Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts

AN: Happy Halloween

Weeks have passed sense the Diviner and Xions mission in Agrabah. Xion awoke feeling completely reenergized. Today was her favorite holiday, Halloween. A day she has been waiting to celebrate ever sense she could remember her first day. She loved the concept of dressing up like someone or something else for the soul purpose of eating candy.

After bathing and dressing she drifted to the kitchen. She was met by no one, the kitchen was completely empty. Not a creature was stirring not even a dusk. Where were her comrades she wondered? It was already 10:00 am, someone should have been up but to her dismay she was the only soul awake. She sat down and waited for her comrades to arrive for about 30 minutes but unfortunately was met with disappointment. She felt alone, but her feelings of hunger overrided her company priority. It was Xigbar's turn to cook breakfast, alas the stoner was nowhere to be found which was just like him. When you needed Xigbar he was always out and about, it was as if he knew someone was looking for him. Xion shrugged her shoulders and pored herself a bowl of Frankenberry. She began to eat in silence. As she ate she could not but help to think of the Diviner. The last few missions they went on meant a lot to her. She was able to see a side of the diviner she thought was extinct. Halfway through her bowl Luxord strolled in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Xion. How has the game been treating you at its start point" Luxord said still with tire in his voice.

"I'm ok… I slept soundly" she said smiling at the gambler.

Luxord returned the smile as he poured himself a bowl of Frankenberry. "It would seem that our second in command has once again skipped his task" Luxord said before he began eating.

"Yeah…it really upsets me how our superior allows that old hippie to get away with murder" Xion said with a tad bit of distain in her words.

"Unfortunately, the hippie is the one who knows our lord the best. He trust him above all else, even while Saix was still second in command" Luxord said.

"Oh well, I guess we cannot have everything we want" Xion said as she finally finished her bowl. She left it in the sink and walked off. Luxord observed and quickly said. "Aren't you going to wash out your dish?" he questioned.

"Oh… no, I'm so not doing that. Xigbar forgot to cook so he will be the one to wash dishes today" Xion said.

Luxord chuckled, "A slight of hand so I see, very well I'll be the second player in this game" Luxord said as he also left his dish to be washed.

Xion entered the grey area, seeing Saix sitting down sipping his favorite herbal tea. Without hesitation she plopped down next to the diviner. "Hey" she said smiling cheery at the Diviner.

"Hey" Saix returned as he continued to sip his tea.

Xion starred at Saix as if waiting for him to respond. To her great dismay the Lunar Diviner did not give her the attention she so desired. Once his tea was done he started reading a George R. R Martin book. Not wanting to give up Xion questioned the Diviner "What are you reading?"

Saix broke attention from his book briefly. "A Song of Fire and Ice" Saix said as he went back to his book. Xion wanted to ask another question but did not want to be a bother. So she just decided not to say anything and enjoy sitting next to the diviner. She felt happy just being around him, even if he did not say much. He always smelt like soup and expensive cologne. She leaned her head on the Lunar Diviner's arm. Saix quickly glanced at the girl but did not respond, he simply kept reading.

Roxas entered the grey area, he saw Xion leaning on Saix. He immediately turned around and stormed off. Axel passed the pissed off Roxas in the hall and greeted him, the curtesy was not returned. Axel scratched the back of his head wondering if he did something wrong but chose not to act. Once Axel entered the grey area, he saw exactly what it was that pissed Roxas off. He saw Xion's head nested against the Diviners arm while he read his book.

"Hey Xion, hey Isa" Axel said walking towards the two.
"Hey Axel" Xion greeted Axel. Saix looked at Axel and waved.

Axel noticed the behavior, "Oh so I exist today" Axel said taunting Saix.

"None of us do, you know that" Saix said hallway paying attention.
"Anyway, we all know today is Halloween" Axel said.

Xion became over joyed, she didn't know what Axel was planning but she knows her best friend always celebrates holidays.

"What of it?" Saix questioned desperately hoping to get back to his book.

"Well, the Twilight town gang is throwing a Halloween party and I was invited, I still have four extra tickets" Axel said as he passed a ticket to Xion. Xion smiled with glee, "Sweet, I already have my costume" she said.

