Yes. This is it. A kind of brand new story, Big Brother.

To those of you who don't know, this is the good counterpart to Geoquake, another Naruto/Bioshock crossover that I made in which Naruto discovers Rapture in a submarine under the under-construction of the Great Naruto Bridge. Recieving Plasmids, he watched his dead teammates sink into the depths of the ocean and his mind breaks into the mind of a splicer. That story involves a crazy Naruto while this story has the canon Naruto.

You MUST read the first five chapters of Geoquake and the first authors note to see the full summary of this to understand the actions that might confuse you in this story.

What you must know is that I will continue to break the norm of reality(As in Naruto gains levels like in RPGs, uses a skill tree, powers up his plasmid powers, yadda yadda yadda)

Warning: In Geoquake, there was a rape scene and multiple talks of rape in the story as it is a dark story. This story will only have mentions of rape and will take on a lighter tone as it goes on.

And for those who read Geoquake, I revised parts of it. Not big revisions though, only that Gouzu isn't from a fucking tribe. (Honestly. I don't know what got over me when I wrote that.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Bioshock.

Now I will shut up and introduce...

A white light consumed him. His mind was a spiraling vortex. He couldn't see, breath, nor hear anything. All he could do was just try to scream.

He felt silent as he watched a video being played in front of him. It was a view that he couldn't remember, yet he recognizes the setting. The point of view of the person he is watching, is peering out the window to see water. Around him, is a room full of slugs. Then, the view fast-forwarded to the slug going inside his mouth.

Another skip, he sees himself enter a room. Then, finding himself on the floor, next to a dead women.

Skip again, he is on land this time, his hand covered with red goo above a headless man.

Skip, his vision turns heavenly as he sees a man rockets towards the sky. He then finds himself in the sky and then landing in a red covered floor.

Skip, he looks on as he sees himself punching someone that he knows dearly across the stomach.

Skip, his vision all static-like, he now finds himself fighting two men with . One with a sword, both with a chain. The sword died, the other vanished.

Skip, another scene, this time watching a fat short man lecherously walking towards an angel and then pouncing on her. His eyes felt hatred at the angel though.

Skip, he now holds a giant sword and completely slices off the head of a demon that he remembered to be an enemy before.

Skip, he now meets the angel, she smiles, but mourns the demon whose head he sliced off. She then turned into an ice angel and comes along with him.

Skip, he now finds himself looking down. Through his stomach, was a metallic thin object. A sword. The view looked up to see masked men he sees frequently when he was a child. He looks down again, watching the the blood-covered sword again as his vision darkens. And then it turns completely black.


Where am I?

His eyes shot open, vision filled with a blur. He couldn't hear anything. Only muffled voices. He looked around, waving his hands, trying to lean on something as bile seemed to reach up his throat. Instead, all that came out his mouth was blood.

I don't feel...

Soon, his hearing got a bit better, hearing parts of words. "...damn!...dem...still...alive?"

Where am I?

His vision got better as well. Now, he can see himself on a stone pavement. Before him were two brown-green blurs. He tried closing his eyes and opening them to see. It worked.

What he sees are two men. Anbu to be exact, lying on the floor with a sword laid by one of them. One had a hawk mask, the other a dog mask. Both were staring at him. The dog mask has a bit of anger and fear, while the hawk mask has eyes of a cold steel.

Where am I? "Where am I?"

The words came out his mouth in somewhat of a groan. Blood was trailing off his mouth. Then a jolt of pain came to his head and he held it with his hand. The images from before he awoke came rushing back. With another gasp, he remembers now. These Anbu were there to kill him, under orders from someone named...Danzo?

'I don't know who he is.' The dirty blonde-haired pondered. 'But I think that he wants me dead.'

Then, he sees the Anbu widened their eyes, even the indifferent hawk. From their point of view, they saw Naruto changing back. Gone was the cracks on the face that replaced the whisker marks. The hair turning back to the original pointy ones. His eyes had lost the madness and he looked a bit confused. Another thing, a slug dropped from his shirt and tried to crawl away.

