Of course I'm giving you a shout our AerisMae; And to everyone else who is reading but not commenting. I see you guys lurking! I've been working on this thing for far too long, I was afraid no one would be interested in it any longer. But maybe I'm not the only one who cannot give these characters up.

This chapter is kind of like a calm before the storm, but I hope you enjoy regardless!

::Chapter 26: I Hate Bevelle. No, Seriously. I Really Hate Bevelle::

Despite being tired, I didn't feel safe returning to the bridge after Belgemine swepped down the hallway. Who knew if she would decide to return and murder me after all.

The halls weren't as packed as they had been. Apparently people had found rooms to share, with several piled into a single bed in a heap of snores and soft crying. It made the gigantic airship feel even more spacious.

After wandering for a while, I found the observation room with its floor to ceiling windows. It wasn't exactly empty either. A definite feeling of deja vu washed over me when I saw Auron standing at the window, watching the dark clouds rush past as the sky started to lighten. Trying to stir my own spirit, I slipped off my boots and crept across the room silently. Sneaking up on him always brightened my mood.


Of course, the day I succeeded was probably the day the world would end. I stomped my socked foot with a slight huff. "One of these days, Auron! I swear!"

I could see a faint smile reflected in the window (which was probably why my plan had been thwarted, come to think of it.) As usual, silence lingered as I reached his side for an entire second before I started to chatter. "I broke Belgemine," I started rather cheerfully. "I told her the whole fiasco with Seymour, and I honestly think I broke her. And she is probably going to try to kill me when she finds me. And considering the fact she can summon Odin, she is probably going to succeed. I just hope the whole 'his blade trapping the souls of his victims' is actually just a myth. Otherwise I bet it's awfully cramped in there."

He shook his head slightly, hopefully in amusement. I pretended to study the clouds turning that beautiful orange-pink, making the whole sky look as if it were ablaze, when in reality I was taking in a much different sight. The grey collar as well as his coat were undone, leaving an unobscured view of his face. It had been a while since he shaved, leaving scruff along his strong jaw, blurring the scar that cut through his cheek. I swear, each time I caught a glimpse I found him even more handsome than the last.

My face felt like someone had set it on fire; I can't believe I just thought that. Granted, it was the truth. Oh boy. "So, uh, why are you up? Can't sleep? Or did you get up for this," I gestured to the sunrise. "It's really pretty. Like, super pretty actually. Kinda worth getting up this earlier but honestly, I would have really liked to have slept in. It's been really freaking crazy these last couple of days."

"I think that's an understatement," he said wryly.

"Yeahhh, true." It has been more than crazy. Insane. Unbelievable. Even they didn't really describe it. "And now we are heading for Bevelle in a ship full of refugees, without a plan other than to save Yuna. And we are all probably going to die. Knowing my luck, it's going to be a horrible, slow death too, not just a boom, dead Terra."

There was an odd look on his face, but the sunlight finally hit the window, causing it to fail as a mirror. So instead I turned towards him, meeting his gaze. Guarded. That's what I would call that expression. "You don't have to come, she isn't your Summoner."

"What?! No!" I argued. "That's not what I meant. I am coming with you guys. I don't care if its a suicide mission or whatever. I don't care if Bel comes along or not. Yuna… she is more my Summoner than Bel ever was. And you guys… Alexander, you guys are my friends. My team. Whatever you wanna call us. Especially you. I don't want to lose you again. Anyways!" I added quickly to downplay my slip up, my face as warm as the sun. "I will follow you guys as long as you'll let me. Probably into hell itself. Which we are going to Bevelle, so that's a bit literal actually. And…!"

Auron put a finger to my lips, easily silencing me and making my face feel like a fire flan while my heart pounded like a stampede of behemoths. "I merely meant you weren't obligated to come. Because you may be right: this is a fool's mission."

Okay. That was more than a little disheartening. But whatever. "Well then, we're all in good company. A bunch of foolhardy guardians storming the castle to save our Summoner. We can use Wakka as a battering ram even. That wild hair of his should protect his thick head."

That got a smile, however faint. His fingers brushed the side of my face, almost thoughtlessly before he gave one of his signature small huffs that always made me wonder what was going on in that head of his. "Go get some rest then. We both know you're going to need it."