"Likewise" Axel said. He passed handed Saix a ticket. Saix did not take it, "Not interested" he said. Xion's happiness was vanquished. "What…" she said hoping Saix would also be at the party.

"Why not, come on, we all used to love going to these kind of things" Axel said.

"Use to, as in when we had hearts. I do not, and thus I do not wish to act as if I do" Saix said.

"OH come on Isa, stop being so dead pin all the time. I don't have a heart ether and you don't see me acting that way" Axel said.
Saix did not respond, he continued to read his book. It is not like he had anything against Axel. He just really wanted to finish this book. He started watching the series thanks to Xaldin and now he wanted to know where the show came from, and every time he gets to a good part he is interrupted by one of the members.

"Saix, please" Xion said holding the Diviners arm. Saix looked at the girl her sad eyes actually sparking something in him. If he was not mistaken it is what they call empathy, but he knew full well that could not be, he has no heart to speak of thus cannot feel emotion. But for some reason he could not help but wanting to take the sad look off the girls face.
"If I go will you two stop nagging me and leave me to my book" Saix said.

"Absolutely!" Axel and Xion said in unison.

Saix sighed and then took another sip of his tea. "Very well, I shall go" he said.
"YAY!" Xion jumped for joy.

Xaldin entered the room having witnessed what transpired. He did not care for such dull affairs as parties, he like Saix would rather spend his time elsewhere. In Xaldin's case it involved violence. The lancer simply walked away and entered the kitchen.


Xaldin entered the kitchen to see a moody Roxas, "Morning" Xaldin said.

Roxas "morning…" Roxas said very faintly.

"Are you going to that party?" Xaldin asked trying to make conversation.

"I don't know, why are you?" Roxas asked.

"No… it's not my thing" Xaldin said.

"Oh… do you know whose going?" Roxas asked.

"Axel is handing out tickets, thus far he gave one to Demyx, Xion and Saix" Xaldin said.
"SAIX!" Roxas spat. Xaldin gave a callous smile, he did halfway expect this reaction.
"I take it you two are having some type of difficulty" Xaldin said.

"Yeah, why all of a sudden is he hanging out with Xion" Roxas said.

"Hmm, what does it matter" Xaldin said.

Roxas slammed his fist on the table, "It's just, I don't know. I don't feel comfortable with Xion hanging out with Saix" Roxas said.

Xaldin closed his eyes and sighed, "Well … if that is the case. What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know, I don't want to make Xion sad, and I know if I tell her how I feel about Saix she will not be happy" Roxas said.
"You say that as if you have a continence, remember we cannot feel Roxas" Xaldin said.

"I know, I know… but still I just…"

"Look while you do that I'm going to go hunting. Killing things always helps me think clearly" Xaldin said.

Xaldin began to walk away. "Wait!" Roxas shouted. The Lancer turned around. "Can I please come with you? I want to clear my mind as well" Roxas asked.

"I don't think that is a wise decision. Where I am going the heartless are all on level 99. That is a bit much for you. You're still like on level 30" Xaldin said.

"I don't care, I just don't want to be here right now" Roxas said.

Xaldin chuckled, "Your funeral" he said as he opened a corridor of darkness. Roxas entered after the Lancer.


Several hours passed. It was now 5:00pm. Xion entered the grey area wearing her costume. She was dressed like Elsa from the popular movie frozen. Axel entered the grey area wearing a red mighty morphin power ranger costume and holding the helmet. He saw Xion waiting all dressed up. "Seriously Elsa, everyone and their mother is going to be Elsa" Axel said judging Xion's choice of costume.

"So, I loved frozen… and I always wanted to dress like Elsa" Xion said.

Axel shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever flouts your boat" he said.

Luxord was the next to arrive in the grey area. He was dressed in an all red suit with a red hat and ciculer red glasses.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Axel asked.

"I am Alucard from Hellsing" Luxord said tipping his hat.

"I thought you said you were not going" Xion said.

"Originally I was not in consideration for you guys, I knew there would not be enough tickets for me, but it seems Roxas will not be attending this party, so Axel had an extra ticket" Luxord said.

"Wait Roxas is not coming, why not?" Xion asked concerned for her friend.

"Alas, an answer that is not in my possession. I saw him leave with Xaldin to train in Halloween town" Luxord said.

