Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.


It was a typical day in the grey area; all the members (save for Xemnas and the fallen members of Castle Oblivion) were in the grey waiting for their assignment. Demyx was sitting down fixing his Sitar. Xaldin and Luxord were having a conversation about the K.O'ed members in Castle Oblivion. Axel and Roxas were sitting down waiting for Xion. Xigbar was resting his eyes on the coach.

Saix stood in the middle of the room waiting to see who was going to be the first to ask for their mission. It really did not matter to him; he just wanted all the members gone so he could be alone. If he had it his way they would be working none stop. To him it was a good thing that most of the other members were destroyed. If he had it his way he would have sent Xion and Xigbar there. Unfortunately for Saix that would never work, Xigbar most likely already knows what he is planning and probably came up with a counter plan against him, and Xion was Xemnas little puppet and eliminating her would be most unwise.

If he could describe this animosity towards Xion he would call it hatred. He did not really have much of a reason to hate her if he could even hate, but he still did. He felt she was a useless puppet and Axel is wasting his time on a false friendship with her. He harbored such hatred for Xion yet he did not hate Roxas in the least bit. In fact he did not really have an opinion on Roxas.

The first member to come up to him was Luxord. "And what fate has the cards dealt me today" said the gambling nobody. Saix chuckled "You and Demyx will be competing in a tournament in Olympus. There is a prize they are giving out that the Organization needs." Luxord turned his attention to Demyx who was now beside him. "Oh… do have to" said Demyx not wanting to work.

"Don't give me that attitude slacker. Half of our members were terminated. All remaining members must act accordingly. If I had it my way you would be gone as well" Saix said evilly.

Xigbar approached Saix next. "Oh is that so Mr. Big. If you ask me you are the most useless one here. You of all people should not make fun of others" Xigbar said defending Demyx.

"He is a disgrace and you know it" said Saix angrily.

"As if … you're the real disgrace, all you do is walk around and bark orders. You don't do shit around here and now you are talking about eliminating people. You should be happy I don't report this misconduct to Xemnas" Xigbar said in a real serious tone. This shocked all the members in the gray area. All the members knew Xigbar and Saix had bad blood but they never seen Xigbar this serious.

"Whatever… if that's the case you go on his mission with Luxord. Demyx can take the recon mission in the land of dragons." Without a word Luxord and Demyx teleported to their respective areas. Xigbar summoned one of his guns and put it in Saix face. "I swear if I find out you had a hand in what went down in castle oblivion I will deal with you personally. I will bust a cap straight through your skull" Xigbar said before finally teleporting away. Xaldin just chuckled.

"IS there a problem Xaldin" Saix said glaring at the warrior.

Xaldin walked up to Saix and got in his face. "You don't want any of this" he said mocking Saix.

"Don't get to cocky or it will be your undoing" Saix said narrowing his eyes. Axel got in the middle of the two and held them both back.

"Woe woe calm it down there. We don't want any problems, got it memorized" Axel said trying to calm down the two.

"Just give me my mission" Xaldin said being very impatient.

"Just go to beast castle and collect info" without a word Xaldin teleported away.

Axel scratched the back of his head. "Well you are awfully friendly today" Axel said mocking Saix.

"Not in the mood today. You and Roxas go to Twighlight town and collect hearts."

Axel looked at Roxas who was buying some potions from the moogle. "Come on Roxas duty calls" Axel said while opening a dark portal. Roxas nodded his head and followed Axel trough the dark portal.

Saix looked down the empty hall to see a tired Xion arriving late. Xion looked at the glaring Saix not really caring.

"Your late" Saix said abruptly. Xion simply yawned.

"You look tired. Perhaps this mission I am assigning you today should wake you up. If I am lucky you might die this time" Saix said trying to upset Xion.

Xion looked at Sax furiously but still tired. "Shut the fuck up you useless puppy. I am not in the mood to put up with you today. You don't like me I don't like you. Let's just keep it that way and move on with our lives. You're wasting your dog breath even talking to me you fucking teachers pet" Xion said rudely. Saix enraged by these statements eyes glowed a violent blue. "You useless puppet how dare you insult me. I don't care who you are I will mount your head in my trophy room" Saix said summoning his claymore.

Xion summoned her Keyblade and looked at Saix in a nonchalant way. "OH and this is the part where you try to destroy me and fail. Just give up Saix you are the weakest link and you know it. You should just fade back into darkness already and save me the trouble from whipping your ass" Xion said mocking Saix.

Saix jumped in the air and slammed his Claymore on Xion. She blocked the attack with ease. "You're so predictable it is pathetic." She pushed him back with the force of her Keyblade. She charged at him getting ready to slice him. Saix blocked the attack with his claymore. "Give up you complete waste of space" Saix said evilly.

Xion used his claymore to jump back. She went back into her fighting stance. "Your one to talk, unlike you I have a purpose. I have friends and the Organization I conceder family, all accept you. Why are you even here everyone hates you, even your so called best friend Axel. Your really are the biggest nobody of them all. If I were you I would stab myself with that big claymore of yours" Xion said glaring at Saix.