Heh. Probably. I could only imagine how ragged I look. But… I didn't want to leave and let my mind wander about all of the horrible possibilities of what was waiting for us in Bevelle. "Isn't one of your favorite sayings 'I'll sleep when I'm dead?" I quipped instead, wanting to delay the inevitable.

Because, honestly, who had ever won an argument against Auron?

His smile faded, making me regret my words instantly. While he did use that excuse a lot whenever he covered for us on watches, and even back in Zanarkand, he seemed but of an insomniac, maybe it was too dark of a joke considering what we were facing.

"Which I always considered to be shopuff crap. I mean, sleep is awesome. Sleep is great. Dreaming a-ain't half bad," I stumbled, something catching in my chest. "Anyways, you know, I actually forgot where I was going with this."

"Sleep, Terra." His hand fell on my shoulders and gently twisted me around and nudged me towards the hall.

No longer facing him, I felt my cheerful facade drop slightly, though I tried to keep my tone chipper. "Right! Sleep! Get a few Zs in and a few chocobos counted before Belgemine comes to murder me."


I had found a nest of questionably soft items and had happily given up fighting the siren call of sleep. It was hidden in a rather tiny room where things had been shoved out of the way, so I had assumed it would be a peaceful place.

I really got to stop assuming things.

Belgemine woke me yet again, though not as harshly as before. It was like my sister gently waking me after a harsh cram night.

Yeah, that was a total lie. She lit a literal fire under my butt, and I woke with a scream as the relatively weak flames licked my pants. Thankfully magic fire was different than that lit by flint or machina, and no damage was done to my well worn green pants.

"What the hell?" I screamed as the fire dissipated, leaving nothing more than that feeling as if I had been beneath the desert sun for hours. "Seriously! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Many a thing," she answered, a small smile on her lips that quickly disappeared. "We are quickly approaching Bevelle and there is much we need to discuss still."

I grumbled under my breath about the lack of sleep as I flopped back into my makeshift bed. "Like what?"

"You must convince Yuna and her Guardians not to choose the Final Aeon when they reach Zanarkand."

Any vestiges of sleep were eradicated as I stared up at her. "Z-Zanarkand? I thought…." I couldn't finish my thought, my throat closing up. My home. In the mess of my thoughts and semi-repressed memories, I knew for certainty my home was destroyed, just as I was sure Lenore was dead.

If Belgemine was aware of any of my dark thoughts she gave no hint as she continued; "The ruins hold the presumed Fayth for the Final Aeon. It will kill Yuna, cripple Sin, and we will renew the spiral of death and destruction."

Zanarkand. Alexander? Was my holy Aeon responsible for this? How? My sister had summoned him dozens, hundreds of times. It's large frame commanded the battlefield as he passed Holy Judgement on our enemies. His angelic wings protected our allies as he bore the brunt of the attack.

No. No. My Alexander would never kill his Summoner.

"Terra," Belgemine snapped as I lost myself in my thoughts. She glared down at me, her dark eyes piercing. "For some unknown reason, the Aeons and their Fayth have trusted you with ending this madness. Yuna must not acquire the Final Aeon. She is truly our only hope."

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked weakly, but quickly gained a hysterical kind of strength. "Bel, I don't know what the hell I'm doing! How am I supposed to convince Yuna if I'm completely lost?"

"You know the Aeons," she told me firmly. "Your knowledge proves that Yevon is a lie. That their way is not the only path. And considering Yuna aided in the treason and murder of a Maester, its obvious her faith does not cloud her judgement."

"So...just tell Yuna not to go to...to Zanarkand," it was hard getting that works out with my chest aching at the thought. "And instead, lead her to the other Aeons?"

Belgemine shook her head, and I saw wisps of her hair escape the yellow cauls. "Yuna must travel to Zanarkand."

"But you just told me not to let her!"

"I said she cannot accept the Final Aeon. But she must go to Zanarkand and learn the truth for herself. Her and her Guardians. A Summoner's power is linked with their emotions and their will. What she finds in Zanarkand will give her the strength she will need to finish her task."

My stomach twisted. "What's waiting in Zanarkand?" Belgemine shook her head, filling me with fury. "Bel! What is in Zanarkand? What is the damn truth? For that matter, why does this-this Final Aeon," I slurred in derision, certain it wasn't my Alexander, "kill its Summoner?"

"It is too much to explain. Some things you must see yourself to believe."

