Author's Notes:
Let's hope for the best, shall we?
(Yes, I realize that I'm just spitting these fics out. Don't worry, this and S.S, are the only ones I plan on working on. Until they're done, that is.)
Disclaimer: I wouldn't even want to be her. :\ (or own Twilight, no matter how much money it would get me)
Bella was never the "friendly" type, nor did she ever consider herself to be "popular". When she was little, she was always the only kid in class who didn't know how to tie their shoes; or who was too afraid to leap into a swinging jump rope. It wasn't that she was easily frightened; it was just in her nature. So when high school began, and she realized that she was lacking in the friend department, she decided to try to obtain them by different means. Social interactions were more of a weak point for her, so perhaps the cyber world would suit her better.
Registering under the name of "Wanderer", the main character in a book she had recently read, she joined the world of internet chatting! Optional excitement aside, it wasn't as glamorous as she thought it would be. Then again, she hadn't set her hopes too high.
Scanning over a welcome email sent by an admin, she opened a chat, simply labeled: "…hi."
She was a slightly nervous person, one to occasionally stutter and nip on her own lip, so why lie on the internet about that? Besides, she was looking for friends, and future friends had ought to know these things about her. Glancing at the bolded topic title once more, the brunette thought that perhaps it gave her more of an "anti-social outcast who is currently being forced into speaking" look instead. Well, that's not very far from the truth anyway.
After a minute of waiting for a reply, the teen sighed and removed the laptop from her lap to open a window. The Arizona heat was suffocating without a little breeze every now and then. Avoiding the cacti on the windowsill this time, and briefly remembering a time when she did not, she lifted the window upwards, and a light, but still humid, gust of wind blew her auburn locks backwards.
Eyes closed, she leaned against the opening and took a relaxed breath. This was nice. This was home.
An odd ringing sound suddenly made her jump, effectively causing her head to ram into the top of the window. Wincing, and wiping a small tear from her eye, she approached her laptop cautiously. A tab was flashing orange and saying "a stranger has contacted you".
To be honest, it sounded creepy, and made her have second thoughts. But she clicked on it anyway.
Tiny_Dancer: Hello to you too!
Tiny…dancer? Well… She… Or, well, they could be a he… Sounded nice enough. Or as nice as one can be judging on words alone.
Wanderer: Oh. I'm…sorry, I'm not; I've never done this before.
She admitted, with a slight blush on her face. This person must think she's been hiding under a rock for the last couple of years. Bella just didn't like jumping on the bandwagon, is all.
Tiny_Dancer: It's perfectly understandable. I'm not usually one for these types of things either.
Being the literate type, Bella refrained from using abbreviations, and was pleased to see that the other was the same.
Wanderer: Really? So then…why are you here? If you don't mind me asking, that is.
Tiny_Dancer: X3 Not at all. My parents don't exactly want me to have friends.
Wanderer: What, are you crazy or something?
She playfully joked, hoping that the other caught on to it.
Tiny_Dancer: Aren't we all? ;3
Bella smiled at that. She…he… They were clever.
Tiny_Dancer: Oh, I'm Alice by the way.
Ah, a girl.
Wanderer: Bella.
Tiny_Dancer: What a pretty name! ^ ^
Wanderer: Oh, uh, thanks.
That's what started it all. Within a month of everyday conversations, they knew all kinds of things about each other. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, etc. Turns out that Alice was from Washington, just like her father. Quite the stark contrast from her home in Arizona. But this piece of information was soon forgotten. In two months, they were swapping pictures.
Wanderer: This is…you? In front of…a yellow Porsche?
Tiny_Dancer: It was a gift from my dad. She's my little baby. 3
It would have been a lie if Bella said that she had pictured Alice like the girl in the photo. No, she was much more amazing than her imagination could ever piece together. Leaning against her canary yellow car, clad in a silver scarf, pink gloves, black boots, and a skiing outfit, stood Tiny Dancer. A beanie pushed down short raven locks, but she could tell that her hair was usually kept in an almost bed head state. A bright smile was on her face, as though she couldn't be any happier about the snow falling around her.