"WHY YOU!" Saix charged at Xion. Xion only stood there as a dark portal appeared in front of her. Out of the portal came Xemnas. Saix immediately vanished his weapon and bowed before Xemnas. Xemnas only glared at him.

"Lord Xemnas forgive me.." Xemnas put up his hand signaling Saix to stop talking.

"You fool. You would throw away your only chance to reclaim a heart. I pity you" Xemnas said coldly.

"MY lord I can explain… she"

"Did nothing. I saw everything, you were the one who attacked her. You call yourself a second in command, pathetic. I am demoting you, Xigbar is once again my second in command" Xemnas said his eyes piercing Saix's none existing heart.

"But Xemnas"

"NO excuses, you better be lucky I am in a good mood today or else you would not be standing here still." Xemnas turned his attention to Xion. "As for you Xion, two wrongs don't make a right so for your punishment you will be going to Traverse Town with Saix for your mission today. Consider this a slap on the wrist" Xemnas said smiling slightly at Xion.

"Understood, it will not happen again" Xion said bowing to Xemnas.

Xemnas chuckled "You two better get along" he said as he laughed evilly while teleporting away.

Saix opened a dark coridoor to Travevese Town . "Let us get this over with."

Xion glared at him and then followed him inside the portal.


Xion and Saix arrived in the market district. The streets were surprisingly empty which was a good thing in Saix case, less people less distraction.

Xion looked at Saix. He still was pissed. "So what are we doing here?" asked Xion.

"Defeat Heartless, gather hearts" Saix said not trying to make conversation.

The two walked the empty streets of Traverse Town. Both of them did not say a word to each other. For Saix this was the best thing he could hope for. He never was good at talking. When he was a somebody Lea did most of the talking while he just listened.

For Xion it was not so bad. She really had nothing to say to the Lunar Diviner. He was evil, callous and abrasive. What can she gain from someone who was like that? In many ways he was similar to Xaldin if it were not for the fact that Xaldin is not a total dick all the time.

The two finally came across some Heartless, they were soldiers and large body heartless. They both summoned there weapons and prepared for battle. Xion attacked the solider heartless relentlessly taking each one of them out. Saix handled the large body, each large body that Saix weakened Xion eliminated with her fire spell. The hearts they held flew into the sky.

As they progressed through the city the destroyed every heartless they came across. Saix took care of the pure bloods while Xion took care of the emblem heartless. One of the Neo shadows attempted to jump and attack Xion from behind. Xion turned around to see the heartless in midair. Before she could react she saw the heartless disappear. She then saw Saix standing with his claymore where the heartless was. He looked at her with a smug expression. "Don't be so careless" he said. She saw three solder heartless try to jump Saix from behind. As Saix turned around he saw the three heartless being hit by a thundera spell. "Now who is careless" Xion said with a smile.

Saix chuckled "I see, you think you could out due me, I highly doubt that" Saix said glaring and smirking at Xion.

"Oh don't be so high and mighty" Xion said smirking at Saix. More heartless appeared only to be sent packing, Xion and Saix were cleaning house. For three hours they fought Heartless after Heartless and eliminated every signal one.

At the end of the battle they both were exhausted. Xion laid on the floor panting as Saix leaned aginst a wall. "Well that was some work out" Xion said getting up and trying to be somewhat friendly.

Saix then chuckled "Dispite our little dispute earlier you are not bad for a puppet" Saix said smirking.

Xion did not know whether to take that as a complement or an insult. From Saix that was probably the only complement she will ever get. "Maybe we should fight together again sometime" Xion said cheerfully.

Saix only grunted "Lets return to the castle" he said as he opened a portal and walked through it. Xion followed.


When she returned it was already 11:00 pm. Axel and Roxas where most likely sleeping. She decided to go to sleep.

As she laid in the bed she can only think of Saix complement. Although somewhat insulting the words lingered in her head. "You are not bad for an asshole" she said as she fell asleep.


Saix sat at the table in the kitchen. He would normally still be in the grey area. But he could not. Tonight was Xaldin's night to watch True Blood.

Luxord appeared in the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Hey Saix, how has the game been treating you" Luxord said casually. Although Saix was pretty much hated by most the Organization he was still on decent terms with Luxord.

"I'm alright just thinking" Saix said.

Luxord took a sip of his water. "I heard Xemnas put Xigbar back as second in command. The cards certainly were not in your favor today" Luxord said slightly mocking Saix.

"I guess not… ether way it does not matter. I don't have a heart to feel apathy" Saix said with miserably.

"I heard your mission today was with Xion" Luxord said momentarily breaking away from his game talk.

"Yeah… it was not that bad. She is a really great fighter" Saix said with a slight smile.

"Well isn't that something. I guess the deck was shuffled in your favor then, judging by your reaction" Luxord said in a mocking tone.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Saix questioned defensively.

"Nothing Saix nothing at all" Luxord said teleporting away. Saix sighed as he summoned a dark corridor. "I guess I should go to sleep" Saix said entering the dark portal.

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