She turned to leave, apparently finished. My hands clenched into fists. "I'm going with them. To Bevelle. I'm going to help them save Yuna."

She paused as the door slid open and looked over her shoulder. "Sir Auron told me as much. Why do you think I told you all this?"

The door slid closed behind, leaving me speechless. She talked to Auron? I...worried how that conversation went.

Oh great Alexander. How did that conversation go? I picked up my vest that I had used as a pillow, shrugging it on before exiting the halls. Did I want to know? How would that even go, both of them were so...well, not silent, but quiet. Belgemine spoke when needed to, never a friendly 'Hi, how are you?' And Auron was the same. I...don't think I ever heard him say hi, hello, or anything like that. I don't think either of them understood the concept of small talk. Hence why I blabbered on around them. Well, sorta. It was also because Auron made me nervous and I loved to annoy Belgemine.

Did Belgemine approach him about my claim of Zanarkand? Or had he initiated it?

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed where I was walking until I bumped into someone. Machina and various other things clattered to the floor and I quickly stooped to pick them up. "Sorry! I am so sorry!"

"Ah, it is fine, nothing appears to be broken." The Al Bhed did a quick check of his things once they were returned to his box before looking at me with a quizzical expression on his face. "You're one of Lady Yuna's Guardians, correct? The one who uses machina?"

"Yep!" I smiled, not bothering to correct him. I would much rather be known as Yuna's Guardian than Belgemine's. "The name's Terra, and none of that 'Lady' business."

"Oui cbayg Al Bhed yc famm?"(You speak Al Bhed as well?)

I had been too distracted by his red collar-thing that it took me a second to realize what he was saying. I snapped back to reality as he tilted his head slightly, awaiting my reply. "Huh? Oh, yeah! I mean: oayr, E cbayg Al Bhed. Hud dryd knayd druikr." (Yeah, I speak Al Bhed. Not that great though.) Apparently in the thousand or so years the language had evolved to be slightly different as I had come to find out. Thankfully, the basics were the same. Rikku said I just sounded like an old formal grandma.

"Far more than most Guardians," he conceded, with an approving look in his eyes. "Let me introduce myself. I am Rin, the proprietor of the Travel Agencies. Rikku had mentioned to me you were having difficulties with your current Machina, perhaps I could be of assistance?"

"Yeah, Penny tends to jam. But Rikku showed me how to handle...that…." I trailed off as he sat the box down, realizing that not everything had spilled, and some of his machina were actually weapon-types. Not a basic shotgun like Bessie or an unglamorous mini-cannon like Penny, but shiny, very fancy things that almost looked too pretty to be weapons as well as a few that looked as deadly as Auron's swords. "Wow," I breathed, my fingers itching to reach out and touch the glimmering metal. So far I hadn't had a choice when it came to my gun. But seeing so many at one time, I wasn't sure I could pick just one. "Are you selling them? There are so many! How could anyone just choose one?"

"They have their unique characteristics. For example, the Lariat is a basic shotgun, low attack but almost perfect accuracy, likewise the Peacemaker. Then there are smaller derrangers such as the Tiny Bee if you would prefer something more subtle. Or perhaps the Cerberus…" Rin continued on to explain the different pros and cons of each weapon. Rapid fire, accuracy, burst-shots, one was even a gun-blade combo while another was a rumored mage-gun I had only read about back in Zanarkand.

Truth be told, it was rather overwhelming. Seriously though, how was I supposed to choose? They were all so neat and soi shiny./i

"Terra." I jumped with a screech as Auron successfully snuck up on me. Why was it he could do that so easily, but I had yet to succeed? I was about to voice my question, but the words died in my mouth as he held Penny out to me.

Even though I saw the machina right in front of me, I couldn't help but pat my pockets out of habit. He raised an eyebrow silently, almost mockingly, before I snatched Penny away. "Thief," I accused half-heartedly. "But I'm glad you're here. Rin here has all these shiny machina's and I can't make up my mind."

"Preferably one you can't lose."

"I...left it on purpose."

"You don't even know where you left it."

"Yes I do!" No, I didn't, but I could totally pretend like I could. I met his easy-stare, and almost felt myself start to sweat. Yeah, no, I couldn't. I conceded the staring contest and instead pretended to focus on the machina. The soft snort of laughter almost made it worth it.