Xion felt a bit saddened, she and Roxas has been talking about Halloween for a long time, now that it is here her best friend is nowhere to be found.

Demyx was the next to arrive. He died his hair green wearing a Captain Planet costume. "Sup, guys are we ready?" Demyx asked.

"No, we still have to wait for Saix" Axel said.

On Q, the diviner arrived wearing the Organization coat. "Are we ready" Saix said.
"Uh… Isa, you were supposed to wear a costume, like me… got it memorized" Axel said.

"No need, the coat of the organization is haunted enough" Saix said.
"True, however this party is in Twilight town a place where we regularly do missions. Our black coats are quite common over there" Axel said.

Saix rolled his eyes, "So what do you suggest I do" Saix said.

"Guys, we be right back. Wait right here" Axel said opening a dark corridor.


Saix was in the changing room. "Alright I'm coming out" Saix said as he exited the changing room. He was wearing a Jafar costume with the serpent staff. He looked at Axel with great distain. "I feel stupid" he said.

"Perfect, let's go then" Axel said opening a corridor back to the grey area.

The two appeared immediately as they exited the corridor Saix was laughed at by Demyx. Saix gave Demyx a sharp gut wrenching glare that canceled his laughter.

"Wow… you look awesome" Xion said.

"This is foolish" Saix said to his great disappointment.

"Oh lighten up Isa, just grin and bare it for now. Trust me we will have lots of fun" Axel said.


The five arrived in front of the usual spot. As they walked up they were greeted by a bouncer dressed like a knight. "Do you have your tickets?" the bouncer asked. The five handed the bouncer the tickets. "Come on in" the bouncer said.

The five entered the usual spot, it was a cramp place looking as if it only has space for four people. There was an arrow leading to the stairway.

"Well everyone the party's down there, let's go and have a gay o time" Axel said as he put his helmet on. The nobodies walked down the stairs to here loud bombing rave music. As they arrived in the basement were people wearing costumes from all walks of entertainment. Vampires, Werewolves, Pirates, Super Hereos, Princesses, Demons and all forms of creature all danced around, mingled and had a great time. To Xion's disappointment there were so many people dressed as Elsa from Frozen. As the 8th Elsa passed her she simply glared at Axel who was dancing around with his power sword.

The further they went into the part the more members of their crew went wandering off. First was Axel, then Luxord was complimented about his costume by a female otaku dressed like Mikasa from attack on Titan. Demyx was greeted by some of his band mates all dressed like planeteers. Soon it was just Xion and Saix standing awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor not knowing exactly what to do.

"Now what?" Saix said already bored.

The music stopped and the announcer began to speak. "Everyone everyone, I hope you all been enjoying this party. DJ Pence in the house about to play so slow jams. OH yeah, this is a song for all those lovely couples. And single people, you're welcome to dance along to. Just grab some one and let the music seep in."

Quickly Xion grabbed Saix's hand. Saix's face became redder than Axel's costume. "Let's enjoy this dance" Xion said. Saix read the young lady motion and held her. The two began to rock back and forth in a dancing motion, her blue eyes of innocence staring into his bestial yellow eyes. The two became in a trance as if they could read each other's thoughts. Xion's hand began to reach Saix's face brining it closer. Saix obeyed her orders as if Xemnas himself were giving them. He brought his face down his lips beginning to pucker as did Xion's. Their faces became closer and even closer, they're lips almost touching… until.
"HEY POPPET, X FACE" they heard a voice call them, a voice so boastful it could only belong to Xigbar. His arrogant voice broke Xion and Saix from their trance. The two looked to see Xigbar sitting waving from far away. He was wearing an all-white robe with a white wig and a fake white beard. His arm was around intimidatingly attractive a young lady with tan skinned and blond wild hair dressed like a devil. Saix and Xion walked up to the shooter. "Hey guys, glad to see you could make it to Hayner's party" Xigbar said.

"Good to see you here to. But I am having a hard time piecing together your costume" Xion said.
"I'm god silly, and Rogexial here is the devil" Xigbar said.

"I take it this is your girlfriend" Saix said starting at the young lady.

"Yeah, this is wifey. Wifey these are my coworkers, Xion and Saix" Xigbar said.

