Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.
This takes place during Bella's Transformation in BD. Read and Review please!!
Edward POV
Watching my love suffer through her transformation, knowing that I could not help her was painful beyond words. She has been silent and still for about 5 hours.
How am I going to last for another 2 days and 19 hours? I asked myself.
I hate seeing her in pain, and I know she was even through her stubborn ways of hiding it. Just like she refused to get rid of the "baby" that was killing her instead of saving her life and getting rid of it.
"Aww, she is so cute, yes you are" my sisters cooed over Renesemee, my baby, our baby.
I realize that I have been neglecting my child but it's just too hard to be away from Bella when I know how much pain she is going through.
"Let me hold her, Blondie!" Jacob said to Rosalie, who I assume was holding Renesemee like I asked her to.
"No why on earth would I ever let YOU hold her?"Rosalie yelled back at him, and I could hear Renesemee fussing in Rose's arms.
"Rose, calm down. Let me take her upstairs, she needs to have her diaper changed. Give her to me Rose; I won't let the mutt hold her." Alice instructed as she broke up the argument.
Not long after I heard rustling of blankets and Alice's soft dancer like footsteps heading up the stairs and to Renesemee's room which was actually my room.
"Edward, do you want to hold your daughter? She's asking for you." Alice asked in her mind and showed me what Renesemee showed her.
I looked down at my wife who was lying in my arms and kissed her forehead. "I love you Bella, I'm going to go see our daughter but I will be back." I kissed her forehead again before going to go find my daughter.
Ok i know its short but i just wanted t put it out so you could read it and i will update soon!! Review please!