"What's going on?" The dog-masked Anbu asked. "One minute, he's a psychopath. Next minute, he is back to that kid with the pranks."

Hawk merely narrowed his eyes in a fury that no one can see. "No matter. The demon is still a demon. It is probably a kitsune trick. Quickly." With skill he was trained for, he effortlessly kicked the sword on the ground high up and caught it with his hand. "We must dispatch it and report to Danzo-sama."

Naruto on the other hand was confused at what was going on. He look from one Anbu to the next as they both inched closer and closer with step-by-step. He took and stance and tried to get out a kunai. Not finding one, he narrowed his eyes. "Shit. What the hell is going on? I know these guys are trying to kill me, but what the hell? Come on think. Think!"

Tenenbaum just kept smiling. Her eyes were filled with years of pain and regret. "It's because of the A.D.A.M. I took so much in that I somehow stayed the same. Truth is, I am in the hundreds. How do you think I lived all throught Jacks life? The reason that I give you this is because you give the same feeling Jack did when I first met him. That you would cleanse the world of it's sins, so no one will endure what I have done."

Naruto just stood there, his eyes in disbelief and bit of sorrow. Here was a woman who treated him indifferently and hoping that she somehow becomes the mother figure in his life. To hear that she dying just when he met her. "I..."

He looks up and nods. "I will do what you wish, oba-san!" He smiles his fox grin. "I'll cleanse the world of it's sins!"

The woman nodded as well and looked down. "Alright. Lets do this quick. Here is the explanation of each syringe. The one on the left is the Electro Bolt. You will be able to shoot out electricity out your fingers. The middle is the Cyclone Trap, which enables you to set out small trips. When you enemy steps on you trap, they blow sky high. The one on the a prototype. Never been used or experimented. This is called the GeoQuake. It gives you the power to make quakes. It has a radius effect, in which you can make an earthquake if powerful enough. Or it can have a single effect, when make contact with another, you will shake them with an intensity of an earthquake."

'That right.' With sorrowful eyes, he looked down to his hands. 'I promised her.' Clenching his fists, he bared his teeth. 'With these hands.' Lightning crackled around them. He looked up, seeing the Anbu coming closer. 'I would cleanse the world! And now that Uzumaki Naruto is back, I can do this!'

"I can do this!" He yelled as he shot his hands forward, pointing at Hawk, a burst of lightning coming out of his hand.

Hawk couldn't contain his suprise at the action, and had to dodge with speed to avoid the lighning from contacting him.

"What the hell, Hawk!? The reports had nothing on this kid about shooting bolts of lightning and exploding heads with contact. Just what the fuck is going on here!?" Dog screamed out.

The other Anbu ignored his partner. merely analyzing the blonde. He then vanished with speed.

Naruto looked around just in time to see the Anbu ready to cut him open. The blonde moved away to avoid the swing, but managed to have his back cut. "Gah!"

He fell to the ground on his stomach. He looked back to see Hawk raising his sword to finish the job. Naruto then reach his hand out and his hand changed into an earth-like hand, with some parts crumbling.

When Hawk was about to kill the boy in front of him, he felt something shaking in his leg. Then, an unimaginable pain coused through that same leg as he got down on one knee.

The blonde's eyes widened. 'Woah.' He looked at his transformed hand. 'So this is Geoquake.'

Now wanting to miss an opportunity, Naruto got up and rushed to Hawk with a punch on the mask. Using his GeoQuake power, he forced his hand to vibrate and break the mask into pieces. The man fell back and looked at Narutos blue eyes with his grey ones.

Hawk was a man that looked his part and personality. Cold, sharp edges that define his face. Steel, grey eyes and silver-white hair that is smoothed back to his neck.

Naruto stared at the man for a second just before he heard a "Die! Demon!" behind him. He turned around to expect someone slashing his face, but instead he can only see the reflection in a mirror of ice. He looked to the left to see the angel in Outer Naruto's view. Haku.

The feeling of anger came rushing back to him like a river. His eyes started to turn red and his teeth pointy. But with a palm to the face, he quickly calmed himself with slow breaths.

