Ok, this is based off of the scene where Carter tells Rosie she has to get a job and that she can't take everything that's hers. At the end of the scene, Carter flicks her eyes up to look at Rosie, who's all sad and near-tears, and Rosie flicks her eyes down to look at Carter. Seemed like a good opportunity to add an extended scene! Two parter, no real smut in part one, but hang in there. It'll get there, promise!
Rosie's eyes flicked down to look at Carter one last time before turning off the light. To her surprise, Carter was looking up at her, and as the tomboy saw the beginnings of tears in the other girl's eyes, she sighed.
Getting out of her own bed she walked over to Rosie, perching hesitantly on the edge of the bed. Rosie had turned on her side so that her back was facing Carter, and she felt tentative fingers moving in soothing patterns on her back. "I'm sorry, Rosie," Carter said quietly, "I didn't mean to yell." When Rosie didn't respond, Carter looked down at the smaller girl, and found herself getting distracted by the skin peeking out from beneath the bottom hem of the tank top she had lent her. One of her fingers dipped lower on Rosie's back of its own accord, brushing the exposed strip of skin gently.
Rosie had to bite her lip to contain the gasp that threatened to escape her when she felt Carter touch skin. The paper thin material of the tank top hadn't exactly been a huge barrier, but the feel of Carter touching her so lovingly, skin to skin, was a completely different story. "Rosie," Carter whispered, feeling the other girl tense, "Please talk to me." Rosie tried to keep her body still, but she found herself fighting to keep from pulling Carter's hands to explore further. She had never imagined that another person could make her feel like she was on fire with so simple a touch, but she knew that she didn't want it to stop.
Carter looked down at Rosie and bit her lip worriedly. She hadn't thought that she had upset Rosie quite so badly, and she wanted nothing more than to wrap Rosie in her arms and fix it. Much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't stand the sight of the smaller girl in pain, and it was a thousand times worse when she knew that she was the cause of it. Scooting a bit closer so that she was half-leaning against Rosie, Carter leaned down. Her fingers had stilled in their movements, but Rosie found herself even more distracted by the sudden rush of hot air that hit her ear as Carter whispered further apologies, imploring her to say something.
Rosie had never had anyone so close to her before, in such an intimate fashion. She could smell the light perfume of Carter's skin, and every once in a while Carter's lips brushed her ear on accident. She didn't think Carter was doing it on purpose, but she was evoking feelings in Rosie that the smaller girl was helpless to control. She had never wanted anyone so powerfully before, but she paused as the thought occurred to her that Carter might not want her in the same way. What exactly that way was, Rosie couldn't quite say for sure, but the press of Carter against her back and the tickle of silky brunette locks on her neck finally became too much.
She rolled over on her back rather suddenly, and Carter found herself falling without the support of Rosie's back to lean on. She caught herself, just barely, on an elbow, and ended lying half on top of the smaller girl. Looking down at Rosie, Carter sighed and searched for the right words. She didn't know when this had escalated from a simple argument into something so important, but she suddenly felt it was critical to express to Rosie exactly why she had been upset with her.
A smile touched the corners of Rosie's mouth as she looked up at Carter and saw her struggling to say something. Without thinking, she reached up and tucked a wayward strand of hair behind the other girl's ear, letting her hand linger against the side of Carter's face for a moment longer than necessary. Carter fought to keep her eyes open at the soft caress, knowing that if Rosie kept looking at her like that and kept touching her like that, she was going to be done with coherent thinking for the night.
"Rosie," she groaned, "I'm trying to say something, and you're really not helping things right now." Smiling a bit wider, Rosie whispered, "Sorry," letting her hand fall, arm resting on Carter's shoulder and hand now resting lightly on the back of Carter's neck. She still wasn't entirely sure, but something told her Carter might want her too. Rosie refocused as Carter opened her mouth to speak, curious as to what she needed to say so badly.
"Rosie," Carter began slowly, clearly thinking carefully about each word, "What I said before? I did kind of mean it... but not really in the way that I came out. I don't mind that you're here...truth be told, I kinda really like it. It's just that... everything around me, you seem to gravitate towards. That's not a bad thing, I mean I'm really glad that it's all good enough for you, it's just..." She trailed off, seeming to lose her nerve to say what she had been thinking. Searching her eyes, however, Rosie could see the pained question hovering there. Why am I not good enough?
Carter blinked, breaking the gaze, and looked away quickly. This time it was Rosie who struggled to find a way to express her feelings. "Carter," she murmured, "Look at me." Reaching up, she cupped the side of Carter's face once more and gently brought her gaze back. "You have to understand, Carter... all of that stuff, everything that you say I have gravitated towards, none of it really matters. It's not what I really want."
