looked thoughtful for a moment then rummaged around the pile of papers.

"Ah yes…here is the obituary." He held up a newspaper clipping. I suppose that would do it. "What else I found interesting was how divers and extensive the doctors level of research was." Tech did not want to dwell on the subject any longer than was necessary

"He-said-he-studied-many-different-subjects." Rev said.

"He was not lying that's for sure. He has notes, hypotheses, references, questions, and suggested reading for subjects ranging from biology to astrology to botany to geology. At any rate, it will take some time to thoroughly go through all this information."

"How-long-will-that-take?" Rev asked eagerly. He wanted to know more about Randal. He had spent a lot of time talking to him, but he still felt there was more he could learn.

"It should only take a day or two." He turned to look at Rev to answer his question. When he did so, it was like he was seeing Rev for the first time in a long time…and he did not like what he saw. Rev still looked very unhealthy (after all it he had only been home for an hour or so). "Rev, are feeling alright? You don't look very well." Tech asked with concern.

Shoot. I was hoping he would not notice…but nothing gets past Tech E. Coyote I suppose.

"I was just thinking of asking that." Ace said as he appraised is teammate more closely. In his form-fitting uniform Ace could see that Rev had lost a lot of weight (that was lost from his already svelte physic), so much that his ribs were clearly visible. He was also still looking a little shaky and unstable.

"I'm-fine-guys-really." He said as he gave a wide (and obviously fake) smile. Rev really was not feeling well, but he tried to shrug off their concerns anyway. He did not want to worry them over nothing. He was hoping to simply recover from any damage he might have received in private. His body, it would seem, had other plans as he began to cough violently and began to feel light headed. He swayed forward but before he could fall over completely Tech grabbed his shoulders to help steady him.

"I should probably run an examination to check."

"I-don't-think-that's-necessary-I…" Rev still tried to worm his way out of the spot-light but now he had the sharp scrutinizing eyes of Ace and Tech completely on him.

"That's enough Rev." Ace said sternly. "Go get the examination." Rev knew it was useless to resist anymore so he just nodded and let Tech lead him away to the medical ward.

"I wonder why he tried to convince us he was fine when he clearly wasn't." Lexi asked.

"He probably didn't want us to worry about him." Ace answered.

"He doesn't have to worry about that from me." Duck said and everybody began staring at him. He suddenly got very uncomfortable and sunk down in the couch. Then every body left and he found himself alone.

"What'd I say?" he called out but there was no answer. "What ever. They need to learn to take a joke."


Rev was sitting on the metal examination table while Tech was setting up. Rev was drumming his fingers on the table with nervous energy.

"Ok Rev, go over there behind that screen and take off your clothes." Tech said in a very business like tone. He was not a doctor of medicine, but he was still the most qualified person on the team to serve the role. Rev's breath caught in his throat and he hesitated. When Tech did not hear any movement he turned around and saw Rev sitting on the table looking very tense. "Well?" he asked. There is obviously something wrong so why won't he just tell me? When he saw Rev still did not move he sighed and said, "Just take the top section of your uniform off then." At this Rev finally had to comply and so he slowly did as he was told. Tech turned around with a stethoscope ready in his hand. Then he saw Rev's chest and he dropped it to the floor.

"Rev…wha…what happened? What is this?" He stared at Rev's heavily bruised and battered chest then looked up and made eye contact with him, but Rev quickly averted his gaze away. Then Tech started to get a little angry. "Rev, what happened to your chest?" he said slowly as he stepped closer to Rev.

"When…I was in…'captivity'…Nero…he uh…" Rev said slowly. He was twitching and stared down at the floor. He did not want to finish the explanation because he knew it would just upset Tech, but he did not have to finish. Tech had figured it out for him self.

"He hit you...a lot " Tech finished for him. His voice perfectly mirrored his feelings…anger and hate. Rev could only nod. "Why that…that…evil, dirty…" Tech was about to go ballistic but was stopped when he felt two hands on his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter now." Rev tried to calm his friend. Tech looked again into Rev's eyes and he felt the fire inside him quench. He sighed heavily.

"Yes…what's done is done…but I still have to examine you to make sure there is no permanent damage."

Rev nodded again and brought his hands back by his sides. As he did this though, his hands lightly slid down Tech's chest. This small amount of contact sent a chill down Tech's spine that made him shudder slightly. He was more than a little surprised by this, but shook it off and picked up the stethoscope he had dropped.

He started by taking Rev's pulse. He saw it was mildly elevated. It's probably just the stress of the situation, Tech thought to himself. He then used the stethoscope and instructed Rev to take several deep breaths. "Do you feel any pain when you're breathing?"

"Not really. I'm kinda sore and my chest is a little…tender." Rev answered. He was feeling strangely warm at the moment and he didn't know why. Then he realized that Tech was still staring at his bare chest with a strange glint in his eyes. "What?" he asked as he readjusted himself on the table.

Tech snapped out of the trace he was in and said, "I was just thinking…that I should feel around you're chest…to check and see if any damage has been done to your ribs." He explained this as if he were distracted by something.

"Well ok…but be careful." Rev said as he put his hands behind him on the table and leaned back, resting on them and presenting his chest.