'Damn it. I don't have time for this. I'll have to take care of these guys first, then take care of...her.' He looked down to see Hawk, only to find that the man disappeared.

"He ran away?" He asked himself as he looked around, trying to spot the Anbu.

Seeing nothing at all, he settled for the other Anbu, who was in Haku's ice mirrors. He can hear the man screaming and he looked inside to see that man covered in needles. The dome of ice mirrors crumbled and Haku walked towards the agonized man with the Kubikiri Honcho.

"You tried to kill my new master." Haku said with a cold voice as she raised the zanbatou with all her might. "For that you must die."

When she swung her sword, a clang was heard all across the broken bridge. The girl was suprised at who blocked her blade. "Naruto-sama!"

With his hand, Naruto used his earth-element power to block the blade. But he can still feel blood trickling down the palms of his hands. And with a heavy sigh, he pushed the blade away from him. Then, with his other hand, he slugged Haku across the face.

The girl fell on the stone pavement and looked up with shock and betrayal. "Wha-? Why did you do that, Naruto-sam-" "-Don't call me that!" She flinched at the anger and harshness of his voice.

He raised his hand, making the girl flinch again, but he send it back down. "I don't want you to call me that, Haku. Not after what you done to my team."

Haku winced. 'So he remembers.' She bit her lip, and looked up to Narutos closed eyes. "Naruto-sa...n"

Naruto kept all his willpower not to hit the girl again. 'God, what is wrong with me?' He thought. 'Why do I just want to wring her neck and make her-' His eye were turning red again, but he shook his head. 'Damn it.'

The girl in front of him got up and with sorrow, spoke. "I'm sorry. I never meant to kill them. I only wanted to..." She trailed off, not thinking of what to say.

"Wanted to what? Kill my teammates? That was your order from that bastard, right!?"

"Zabuza-sama isn't a cold-hearted man! He-"

"He's dead, Haku! He is no longer your master so stop calling him that! Stop trying to justify yourself! And stop calling me your master, since I killed yours!" He stopped a bit too late, a slip that he inwardly cursed at.

Haku's blood ran cold in dread, her eyes widening. "Wh-what?"

The blonde looked up and all guilt washed away. He took a deep breath and stared at Haku straight in the eye. "I killed Zabuza. With that sword you're holding right now."

"Y-you..." Haku looked down after knowing this. Her eyes brimmed with tears. "You..." Her eyes growing colder with tears running down her cheeks. "...killed him."

Naruto can only grit his teeth as he charged up his hands with lightning. He made a handseal, and five other look-alikes appeared beside him. The temperature was dropping and he can feel the ice from her words. "You master. You killed him. For that..."

She looked up and and her eyes made Naruto flinch. They were the eyes that held no life. " die."

Haku charged the boy with her sword. When she was near a distance, she dropped the sword and vanished.

All six Narutos looked around to see where she was, only for one clone to pop out of existence, Then another. And another. Until every Naruto on the bridge popped, even the 'real' one. Haku appeared on the bridge with her dead look. She then stared down at her feet to see the ground break apart and a hand rising up to catch her feet.

Out from her sleeve, she threw down a couple of senbon to strike Naruto down, but the blonde again popped away.

Haku tilted her head, until her eyes widened when she was struck by lightning. She turned only her head to see Naruto with his hand outstretched and lightning crackling around it. He charged at her, cocking back a fist, and send it straight forward to her head. His hand though became covered in water.

'A mizu-bunshin?' Naruto thought as he looked left and right, just to see nothing. 'It must be up!' When he looked up, his eyes widened to see a mass of needles floating in the air. A split second later, he raised his arms in a cross formation to block the needles. Another split second later, his hands felt numb with pain. They were covered with ice needles.

"Gah..." He raised his head up at the agony he was in. He felt sorry for the dog Anbu who is probably dead after being covered in these.

The next moment, his opponent appeared in front of him. Haku came right in front of him and picked up the Kubikiri. She raised it up, saying, "Just as you killed my master with this sword, I shall kill you. Goodbye. For Zabuza-sama."