"Pleased to meet you" she said with a thick Spanish accent. She grabbed both their hands and kissed them. Xion felt a bit akward. Saix disgusted.

"Hey why don't you guys take a seat and have a drink with us" Xigbar said.

Saix rolled his eyes in a do I have to kind of motion. Xion sat down and patted Saix seat signaling him to sit, Saix sat down to his disappointment.


Xaldin swirled through the heartless with ease. "These amateurs are a piece of cake" said the battle addicted lancer.

Roxas struggled with the heartless damn near dying every time they hit him. "There too strong" Roxas yelled.

"Tuff luck kid, I did warn you" Xaldin said as he pierced through the heartless with ease.

"How do you do this everyday" Roxas said.

"Get angry, feed it, anger will make you strong" Xaldin said.

"But I thought we couldn't feel" Roxas said.

"Look, just remember I time where you were your maddest and let those memories guide you" Xaldin said as he blasted a group of nobodies with a gust of wind.

Roxas stood in place holding his keyblade firmly. "Angry… must get angry…." He boiled his fist and glared at the Fat Bandit that stood before him. "Must get…. ANGRY…FUCK YOU SAIX" Roxas yelled as he swung his keyblade at the fat bandit. The strike repelled of the Fat Bandits body. "Wait… I thought that would?" The fat bandit gave Roxas no time to pounder, it simply decked the poor boy in the face and knocked him out cold. Xaldin saw this and made a face. "Oooooooooooooooooooo…. That's going to leave a mark"


For about an hour Xigbar, Rogexial and Xion conversed about various topics. Xion then glanced at Saix and realized he was reading the book from the morning. "Saix…" Xion said whishing the diviner would partake in the conversation. Saix looked at the girl, he then brought his attention to Xigbar. "If you would excuse me" Saix said. As he got up and walked away, Xion followed.

"What's his deal babe" Rogexial asked.

"I ask myself that question every time I look at him" Xigbar said.

Saix walked over to the bar and took a seat. Xion sat next to him. "Is everything ok" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't like Xigbar" Saix said.

"Oh…ok, I'm not very fond of him ether" Xion said.

Saix ordered to shots, and brought his attention back towards Xion. "How come, If I recall you once said you liked Xigbar, he was like an uncle to you" Saix said.

"When did I ever say those words" Xion said.

"One, time you Roxas and Axel were in the grey area. I overheard you talking" Saix said.

Xion wore a bright smile, "I never thought you paid that much attention to me" she said.

"Of course I did, you are very valuable to us, puppet" Saix said joking around.

"Whatever X face" Xion said with inebriation her voice. The two took their shots. The bar tender then gave Saix a look.

"Um sir, is she even the proper drinking age" the bartender said.

"We are nobodies, we don't count our age" Saix said.
"Wait yes we…" Saix pinched Xion on the thigh to signal for her to quiet herself. Xion did as the diviner commanded. They continued to their conversation. "I think Xigbar is pretty cool, but I don't like the way he treats you. Hence is why I said I was not fond of him" Xion said.

"You can still like me and be fond of Xigbar. It does not bother me, I just don't like him" Saix said.

"Like you, who said anything about that" Xion said starring deeply at Saix.

Saix took his shot and smiled, "Didn't you once said that to me" Saix said with a bit of inebriation in his voice as well.

Xion's face became red, "I don't recall" she lied.

"Well… then I guess you wouldn't mind if I left you here and went to go talk to Axel" Saix said as he got up. Xion grabbed his hand, "Get your ass back here, you… know how I feel" Xion said pulling the diviner back to her. Saix took his seat, she did not let go of his hands. She starred deep in his yellow eyes, he returned the stare with equal interest, alcohol glued on both of their breaths. The two moved in closer and began to place their lips on each other. They kissed, releasing themselves from the worlds concerns. The concerns of their hearts, their existence, and their peers meant naught to these two lovers. Only thing that mattered at that moment was Saix and Xion.

Axel looked to see two of his best friends make out and a smile entered his face. "Woah… I know they had feelings for each other but damn" Axel said as he watched both of them ease in becoming more entranced in the kiss.

Luxord broke his attention away from the Otaku briefly to see Saix and Xion's kiss. He had only one remark to say about this. "Checkmate"