This story is strictly for entertainment purposes, I don't own these characters and any similarity between fiction and real life are a coincidence. Parents should monitor their children's internet use, not me. Story contains adult themed content.

Chapter One: Dressing Brennan

"I don't know about this… do you really think it looks all right?"

"Sweetie, you look very appropriate for the venue. I think it's a good choice." Angela chose her words carefully, not wanting to scare Brennan off with too much enthusiasm.

"I never played dress up when I was a little girl, but I imagine what I'm feeling is a result of pretending to be someone else. Although, this is far from fairy princess garb."

Brennan turned around and inspected herself in the dressing room mirror. It was unusual how a pair of shiny black jeans could make one feel so… provocative. But then again they hugged her body like a second skin. It must be the synthetic fibers that enable the pants to stretch with you, she thought. "I'm surprised at how comfortable they are, they look almost like soft leather, but fit like my yoga leggings." A tentative look crossed her face. "Are you sure?"

"Brennan, you're going undercover, it's a nightclub, you want to look the part. You think that you won't stick out if you're wearing a pair of slacks, blouse and trenchcoat?"

"Are you telling me you don't like the way I dress? I thought it was…"

"You look fine," Angela interrupted her. "Better than fine, but this isn't the Jeffersonian, and if you look too much like a scientist than you'll be made the minute you walk in there."

"I see your point. Booth said he had every faith in your picking out a costume for me to wear and that I wasn't supposed to argue with you…"

"Booth's a smart man, something you should realize. You trust him don't you?"

"Yes I do, however, I don't always agree with his way of doing things. Like this whole idea of me being a singer from Chicago and he's my manager. I'm too old to be…"

"Jail bait?"

Brennan looked confused and then her eyes lit up with recognition "Ahhh, you mean underage and illicit."

"Here, try this on." Angela held up a tank top. The filmy garment was blood red, completely sheer with thin straps and very fitted.

"You can see right through this, I can't possibly wear this out into…"

"Bren, relax, you'll wear this under it." She handed her a strapless black lacy push up bra.

"You are joking, right?"

"Sweetie, do I look like I'm joking? I've never been more serious. Remember you have to look the part…"

"All right," she pulled her own camisole off and unhooked her bra. Even Angela marveled at the sight in front of her. Brennan was blissfully endowed with naturally tear-dropped shaped breasts, topped with rosy pink nipples.

"You have these too… why are you looking at me that way."

"Hodgins tells me that anything you can't fit in the palm of your hands is wasted. You got a lot of waste there, honey."

Brennan bent over and let her breasts spill into the bra and hooked it behind her. "Angela, let's keep Hodgins out of this dressing room, okay? I find his presence disturbing."

She stood up straight and even she had to admit the bra fit and held her breasts up quite well. "This is an engineering feat. Whoever designed this is very good. I'm surprised how secure it feels."

Angela rolled her eyes, "Here, now this over it."

Brennan put the almost invisible red tank on, adjusted it and smoothed it down.

"We are so getting there." Angela said with excitement. "She was very pleased with herself and seeing her best friend and colleague dressed this way delighted her."

"Now these…" She handed her a pair of shoes.

"These are dangerous looking, I can't possibly…"

"They are Christian Louboutin's and if you think they aren't right… your wrong." The shoes were black velvet stiletto peep toe pumps. "These are so retro, but will make your legs look great and your butt will really move as you walk."

"I cannot believe that women actually display themselves this way…" Brennan murmured as she stood and admired herself in the mirror. She turned and looked over her shoulder at her backside and had to admit… she was smoking.

"I might as well be naked."

"No way, this is much better than naked, "Angela smirked. "Look Bren, I agree that women are objectified, and that is totally demeaning to our sex, but you are an intelligent scientist, and because you're working an undercover case for the FBI, aiding in solving a murder, this should make you feel empowered."

"All right, I understand what you're saying."

"Here, this will keep you legal until you get inside." She handed her a black crushed velvet blazer, Brennan slipped it on and it draped over her curves.

"Are we almost done? I'm getting claustrophobic in here."

"Stop complaining, we're working, just think of this as another kind of lab experiment. Now hold out your hand."

She extended her hand and Angela slipped on a cuff made of crystal beads. "And these match." She held up a pair of tiny chandelier earrings made from the same sparkly crystals.

"I like these, they are very pretty, maybe I'll buy them from the FBI, when we're through." She held her wrist up and turned it, watching it refract light as it sent a tiny rainbow on the wall.

Angela made a tsk tsk sound and looked disapprovingly at her hands. "Sweetie we have to do something with your nails. Thank God, I made an appointment with Nadine, she'll fix you right up."

"I cannot wear artificial finger nails, besides being totally impractical to work in, I find them repulsive." She looked up to see Angela glaring at her, her arms crossed and her foot tapping. "All right, but tell your person who disfigures nail beds that they are on here temporarily."

Angela broke into a smile. "All right Bren, now we are cooking with gas." She saw the look in her friend's eyes. "It's a metaphor, Sweetie, it means we are doing very well with the task of creating your undercover look."

"So, you'll let me fix your hair and makeup, right?"

"Angela, I don't want to look like a prostitute." Brennan moaned.

"If you act classy, you'll appear classy."

"We'll do a subdued eye but a dramatic lip… I think hot rollers, hair spray, sort of an up-do with lots of stray wisps will do it. Yeah… I am such a genius." Angela declared.

"I hope Booth approves of this."

"I'm sure he'll be pleased at how convincing you'll look."

"Ange, there's no place to keep a gun?"

"Umm, let's let Booth carry the gun okay?"

Brennan shrugged. "Okay, I just hope they'll all be convinced."