Her eyes then widened when she found she couldn't move. She looked down to see her feet caught in a mini-vortex. The vortex then spinned rapidly and she looked up to see Naruto close his eyes and say, "No. This is goodbye. For Sasuke."

That was all she heard, before her breathing became faster and stopped, because right now she is high in the sky. Her eyes clenched shut as this wasn't the death she wanted. 'Zabuza-sama.'

Naruto looked up at the dot and waited for the inevitable death. His eyes then narrowed and closed as he felt someone say something and then saw images.

What are you doing, dobe? 'Sasuke?'

Na-Naruto? What's wrong with you? 'Sakura?'

Naruto. This isn't like you. 'Kakashi-sensei...'

With his vision back to normal, he sighed. Making another handseal, he created a bunshin, one without needle in the arms. "Catch her." He ordered tiredly.

The clone raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and raised his hands. Naruto watched as the clone did its job. He then made another handseal and made a couple of bunshins. "Get these off of me."

When they did so, he reached and took Haku from the clone and dismissed all of them. He looked down on the unconcious girl in his arms. "Look like you're not used to flying. Ha ha...ha...ha." He abruptly stopped the awkward laugh with a sigh.

Lowering himself down, he gently laid the girl on the bridge along with her sword. With a sigh, he pondered what to do from now. 'I just...don't know. What do I do now?'

Another memory flashed inside his mind. The memory of the submarine. Of Rapture. Of Tenenbaum, dead on the floor.

'That's right.' He thought. 'I can't just leave her there.' Then he looked at Haku. 'Nor her.'

Sighing once more, he picked her up again. He created a kage-bunshin to carry the Kubikiri and headed off to the submarine. From looking at the water, he turned his head to the sleeping Haku. "Guess you need to wake up, hmm?"

With that, he dived down the water with Kage Bunshin in tow. He didn't notice a man with the eyes of a hawk, narrow his eyes and vanished to report to his master.

"Gasp!" "Gasp!"

Naruto and Haku both gasped at finally reaching the submarine. The clone dropped the sword and quickly closed the door.

When the girl regained her breath for a moment, she glared at Naruto. "Was that you're idea of revenge?"

Naruto smirked mischievously, but she didn't see it as he turned his head away from her. "Maybe."

The blonde turned back and saw her getting up and picking up her sword. She then charged Naruto with it. "Hey!" The blonde yelled as he rolled to the side and leaping up on his feet. "Stop it! You're going to make a hole!"

"Do I care?" Haku asked with a coldness. "I don't. All I care about is revenge for my master."

She used the Kubikiri to attempt to cut Naruto in half. Naruto leaped up, but knocked his head on the roof. "Yeow!"

Rubbing his head, his blue cerulean eyes met her brown eyes. He stood up and walked up to her with an air of defiance. He stood in front of her, ignoring her shocked look as she gripped the Kubikiri tighter. "No."

She was confused. "What?"

He wagged his finger at her. "You're not allowed to kill me. Not yet." He slowly grasped the Kubikiri and got it off Haku's hand.

She can only stare at him, not understanding why she wasn't moving. 'What am I doing? Why can't I kill this boy, Zabuza-sama. He...'

Naruto grinned at her, but in his mind he thought the same lines as her. 'What the hell am I doing!? She killed my whole entire team, yet I'm...'

"You can kill me one day. You can stay by my side. You can do what you want. One day you can kill me. Hell, you can betray me and I won't care. Not before I achieve my dream." He said. "Afterwards, only then can you kill me." 'Where the hell is this coming from!? And what dream am I talking about?'

He thought as he took the Kubikiri and held it behind him. When he was about to leave the door he turned his head and smiled. "You just have to believe it."

He left, leaving a shocked Haku to ponder.

Naruto's eyes looked all around the room for the first time. The other time with his Outer Self, wasn't really interested in small stuff like this. It was a normal room. A bed, desk, two bookcases, only without the books. What they did carry were small flat machines that were a recording, something that his other self smashed apart. His eyes stopped at one thing and closed them tiredly.

He dropped his sword, walked over to her, and picked her up easily, due to the fact she didn't weigh a lot. He put her on the bed and sat on the bed, putting his head in his hands and wiping his face. "Oba-san." He started to say. "What do I do now? I can't cleanse the world like you said. That's impossible."

