Sam groaned as he pulled out of his brother, completely spent. He looked lovingly down at Dean, who was chest down on the crappy Formica table, panting harshly. Sam smiled at the red marks on the broad back.

"God, I want to take a picture of this." Sam moaned. "Damn, you look so fucking good." Dean grunted a reply. Sam leaned over and placed one hand on his brother's shoulder and slid the other hand underneath to rest on his chest. "Time to get up." He whispered. Dean nodded and stood with Sam's help.

Once standing, Dean wobbled a bit. The aftershocks of pleasure and pain competing in his body had really done a number on him. But it was fantastic. Sam wrapped an arm around his waist and guided him to the motel bed a few short feet away. He lay down on the lumpy mattress on his stomach.

"Be right back." Sam said as he kissed Dean's forehead. A few seconds later, Sam came back to the bed with a warm facecloth. He was wiping gently at the come leaking out of Dean's abused hole. "You did so well." Sam crooned. "You did everything that you were told to do. I'll have to do something special for you when I'm finished this." Dean snuffed into the pillow.

"Later." Dean mumbled. "Rode me a little hard. Can't think straight and can barely move." He raised his head so one eye peeked over his shoulder. "But I'm not complaining in the least." Sam smiled back at him. He dropped the come covered washcloth on the floor and stood up.

"Need something to drink?" He asked. Dean nodded, his head pressed back into the pillow. Sam grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and cracked it open. He walked back to kneel beside Dean. Dean lifted his head once more and Sam tilted the bottle against his lips. Dean drank slowly, savoring the cool liquid. Sam took the bottle away but left it on the end table for later. He sat on the bed beside Dean's hip.

His eyes drank in the sight of the damage that he had done. Dean's back was covered in scratches, teeth marks, handprints, and red welts. He reached out and gently rubbed at one of the welts. Dean hissed at the contact, but settled quickly. Sam leaned down and pressed a light kiss to the mark.

He took his time, rubbing at the sore spots and kissing them. Dean alternated between hissing and groaning. When Sam reached the base of his neck, he froze.

"Oh, shit! Dean I am so sorry!" Sam shot off the bed into the bathroom. Dean mumbled a protest. Sam came back carrying a first aid kid. "Why didn't you say anything?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"Say nything bout wha?" Dean mumbled into his pillow. Sam opened the kit and pulled out some gauze, tape and a disposable cleaning pad.

"Dean, you're bleeding!" He said with panic in his voice. "I bit you so hard, I made you bleed!" Sam began dabbing at the spot where his teeth broke the skin. It really wasn't that bad, but that's not the point. "I'm so sorry!"

"Felt good. Di'nt think nuthin of it." Dean rolled his shoulders. "Don't get yer panties in a twist." Sam barked out a laugh as he placed a square of gauze over the spot.

"If I remember correctly, you are the one who likes to wear panties." Sam chuckled as he taped the square down. He placed a kiss on the bandage. Sam returned the kit to the bathroom, turning off lights as he walked back to the bed. He slid in beside Dean, curling up to his side.

"Goodnight." Sam whispered. "I love you."

"Loveyoutoo." Dean said to his pillow. "No cuddles." Sam threw his leg over his brother's.

"Too bad!" Sam laughed before closing his eyes.