OVER 570 REVIEWS! I love you all!

I wanna thank my awesome friend Kate who edited this story and helped me threw out the whole story. She's AWESOME! She's so awesome she wrote this for you (after i asked her), so I hope you like it


Rosa POV

The gray sky held little light as I looked at it, anxiously waiting for Dad to come outside. I was now jumping on the balls of my feet, much like Alice would be doing. Yes, we had let one of the Cullens into our lives. Over the past year Aly has become momma's best friend and fashion adviser. She had dressed me this morning for this big day: my first day of school. I was entering first grade and school started in ten minutes.

"DAD!" I called and turned back to the house where myself, Bella, Elena and Stefan and my dad, Damon lived. It was a quiet, secluded place where we could hunt without worry and be ourselves.

"I'm coming Rosa!" Sure enough, a few moments later Dad came running down the porch steps, momma right behind him. Although I know Bella was my aunt, she would always be more of a mother to me.

We slid into Dad's Diablo and soon I was at Forks Primary School… awaiting my doom.

I sat alone in the classroom, reminiscing about everything that had happened last year. I was a full vampire now, and I thought about everything that had lead up to that. We had left Voltura uneventfully and the Volturi have never given us a problem.

A small boy with frizzy red hair sat down next me as the bell rang and smiled. Being who I was, living with people with centuries of wisdom, I was obviously smarter than the kids here. But maybe I would like the simplicity of acting human, maybe I could find a way to fit in. My family could fit in and we would finally be together, no more separation, and be completely content.


REVIEW if ya like it! REVIEW if you liked the story! REVIEW if ya think Kate is AWESOME! And just REVIEW!

Sorry for any typos Kate sent it to me and I posted it as soon as I could. AKA - RIGHT AWAY and/or as soon as I saw her sent it to me.

Ok I just found out that the place the Volturi live is spelled Volterra (correct spelling) and I don't have enough time to go back, look at the whole thing and change it, so if you see anything let me know so I can fix it. Thanks :)

This is one of the last posts for this story unless there is something important that will effect our (kate and I) writting abilities and/or anything that happens to do with our profile. (Kate is thinking about creating her own profile for her stories sense she has ALOT of stories on her computer. And i might be giving my friend, who just created an account, all the songfics that i have written and may not post)

~CrazyPerson17 (the one and only)