Looking down, he spotted something on the floor. It was his ninja headband. Memories of Iruka, the Third Hokage, and his team came to him.

"I don't know if I can become Hokage, because now the Anbu is trying to kill me, and my whole team is dead, including the villages precious Uchiha. And who will they blame? Me."

He stood up, flailing his hands about. "This is such bullshit! Why does this keep happening to me? My whole team is dead! I've become a crazy prick and made an ass out of myself! I can't kill the one who murdered them! And I can't become Hokage! So what do I do!? Huh!? HUH!?"

Not containing his anger anymore, the dam broke. He started sabotaging the room. Kicking the desk, punching the walls, yelling his heart out. Then he started rummaging the bookcases full of recordings in his blind anger. One of the recording started playing, sobering the blonde to listen. It was a women's voice, with a rumbling in the background.

"March 21, 1974. My Quarters. I have to say. This is my final moment's as Bridgid Tenenbaum. And I have to say, I hated it..." Naruto couldn't believe what he was hearing. "...I don't think anyone out there in the world has made so much awful choices than me. I experimented on little girls, left them to survive to work in a government that forced me to work on Grand Daddy, and my final this boy I just met, Naruto."

The words had deeply punched Naruto's soul right out of the sub. 'A mistake?' He turned around and looked at the calm corpse. "Me?" he said, betrayed.

"He was such a bright young lad from the seconds I knew him. I like him already, and if I would, I would adopt him in a heartbeat." Naruto looked down, with his mouth open, a smile tugging his lips. "But there was one thing I did wrong...and that was giving him Geoquake. A prototype plasmid. Never even tested. And the first test was on him. It was too much of a power boost. The A.D.A.M neeed to fix that addiction was ten times worse than a regular plasmid. I saw him...I saw him, turn into a a monster."

That caused a cut on Naruto's heart. He never wanted to hear that word on anyone, especially on him and from her.

"I-I'm sorry Naruto. If you're the one hearing this. Forgive me. I led you down the wrong path. You probably don't even know what that is. But, I just want to say is...gasp...gasp." A thump was then heard and the recording only had rumbling.

After the recording stopped, Naruto had a tear in his eye. Wiping it away, he turned to Tenenbaum. "Thank you. Oba-chan. I wish you were alive. And I forgive you."

He walked towards the bed and kneeled down. Picking up his headband, he stared at it. Clenching it, and looked at her. "One day, I'll cleanse this world. For you. Believe it."

Looking at the bookcases and walked to it, his hands tracing every recording. "This must hold a lot of your life, huh?"

He picked one up and pressed the play button. "Hello. My name is Bridge Tenenbaum. This is my first recording...

-One hour later-

...he was now getting tired, yawning and stretching his hands. He just finished listening to the third latest recording, since Outer Naruto destroyed the second-to-last one. He memorized each recording, since they had labels.

He sighed in content as he looked over all of them. Then, raising an eyebrow, he picked one up. "Hmm? Special Recording..." He remembered hearing those. The Special Recordings were about types of things like Big Daddies or Big Sisters. "Wonder what it is..."

He spoke to himself as he played the recording. It was Tenenbaum again. She sounded tired, like she just accomplished something. "Novermber 25, 1973. Point Prometheus. I did it. I finally did it. I completed my newest project. It's called," Static "-zing. Unlike the others, this suit has the power of a train in one hand, and the power of assasination in the other. It still has the capability of rescuing Little Sisters. I made such a big mistake."

Taking deep breaths, she continued. "Since no one might listen to these anyways, I'll just spill it. I explored this new location for a bit. A bit being a year. And I found orphans. And nobody was helping them! I couldn't believe it! I'm in this village called...Kiri, and the people were spitting at these children, some motioning to kill them, for some reason called a blood line. I souldn't control myself. I saved as much children as I could, and I became like the mother they all never had. They showed extraordinary powers like what Plasmids do. One can form ice, one can manipulate her bone structure, another had blue skin and gills like a shark. Now, the mistake I made was..."

