Draco stepped out the fireplace at the Leaky Cauldron, brushing off the ashes that had settled on his jacket. Tom gave him a friendly wave which he returned rather aloofly. He was not in need of one of Tom's rather lengthy chats. There was only one face he wanted to see, Hermione's. He quickly moved to the back of the inn dodging its rather rowdy and drunken customers. He tapped the bricks with quick efficiency and strode through the wall's new replacement of an arch.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief. The streets of Diagon Alley were calmer than usual meaning he could get Hermione sooner than he had first imagined. They had decided to meet up in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and he had anticipated a rather large crowd to be gathered around the shop. However, as he looked down the cobblestone lane he only saw a few lingering faces in front of the shop, not the large crowd he expected. He began to quicken his pace as he neared the shop as he felt the pull from his mate being in such close proximity. He could smell her delicious scent already and although he now had more control than when he first discovered his inheritance, his head still swam with her scent and presence every time she was close. He opened the door to the shop and the twin's interesting choice of bell went off. He took no notice as Hermione's scent washed over him. He could feel her giddiness and a smile began to stretch across his face. He saw a few classmates who began giving him strange looks; Draco Malfoy had become an enigma to them. First, he had befriended the Golden Trio and now he smiled with giddiness. What had become of the world?

Draco took no heed and continued on his path to the only thing that really mattered to him. But, then he saw a sight that stopped him in his tracks. There was his mate (looking beautiful and clearly irresistible to all males surrounding her) with that pompous git McLaggen. Hermione was clearly unaware of his interest (all male interest in her actually) in her. She was rambling on about the history of the pygmy puff when he "accidentally" knocked over one. Draco watched as Hermione bent over to pick it up and then noticed McLaggen's gaze which clearly was directed on Hermione's bum. Draco suddenly felt jealousy and anger rush through his veins red and hot. He balled his hands into fists and tried to casually walk over to the pair.

"My, my McLaggen just going to watch as a lady picks up your mess," Draco spat as he picked up the pygmy puff for Hermione and handed it to her. She apparently had not seen him yet and he kept it that way and stood behind her.

McLaggen turned bright red and started to open and close his mouth like a fish with his eyes nearly popping out of his skull. He suddenly turned quickly away from Draco's intense gaze; it was too much to bear.

"Draco," Hermione squealed. She quickly buried herself in his embrace.

Draco felt all of his anger leave as quickly as it appeared, washing away with his mate's touch. His head began swimming again and a goofy smile appeared on his face.

"Where have you been," she questioned with a smile. "I have been looking for you everywhere!"

"Oh here and there," Draco responded. He tried to appear aloof, but the devilish smile on his fae betrayed him.

"You forgot to set your alarm, didn't you," Hermione accused. He didn't respond this time and merely shrugged his shoulders with a mysterious smile.

"Never mind then, we have too many things to buy for school to waste with this idle chatter. Come along," she commanded while she grabbed his hand and lead him out onto the street. Draco did not put up a fight and obediently followed with a large smile plastered on his face.