"Lily, James!" Ginny called as she hugged her children once she saw them appear.

"I can't believe you two, don't you dare scare me like that again" she scolded as she hugged them again, Lily and James began to turn purple from lack of air.

"Mum, sorry but there is no need to try and sufacate us" James croaked out, Ginny smiled as she let them go.

"Lily what is that on your arm, you are bleeding!" cried Ginny as she looked at her daughter's bandaged arm.

"It's fine Mum, Vane just cut me a bit, it's been healed" Lily said whining slightly as her Mum looked over the cut.

"Give them some air Gin" said an amused voice from the doorway followed by a chuckle, Harry walked into the room and hugged his children.

"Well I am worried, we were after Vane and the next thing I know two of my children jumped into the gateway after her, you two could have got hurt, no, you could have died!" she said, Harry rolled his eyes and placed his hands on her cheeks and made her face him.

"Ginny, they are safe, they are here, now relax" he said smirking, Ginny huffed and looked down at her daughter.

"How can you say that, just look at Lily's arm" she said, Harry chuckled as he grabbed his children's wrists and pulled them into the chairs.

He opened the door and Albus Severus ran into the room, Harry sat oposite James and Lily with Albus and pulled a squirming Ginny into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Harry let me up" she whined trying to get up but he just tightened his grip and faced Lily and James.

"Now tell us what happened, Tonks apporated back to the Auror department before we could ask" he said.

"Well, me and James followed a younger you and Mum, Vane was trying to kill Mum and well that's how she cut my arm, James was an absolute moron when he said 'Uncle Remus' and said 'Mum' instead of Ginny like we planned" Lily said glaring at James who looked sheepish at the end.

"It wasn't just me, Aunty Tonks called Uncle Remus 'hun' which was gross, she also said that she will meet him at Dad's birthday which we guessed was your wedding and told them that she was Nymphadora Tonks- Lupin" James said indignantly.

Harry snorted with laughter "ye that sounds like her" he said shaking his head, he looked up and saw Ginny still glaring at him.

"Oh come on Gin, they are safe, however, they are going to be grounded for two weeks" he said, James and Lily groaned.

"Two weeks!, thats not fair, we helped you" James said glaring at his sniggering brother, Lily looked as shocked as him.

"I would have said three" Ginny said still trying to get up, James and Lily looked at each other for a moment.

"Two is fine" they both said quickly, Harry stood up finaly letting Ginny go, "come on then, Remus and Sirius will want to know you are back" he said.

He opened the door and Ginny burst out laughing when both Sirius and Remus fell onti the fall from leaning on the door.

"You two are so nosey" she said between her laughter, Sirius crossed his arms and grinned while Remus turned slightly red.

"I actually need to talk to Tonks, apparently she told you quite a bit of information when she got Lily and James from the past" Harry said.

Remus sighed "you know she was never one to follow the rules" he said causing Ginny to laugh again.

"Come on you three, it's times for dinner" Harry said taking Ginny's hand and walking out of the room.

"Oh and you are not having your wands for the two weeks so you can't transform into your animagus forms and get off this ship" he said smirking at his wide eyed children and sniggering son.

"Serves you two write, next time you do something like that, I am coming" Albus whispered, James and Lily grinned and nodded.

"Deffinetly, we havent done anything like that together since we exploded the dungeons at the palace and set that ghoul free" Lily said giggling.

"Grandma was furious, all the servants were chasing the thing and Bill and Charlie managed to corner it" said James.

All three children burst out laughing "that doesn't sound good" came Harry's voice from ahead of them.

Ginny smirked at him "that's because they take after you dear" she said sweetly, Harry fained hurt.

"On the contery, if I recall corectly, you are the stuburn one who all the children take after which is probably why they ended up going" he said with a smirk of his own.

"That is not true, I am not stuburn" she said sticking her tongue out at him causing him to chuckle.

"Oh real mature Ginny, how old are you again?" he teased as he lightly pocked the end of her nose.

She giggled and slapped his hand away "It is not polite to ask a girl her age" she said crossing her arms.

They sat down at the table and began to eat "hello everyone, just came back from Azkaban, very spooky place, anyway Vane has got a permanant cell now" said Tonks walking into the room and hugging Remus.

Harry cleared his thoat "I hear that you gave away some information in the past" he said, Tonks immediately looked at James and Lily.

"I can't believe it, I was rated out by a mongeral and a parrat" she said dramatically, Lily and James gasped.

"Yes James is a mongeral but I am not a parate, I am a phoenix" Lily said grinning as James huffed.

"I am an Alazkan Huskly not a mongeral you screech bird" James said crossing his arms, Lily giggled.

"I would rather be a screech bird than a flea bag" she said smirking, James narrowed his eyes.

"Take that back you fire head!" he said.

Lily gasped "no way you stupid mutt!" she said glaring at him.

"Will both of you shut up, both your animals suck" Albus said rolling his eyes, James crossed his arms and Lily stuck her tongue out.

"At least we arent a stupid dolphine" Lily said, Albus narrowed his eyes "Dolphines are one of the smartest animals and what use is it being a mutt on a ship, I can swim for as long as I want" he said triumphantly.

"Tell me why we agreed with Sirius to let them become Animagis" said Ginny, Harry just laughed, he loved his family

(A/N to Jason, that's your opinion and sadly I don't care, if you don't like my story then why are you waisting your time reviewing it)