Green Blooded Hobgoblin
A/N: Right so a couple of days ago I was in a horrible mood. And I'm sorry. But honestly people were just so horrible to me that day it was terrible. But anyways, on a happier note, THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! WOOOOO! So Once again it's short, and I'm sorry bout that but yea. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for being awesome reader!
-Less than a Year later -
Jim along with Spock had been boldly going where no man had ever gone before, whether it be exploring new worlds, or explore new beds, and man was he getting laid. He got laid on every planet he went on. Those alien women had a thing for foreign captains.
True to her word, once a month Teresa would hail the Enterprise and relay the adventures of the month to the whole crew, and would contact Jim and Spock privately for anything really important or just to say hello, or Happy Birthday and such like that
Teresa was usually busy running her still reforming civilization, she was helping rebuild cities, she was calling in Tedorians to come back and repopulate, and was welcoming immigrants to her system of planets. She had even signed a treaty with the Star Fleet and officially became a member of the Star Fleet system. Damian spent his time rebuilding the army in case of an attack, and when they weren't busy doing the whole rule the planets thing Teresa and Damian were together, making love.
Today Teresa had hailed the Enterprise with an announcement for the whole crew. Damian stood beside her on screen his arm wrapped lovingly around her. Jim sat in his Captain's chair and Spock stood behind him.
"So I'm calling today cause I have some good news." Teresa told the crew.
"What is it Teresa?" Spock asked.
"I'm pregnant." Teresa announced. Everyone jumped to congratulate her, except Kirk who just sat in his chair slack jawed.
"Our baby will be the first child born under the new reign, we're really excited." Teresa told everyone.
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Someone asked.
"No not yet. I just found out a few days ago." Teresa responded. Damian had a big goofy grin on his face.
"She was sick every morning, and I was all worried cause I thought she was sick or something, turns out I'm going to be a father." He exclaimed, resting a hand on Teresa's belly, she wasn't even showing yet, but she was glowing. Jim suddenly bolted to his feet.
"I AM TO YOUNG TO BE A GRANDFATHER!" He shouted. For a while there was silence then everyone broke out in loud laughter.
"This is serious, I'm coming straight to Canolian and giving Damian a vasectomy. I should have given him one before the wedding!" Jim swore storming out off the bridge. Teresa winced.
"Don't worry about him, We'll be coming to Canolian for a visit anyways, we'll stay until the baby's born and for the christening cause you know Jim will demand a christening. He'll have come around by then." Spock told her. Teresa smiled, and Damian squeezed her shoulder lovingly. He was always overly affectionate now a days.
"Thank you. I was hoping Bones could be my attending physician." Teresa confided.
"You bet kiddo! I'll do the delivery myself!" Bones promised. She bade them a farewell, with the hopes of seeing them soon. Spock couldn't stop smiling. He was going to be a grandfather, another little person to smother with attention.
Now all he had to do was convince Kirk that being a grandfather was going to be awesome. At that moment Kirk came rushing back onto the bridge.
"Oh I hope it's a boy! I'm going to teach him a lot of things if it's a boy, call Teresa back I wanna congratulate her. Wait what if it's a girl? Oh if anything touches a hair on my granddaughter's head I'll rip it to shreds." Kirk cried waiting as Uhura hailed Teresa again. Spock laughed. God forbid Teresa had a daughter, between Kirk, Damian and himself that girl would never find a mate and if she did that mate would go to hell and back just to have her.
Alright! We're done! Check out my profile maybe you'll find something else of mine you'll like. Thanks for reading. Tell me if you liked it or not.