The recording stopped. Naruto blinked. He frantically searched around, looking for another that will continue it. Seeing nothing, he cursed. "Damn it." Eventually, he calmed down. "Ah well. That doesn't matter. But that suit sounds pretty cool. I wonder..."

He stood up from the carpet floor, and walked out the door, intent on finding this suit. He was so focused on it that he just missed the girl by the door, who was sure to she caught for eavesdropping.

Point Prometheus.

A place of the birth of Little Sister's and Big Daddies. It even held the birth of the Big Sisters.

But that place was destroyed. This place is now rebuilt for laundry purposes. It was small. Only two rooms. The first room, wooden walls and a floor had pillars scattered about. It looked like a training area. The second room though, had white tiles and metal tables. It was like a lab.

Naruto walked inside the lab. He looked around, trying to see a suit, but saw absolutely nothing. He tried touching the walls, to see if there was a any hidden switch or something. But nothing. Nothing at all.

When he reached to back of the lab area, he looked at something on the floor. There was a blue swirling circle and above it was in bold letters: STAND HERE!

Naruto, being the most intelligent of his kind and wary of them all, stood right on the spot. After standing in one spot for about two minutes, he sighed. "I guess there's nothing here."

But he stopped when he saw someone there. Right in the room. What he saw was a little girl. She is wearing a bright blue dress and no footwer. The most remarkable thing about her is the glowing yellow eyes. She was holding a teddy bear. With her other hand, she was holding a lever. She immediately pulled it before he can think and the floor beneath him opened, making him drop down a floor.

The little girl covered her mouth and giggled and decided to play with the other occupant in the submarine.


He his descent was quite brief, for he only went down a floor. Groaning, he picked himself off the floor and dusted his ragged clothing. 'Note to self: Get new clothing.'

Naruto tried to see, but it was too dark. But not a second sooner, a light shined on him, as a lamp turned on. Soon it was two lamps. Three. Five. All of them turned on, showing a room that looked like a junkyard. Parts were scattered everywhere and all of them were reduced to rust.

But then, he saw something across the suprisingly huge room. He walked over to get a closer to get a better look. When he did, he jumped high in the air and cheered.

In front of him was the suit he was looking for. Each part of the suit was laid out on the stone table. Every part had soft material, with steel-like metal covering it, with a blue shine.

Instead of boots, the footwear were like sandals. Soft black leggings and the sandals were metal. The soles were slightly spiked.

The gauntlets were different. The left hand is like a soft glove, but it doesn't cover the palms. One the back of it is a metal covering, but it has holes in it, that faced the fingers, and a big hole facing the shoulder. Plus, there was a lightning symbol on it. The right hand, is a metal gauntlet. On the back of it, was a sheath. Probably to hold a small blade. On the wrist was a smaller sheath, for like a hidden blade.

The torso was shaped had pieces of metal that fit together perfectly on the soft silk underarmor. It also had several sheaths on it. On the back, there was a little metal basket with a little pipe that is probably connected to the gauntlet hole.

The helmet...wasn't a helmet. It was a metal mask. There were holes for the eyes and for the mouth. It was a dark turqouise blue color with back lines lashing out as a pattern. One the forehead, it had lettering.

Naruto walked closer to it and squinted his eyes. On it were two words...


End...of the first of many chapters to come. Hoped you like it.

Yes, Naruto is pretty non-canon-ish in this, but give him a break, his whole team died, he did too, and he has had a psychopath controlling him for three chapters.

And another yes, that was a little sister towards the end. She'll be shown more like every Little Sister.

And if you want visuals on the Big Brother suit, it kind of looks similar to the Dead Space suit. Didn't like the suit? Don't worry. It's only version one. Others will come.

But I didn't like the weapon I chose for it's right hand(Which is a sword...boring.) So if anyone's got any ideas on a close range weapon that fits Naruto AND Bioshock, please feel free to tell me and I'll add it to version two. (Only weapons I thought and discarded are drills and claws. Or maybe...claws that drill...)

And if you want to know how the ending goes for Big Brother, it is...