"I remember Lady Yuna's mother had holsters for her weapons." It took me a moment to realize Auron was addressing Rin, who didn't seem that surprised that Auron knew of Yuna's mom. I most certainly was.

Rin merely nodded, "I do have a small stock of holsters aboard the ship, though not with me currently. If the lady wishes, I could point out the models I currently have holsters for as well."

"Yes please!" I chirped. It would at least lessen the pretties I had to choose from.

There were about half a dozen, surprisingly none of the shotguns, but a twin pair of derringers, a few handguns, and a mage gun. I bit my lip as I tried to make up my mind, and when that didn't work, I nudged at Auron beside me. "Which one do you think is better?"

"Machina isn't exactly my strong suit," he reminded me.

"Oh, right...but I still can't make up my mind." I gave him my best puppy-dog look, which admittingly never had worked before on anyone, but there was a first for everything.

Not today, though. His look spoke for him yet once again, yet I continued to try. "Pleaseeee?"

"No. Would you prefer I left you alone to make your choice?"

I was ninety...okay, fifty-ish percent sure he was joking, but I grabbed his hanging coat sleeve just in case. "No! Cause I have questions for you." Like Yuna's mom, which reminded me of the earlier predicament of how Auron was well known here as well as a thousand years in the past too, without looking any older than when I knew him in Zanarkand. Plus the whole Belgemine conversation nagged at me. And while the Fahrenheit wasn't that big of a place, I didn't want to have to hunt him down later.

"Well then."

There was something funny about the look Rin had, somewhere between astonished and amused. I didn't want to think too much about it, so I just reached out and grabbed the closest to me. A pair of small ones that seemed to fit perfectly in my hand. "These are nice."

"The Tiny Bee models are very respectable," Rin agreed. "They were, as I recall, Lady Mira's choice of weapon as well."


A few minutes later, Penny was tucked in a smooth leather holster that fit beneath my vest, while my Tiny Bees had a holster that fastened onto my belt. I felt kinda like a walking ammunition shop, but Auron was right, I wouldn't have the chance to lose any of them this way.

Which had happened far more often than I was willing to let anyone know.

"So are we almost to Bevelle?" I asked Auron as we left Rin's little makeshift shop, still uncertain how to tackle my more burning questions.

"We'll reach the city within a few hours," he answered. There was a brief pause, and if he was anyone else I would claim hesitation. But this was Auron the unflappable. "Lady Belgemine stated she was unable to join us, and would wait at Remiem."

I didn't recall her saying that, but I unfortunately could believe it. "Yeah, I told you she's kinda lazy when it comes to fighting. So I guess that means you're stuck with just me!" I grinned, pushing those thoughts out of the way.

There was something different though once the small smile faded. "And afterwards?"

Was he asking if I was going to stay with them. Wait, no, of course he was. But was he hoping I would? I couldn't contain my grin, but before I could answer, the whole Airship seemed to quake, far more than the little patches of turbulence that we had hit before. I landed hard on my butt, slightly annoyed that he had merely swayed from the force.

"The heck was that?" I crabbed as I stood up, and then had to hold on to the wall for balance as the airship shook violently again.

"Rao! Guardians!" The speakers came to life with Cid's gruff voice, "There's a nasty looking fiend wanting to dance. Go out there and take care of it!"

"A fiend? This high?" I knew fiends flew and everything, but I didn't think any usually flew more than a hundred or so feet above the ground. They wanted to wreck havoc so they usually didn't stray this high.

Auron seemed to know the way to the observatory, and I kinda wished he didn't once I caught a glimpse of the red wyrm that cruised past the windows before ramming into the airship again. Once more, I landed on my butt, and decided just to stay there for the moment. "Evrae, Bevelle's guardian wyrm." he shook his head slightly. "The ferryman asks for a high price."

"I really, really, hate Bevelle right now."


My disdain for Bevelle only grew once we were on the deck of the Fahrenheit and we could see Evrae in all of it's pretty yet grotesque glory. How the heck had Bevelle even train a fiend to protect the city instead of the fiend just doing what fiends do best?

The question was shocked out of my mind -quite literally- as Evrae proved his magic aptitude on both us and the airship. "Tysh ed!" i(Damn it!)/i Cid cursed over the intercom. "We can't take many hits like that or this old tin can will be crashing straight into the heart of Bevelle. You Guardians better keep him distracted or else!"