Hope fluttered in Carter's eyes as she leaned a bit closer to Rosie, her voice tiny as she whispered, "What do you really want, Rosie?" Carter could see the smile in Rosie's eyes as the smaller girl moved her hand to the back of her neck again, pulling her down even closer, until their faces were almost touching. "You, Carter. I want you." The moment the words were spoken aloud, Rosie was tugging Carter down the rest of the way until their lips met. She could feel the surprise radiating from Carter, but at the same time there was sudden happiness.
As she kissed her, Rosie slowly felt Carter relaxing into her, and when her mouth finally opened Rosie thought that she had never experienced anything so wonderful. Carter's tongue slid hesitantly along Rosie's, still not entirely sure that this was really happening, but as the smaller girl didn't disappear in a puff of smoke, Carter slowly grew more sure of herself. The kisses quickly turned heated between the two, and Rosie pulled Carter so that the other brunette was lying with the lower half of her body between her legs, their torsos pressed close against one another.
Rosie's hands wandered, reaching down Carter's body to tentatively lift the hem of her shirt. Carter moaned in approval and Rosie tugged the shirt off the rest of the way, leaving Carter exposed to the cool air of the room. Rosie marveled at the stunning sight in front of her, leaning up to kiss Carter hungrily. Her hands moved over the other girl's breasts, touching them reverently. Carter started working on lifting the small tank top over Rosie's head, intent on eliminating the remaining barriers preventing skin to skin contact.
As the tank top slid off, Carter grabbed Rosie's wrists, pinning them above her head. Kissing the girl beneath her fiercely, Carter smiled into the kiss as she felt Rosie wriggling beneath her, frustrated at the loss of her hands. Releasing Rosie's hands, Carter moved slowly down the girl's body, kissing her lean stomach and letting her tongue swirl around the hot skin. She paused as she reached the elastic band of Rosie's shorts, the gravity of what she was doing suddenly striking her.
Raising her body back up so she could look at Rosie better, Carter could feel the throaty groan that passed through Rosie's body at the loss of contact. "Carter," Rosie mumbled, blinking fast to try and clear her mind, "Don't stop." Carter almost succumbed to the pleading tone in Rosie's voice, but forced herself to settle for dropping a small kiss just below the other girl's ribcage before sighing. "Rosie, I don't want to stop. It's just... this is a bit fast, don't you think?"
Sighing and letting her head fall back into the pillows, Rosie grudgingly whispered, "Yeah. It just feels so good. Nobody's ever made me feel like this before, Carter." Unable to keep the silly smile from her face at Rosie's words, Carter replied softly, "Nobody's ever made me feel this much before either, not like you, Rosie. But we have time. I just... I don't want our- our first time to be rushed, or not good, or-" Rosie hushed her with a soft kiss, leaning up to meet Carter's lips.
"I don't think it could ever be anything but good with you, Carter. I understand what you're saying, and, despite everything I'm feeling right now telling me otherwise, we can wait." Carter exhaled slowly, letting her head drop onto Rosie's stomach again, mumbling something into the soft skin. Stifling a laugh at the feeling, Rosie tugged a lock of Carter's hair gently until the other girl looked up. "I can't hear you way down there, Carter."
Smiling, Carter crawled back up the bed before settling herself back into Rosie's side. Rosie pulled the covers over them, snuggling into Carter as well. Blinking slowly at Rosie as the other brunette looked back at her, Carter couldn't quite explain the feeling of safety and love that came over her. Leaning in and kissing Rosie tenderly, she whispered, "You better not molest me in my sleep or something, Rosie."
Pretending to look offended, Rosie scoffed and said, "I would never! I don't have to resort to such...unclassy tactics. If I wanted to molest you-which I don't- I would do it right now, while you're awake." Carter's eyes widened slightly as she felt Rosie's hands wandering down her stomach until they brushed the band of her shorts.
"Rosie," she groaned, "I thought we agreed to wait." Smiling and leaning in to kiss Carter one more time Rosie said, "We did. Sweet dreams, Carter." As Rosie leaned over to turn off the light, Carter mentally kicked herself. She was definitely regretting her whole "waiting" idea now, but as she felt Rosie settle back in beside her, she exhaled lightly before turning onto her side so she could wrap an arm around the other girl and pull her closer.
She had never specified how long they would wait, and she had a feeling it wouldn't be long at all. Kissing Rosie's shoulder as she smiled at the thought, Carter whispered, "Good night, Rosie."
Yay for part one. I'll do the second part as soon as I can, cause as anyone who's read my stuff can tell you, I'm certainly not going to leave it at that without any steam (we all know that's why you read it). Review and let me know what you think!