Wanderer: You're beautiful. ^///^
While at first, such blunt statements would never be typed, she felt comfortable enough to tell Alice exactly what was on her mind.
Tiny_Dancer: Why thank you, Bella! I quite like your looks as well. ;3
The brunette fought off a blush in vain as she recalled the picture she had lazily taken for her. She was squinting and trying to look away from the blazing sun, yet also focus on the camera at the same time. She was sporting a loose jacket that dangled over a pair of shorts. The sleeves were rolled up, and she looked very hot, in a more literal sense. But it was worth it to know that it pleased her friend.
Within five months of their meeting, Bella saved up her money to buy a webcam. She had to admit that yes, setting it up proved to be rather difficult. She wasn't very tech savvy, and neither was her mother for that matter. Then again, she was becoming increasingly busy hanging around Phil and wouldn't have the time to help if she could. And Bella understood that. There were no hard feelings whatsoever.
"I can't hear you!"
The disgruntled teen shouted at the small camera, that which caused an amused grin to spread across her friend's face. They were both well aware that she had installed it wrong.
'I'll call you' rosy lips mouthed before their owner turned away. Being unable to read lips, Bella hadn't caught the message, and despite her knowing better, she felt a little offended, and saddened, by her quick departure.
But when her phone rang, the ringtone that of a piano playing, she brightened once more.
She answered as though unsure if Alice would be on the other line.
"Silly Bella, I should've known you'd have trouble with this. Let's start simply, shall we? Where is the manual?"
"I… I may have thrown it out."
She confessed while looking through the small box that the webcam once resided. It was nothing but Styrofoam and papers suggesting similar items up for purchase.
"Oh dear. Well! There's always a time for a little experimenting! Plug all of the wires in at once!"
Bella removed the phone from her ear to stare down at it incredulously before rolling her eyes and glancing at the screen.
"That's ridiculous, Alice."
"I was jesting, Bella! The USB wire, the one with an odd symbol that looks like a root, goes into a socket on the left side of the computer. Oh, and be sure to turn on the volume too."
She giggled while winking at the brunette, which caused a faint blush to explode onto her cheeks. That's right, the volume…
All in all, they were close. The closest Bella had ever been with anyone besides her mom; and to be honest, that was kind of sad. But because it was her first friendship, she knew that it was sincere.
Unfortunately, no matter how true the friendship was, it had slipped her mind to alert Alice about her moving. It didn't seem to be important, and in reality, Bella didn't really find the move to be very life-changing or anything of the sort. She was apathetic about it all.
So while killing time on the flight, she had never once considered, or even remembered, that Alice happened to live in the same state. It never crossed her mind, something as insignificant as that.
But then again, Alice would find out by other means.
The little pixie jumped into the air, her fist pointing upwards. A large grin was on her face as her mind processed the vision she had just had. Bella was moving to Forks.
It couldn't get any better!
It…couldn't…get any…
She froze.
There is no interacting with humans. That was why she had stuck to an online relationship in the first place.
She took to pacing quickly, moving from the left to the right side of her room, back and forth. So caught up in her own thoughts she was, that she did not hear Jasper slipping into her domain.
"…are you alright?" His voice was soft and cautious, as though he was worried about both saying the wrong thing, and getting a negative reaction from her. But he knew better. Alice was upbeat and outgoing. She didn't snap at people; especially at family.
"Of course I am, Jasper." She answered quickly, but with a tone that asked not to question any further.
"You're emotions are all over the place." He pressed further, his intentions only good. The tall and skinny teen ran his hand through his wavy blonde locks nervously as his yellow tinted eyes met her matching pair.
"We'll deal with things when the time comes." Alice spoke, but it seemed as though she was mainly speaking to herself. She nodded in agreement to her words, and flashed him a smile. Yes. She'll deal with things when the time comes.
Tomorrow it is then.
Author's Notes:
Chapter Two: School with the Cullens.