"Easy for you to say, pops," Rikku muttered darkly, but pulled a grenade from her pouch. "Okay then, let's get this party started!" Her toss was perfect; the grenade exploding just as it thumped against the beast's tender underbelly. Not even a second later a bolt of magic struck Evrae, though Lulu's magic seemed weak when compared with the fiend's. I was tempted to try my twin derrangers just for the fact they were new and I hadn't played with them yet, but I went with good ol' sorta-reliable Penny. Even then, the mini-cannon of a gun seemed to do little good. Evrae's hide had to be thicker than it looked, and our guys who could do damage to well-armored fiends were the ones who could rarely strike at the beast.

To my chagrin, I could remember Rin's exact words as he had offered a few machina that had armor-piercing bullets. And my words? "Oh, I don't need that. That's why we let Auron and Kimahri tag along!" Auron had even given me a skeptical look at that point as well.

Me and my big mouth.

After a few more rounds of trying to pummel the wyrm with everything we had while avoiding it's nasty sharp claws, Cid got on the intercom once more. "Rikku! Damm ouin vneahtc du rumt uh dekrd!" (Tell your friends to hold on tight!)

"What? Why?" If Cid could hear his daughter, he paid her no mind. I was at least somewhat prepared for something whereas the others were clueless when the airship jerked suddenly, sending us sliding. Thankfully towards the cargo doors and not closer to the edge. But we still all ended up as a heap of bodies jammed together.

"What the…!" Wakka's words were cut off by a salvo of blasts. Missiles launched through the air and slammed into the wyrm. The fiend screeched in pain, flailing in the air as if it was trying to shake the pain off.

"Ykyeh! Ykyeh!" Rikku cried from between being sandwich by me and Kimahri after the smoke cleared and we could see actual damage on the beast.

"Hold your chocobos," he answered gruffly. "We have to reload. I'll tell you when we're ready."

Evrae seemed to understand more than it should. Its head was tilted slightly at the words before it roared and took a deep breath. And when fiend's take a deep breath, it's never good.

Sure enough, when Evrae let loose its ghastly breath, I could feel the sickening sensation of toxin being splattered by a demonic-raspberry. The nausea was instantaneous, and I heard someone give into the feeling immediately.

The cargo doors slid open a moment later, and there was a faint huff of unfamiliar laughter. "Aren't you the image of outstanding prowess," Belgemine stood in the doorway, looking a little sadistically amused. Okay, maybe the sight of seven Guardians in a jumbled pile and all feeling rather queasy was maybe a tad amusing.

I still claim she was sadistic.

The light, feathery feeling of Esuna washed the sick feeling away so we could find out feet once more. Though, my back still hurt where the hilt of Tidus' blade had been jammed. Strange enough, I could feel a faint Cure ease the pain away as Belgemine made her way over to us. "I see you haven't had much luck with Bevelle's guardian."

"You want a go?" Tidus offered, obviously frustrated with the fight. Usually he was front row with his speed and agility, while this time he was lucky if he even got one hit in.

I fully expected Belgemine to decline as she had done in the past, but instead her smile remained as she nodded her head slightly. "Very well then." I gasped as she stepped forward and summoned just with a simple flick of her wrist, which turned my astonishment into something more somber as the magical three seeds drifted out of the sky, blooming into the flowers from which the Magnus sprang forth from.

Even though the shimmer of the Aeons' armor, I could still recognize Sandy, Cindy, and Mindy. And it felt like a knife in my chest.

With the simple command of: "Do as you will," from Belgemine, the sisters took off; their teamwork was still the same as Aeons as it had been when they had been Summoners. Their blades were as fast as their wings and their magic bounced in between each other to gather strength before striking Evrae. Essentially, the wyrm had no chance. It got one hit in, which was easily shaken off by the powerhouse Cindy, before a Slow spell assured it wouldn't get another.

"Alright! Let's finish this overgrown mayfly!" Cid bellowed from the speakers as a warning. The airship banked again, though much gentler this time, and we swayed rather than tumble head over heels. The missiles shot past the Magus Sisters and slammed into Evrae, creating a cloud of smoke and pyreflies. The red fiend screamed in pain as it plummeted towards the ground, pyreflies drifting from its spasming form.

But before we could even think about celebrating our victory, Cid barked once more: "Get ready to jump ship, we're going too fast to stop now! You lot get my niece, and we'll meet up elsewhere."