Name: Hinamori Amu
Birthday: September 24
Age: 16
Grade: 12
Likes: Her cousin and her best friend
Hates: People who gossip and people spread rumors
Crush: Unknown
Information: Hinamori Amu is the smartest girl in her school she is also a cool and timid girl. She skipped a few grades because of her intelligence when she is at school lots of people gossip or spread rumors about her and she try not let it bother her. Her cousin is Japan's world greatest singer but she kept that a secret from everyone at her school. She has pet cat named Kiri.
Name: Tsukiyomi Ikuto
Birthday: December 1
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Likes: His violin and his friends
Hates: Girls who trying to impress him
Crush: Unknown
Information: Tsukiyomi Ikuto is the leader of The Royal 9 which is popular group of popular people he is a cool and calm guy but sometimes he acts perverted. He likes to play the violin when he was little his father the famous violinist Tsukiyomi Aruto taught him how to play; his father gave him his violin because he wants his son to touch people's heart with music. He treats the girls at his school like toys.
Name: Tsukiyomi Utau
Birthday: November 9
Age: 17
Grade: 12
Likes: Her brother and singing
Hates: Girls who flirt with her crush or her brother
Crush: Kukai Souma
Information: Utau is in love with her brother ever since she was little as she grow up she started developing feelings for childhood friend Kuukai Souma. She is in The Royal 9 like her brother she is sometimes a cold person but she is really a kind and gentle person. Even though her brother complex is gone she still is a little jealous when girls flirt with him also she is a gifted singer her inspiration was Amu's cousin but she doesn't know that her role model is Amu's cousin.
Name: Souma Kuukai
Birthday: August 17
Age: 17
Grade: 12
Likes: Soccer and ramen
Hates: People who hurts his friends
Crush: Utau Tsukiyomi
Information: Like Utau he has developed feelings for her, he was attracted to her because of her voice not her beauty unlike her fans. Kukai loved soccer ever since he was little. He is considering a big brother to The Royal 9 well sort of only Rima, Nagihiko, Yua, Tadase, Yaya, and Kairi.
Name: Mashiro Rima
Birthday: February 6
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Likes: Comedy
Hates: People who does comedy wrong
Crush: Nagihiko Fujisaki
Information: Rima is the comedy queen she loves comedy a lot. Rima has crush on Nagihiko Fujisaki but doesn't want to admit it. Like Utau she is also a cold person sometimes but she can become a gentle, kind, and heartwarming person. She is also in The Royal 9.
Name: Fujisaki Nagihiko
Birthday: July 4
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Likes: His friends and dancing
Hates: People who hurt his friends
Crush: Rima Mashiro
Information: In the Fujisaki family if you are boy who wants to learn female dancing you must dress like a girl and that's what Nagihiko did. Only The Royal 9 know his secret and his crush said that he likes to cross dress a lot which he tries not let that comment bother him. He is attracted Rima by her smile.
Name: Sakurai Yua
Birthday: January 10 (I just made that up)
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Likes: Singing and Amu
Hates: People who are very annoying
Crush: Tadase Hotori
Information: When Yua was young she always liked to sing in fact Amu was the one who always listen to her singing they became the bestest friends when they grow up they became inseparable they were always together. Yua was the only one who knows that Amu's cousin is the famous singer Full Moon she had kept that secret for a long time. She is also in The Royal 9.
Name: Tadase Hotori
Birthday: March 29
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Likes: His dog and friends
Hates: Unknown
Crush: Yua Sakurai
Information: Tadase is called prince in his school. His parents were good friends with Ikuto and Utau's parents. He always calls Ikuto "Onii-tan" (Which is so cute) as he grows up he calls Ikuto "Ikuto-nii san." When he was little he had a dog named Betty but then she had died his parents had gotten him a new one his name is Narumi. He is also in The Royal 9.
Name: Yuiki Yaya
Birthday: May 25
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Likes: Acting like a baby
Hates: People who cries
Crush: Kairi Sanjo
Information: Yaya is the youngest of The Royal 9. She always acts like baby but sometimes she acts grow up for special occasions. She loves sweets and every time one member of The Royal 9 buys sweets for everyone they always disappear leaving a candy or chocolate beard on Yaya.
Name: Kairi Sanjo
Birthday: June 12
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Likes: Samurais
Hates: Unknown
Crush: Amu Hinamori (Later to change Yaya Yuiki)
Information: Like Amu Kairi is also the smartest kid in the school next to Amu. When he was little he didn't skip a grade ever. Kairi had liked Amu for a very long time he was attracted by her smile and her kindness. When he is always around her he blushes. He loves samurais ever since he was little.
Name: Mimi Hinamori/Full Moon
Birthday: July 14
Age: 23
Grade: Adult
Likes: Amu and people who are nice to her cousin
Hates: Mean people who are always been mean to her cousin
Crush: Engaged to Kilk Nguyen
Information: Mimi had rough childhood when she was little she was always teased by the boys at her school. She loves to sing she also loves Amu too. Mimi had became Full Moon when she was 16 each day she became more famous her best friends Ran, Miki, Su, and Dia helped her with her first concert. She had became the number one idol of all Japan she always bring Amu to her concerts.