"Yes of coarse. I'll be gentle." Tech rubbed his hands together nervously and felt they were becoming clammy (A/N: can you have clammy hands with fur? I say yes…for the purposes of this fic). He slowly reached out and saw his hands were also shaking slightly. Why am I so nervous all a sudden, he couldn't help but wonder. Its just Rev after all, sitting there…without his shirt…and I'm just about to…inspect him… his chest I mean. He took a deep breath to steady himself. Then it caught in his throat when his hands made contact with Rev's flesh. My…his feathers are…soft, he couldn't help but notice. He slowly made his way from one side of his chest to the other. "Tell me if you feel any stabbing pains," he said as began applying light pressure to certain areas.

Rev felt a little discomfort but it was overshadowed by a strange…pleasurable sensation that was coming from Tech's touch. He let his eyes close and his head sink back. Tech did not like how thin Rev was. It was nothing to serious and he still had defined muscles on his chest…and arms, but he was still thinner than he should have been. Then both Rev and Tech seemed to notice at the same time that Tech's hands had began to probe less and were simply wandering over his chest. They looked at each other for a moment then Tech removed his hands from Rev's chest and began rubbing them together again.

"Well…I uh…didn't detect any damage." Tech said in a shaky voice. "Your sure you didn't feel any pain?"

"Pain? Uh nope…no pain." Rev said slowly as he tried to clear his head.

"Good…good. Then I uh…I think I'm, or we're done." Tech was having a little trouble forming sentences. Tech was preparing to leave when he suddenly remembered something he had wanted to say to Rev ever since he left, and he thought now was a good enough time to do so. "Rev. I…I wanted to say…I wanted to apologize for what I said…in my lab…the day you left." He seemed hesitant and a little embarrassed. Rev couldn't help but find it funny. He's so cute when he's embarrassed. He thought briefly of making a big deal out of it for his own amusement, but decide against it. He feels bad enough as it is.

"Oh-yeah-I-had-almost-forgotten-about that-it's-alright-You-were-stressed-and-I-was-bothering-you."

"No. I should not have yelled at you like that…no matter how I was feeling." Tech was genuinely ashamed about what had happened. Again Rev was very amassed by this.

"Well-your-invention-ended-up-working-like-a-charm-so-I-guess-it-all-worked-out." Tech suddenly looked even more sheepish than before.

"It only worked because I followed your advice to use a more traditional design." Rev's smile only widened after hearing this.

Well now I have to rub it in, he thought. "Then-I-guess-that-means-you-owe-me-one." Tech looked up and smiled a little too.

"Yeah, I guess I do." He then moved over toward the door after he said this.

Rev got up and was about to leave when a thought crossed his mind. He was not sure if he should ask the question he was thinking but before he knew what he was doing he heard himself say, "Tech…can I ask you a question?" Tech turned around and looked at him for a moment.

"Yes. Go ahead."

Well no going back now, Rev thought. "Do…do you think I'm…useless?" He looked up and saw the confused look on Tech's face. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. "I-only-ask-because-Nero-that-big-jerk-was-picking-on-me-a lot-and-I-know-he-was-just-trying-to-get-to-me-but-some-of-the-stuff-he-said-kinda-made-sense-like-how-he-said-my-speed-was-only-good-for-running-away-and-how-my-GPS-powers-didn't-count-because-you-could-just-make-a-device-to-do-that-and-he-said-that-I-didn't-really-contribute-anything-to-the-team-and-that-I-I-I-didn't-matter-and-I-wasn't-important-or-". He felt tears start to form in his eyes as he listed off all of his supposed inadequacies, but before he go any further he felt the familiar sensation of someone holding his beak shut. Then he felt his head being turned so he was looking directly at Tech.

"Rev…don't ever let anyone say you're not important. Whenever someone says that, you just remember this…you are the most important person in the world to me. Remember that." They both stood looking at each other in silence. Now Rev could feel his eyes tearing, not from hurt, but from gratitude and happiness.

Tech let go of his beak and when he did Rev threw his arms around the coyote and gave him a tight hug (he ignored the protests from his chest to do this). Tech was caught of guard but returned it warmly. "Thank you Tech." Rev said almost in a whisper. "Your welcome." He said back. Just then the calm and touching (not to mention pleasurable) atmosphere was shattered as they heard the tower alarm go off, signifying there was trouble. Reluctantly the two broke apart but continued to look at each other.

"Do you feel well enough to come along?" Tech asked.

"You-bet-would-not-miss-it-for-the-world." Rev said smiling as he wiped his eyes.

Tech moved toward the door, but stopped, looked back and said, "Then you should probably…cover up." He said with a sly grin. Rev suddenly looked embarrassed when he saw his chest was still bare.

"Oh right. You-go-I'll-catch-up." And so Tech moved out into the hall and began to walk to the COM room.

Stupid alarm. Always interrupts me when I'm just starting to enjoy myself, he thought as he strolled along in no big hurry. Then he felt a gush of air and saw Rev walking next to him. He suddenly got the overpowering erg to put his arm around Rev's shoulders. He did so without any complaints from Rev.

And so they walked off to face whatever new crises was going on. It didn't matter what it was…as long as they faced it together.


Tada, she is done. I hope none of you readers are lactose-intolerant otherwise you might have an allergic reaction to my cheesy ending. Endings have never been my strong point, but I think I did ok. Heavy on the romance I know, but that was the way I planned it (more or less). Now I tell you all a secrete. This was just a 'getting to know you' type of story. Its not real deep or complicated (by my standards) and its not the best I can do (though I am still proud of it). I'd give it a C+ myself (but I'd also like to hear your opinion). Any way that's the end…but fear not "For I Shall Return" (hopefully).

I also encourage you to keep reviewing. I GREATLY enjoy reading them.