Chapter 12

I didn't understand why everything they were telling me was the truth. It's not like someone could ever lie about something like this.

I walked into the bathroom and heading to the mirror, and gasp. Everything about me was different. My face looked like a grownup face, and I was tall and I had things I didn't know I had. I looked down and seem I had grown boobs, to which I never knew I had. But then I remember I was my older self. Everything they were telling me was true, and even the pictures proves it. I don't have any memory to any taking any of those pictures or even going to prom with Edward.

How do I even remember how to get back to my time? I had to get back, where everything was easier and happier.

I went to my bed and fell asleep.


I was walking to my house and smelled salt and rust that could only be blood. I tried to ignore the nausea feeling, and concreted to where this was coming from. I turned the corner and I screamed. It was my dad on the floor bleeding to death. From just by looking I knew he was dead.


I was walking in my house with Edward right behind me, and I had seen everything, and all the dried blood. But I realized my father wasn't their anymore. He was at the hospital getting ready for his funeral.

I woke up screaming my head off.

It felt so real. Edward came to the room panicked.

"Bella. It's Ok. It was just a bad dream. Nothing is going to happen." Edward said trying to calm me down.

'Edward it felt so real. I had a dream that my dad died and there was blood everywhere. And you were event there in my second dream trying to comfort me." I cried because deep down I knew it was true. For some reason everything started to make sense.

Edward lay next to me on the bed, humming my lullaby.

Everything seemed to be different. I woke up with a massive headache, and to a happy Edward. I pulled him to me and kissed him, I kissed him as if I had been gone for awhile. I felt like I had missed him for a while, like I was always for awhile. It was kiss that you get when your husband comes home, from a very long tour.

He pulled away and smiled at me, that famous crooked smile that would always make my heart beat ten times faster.

"What got you all happy and smiling?" I asked. What can I saw I am curious?

"You silly, I have missed you very much. You have no idea. It seemed like I have been away for a very long time." Pain crossed his face, with a sudden saddens.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you remember?" he asked trying to decipher my expression. I just stood there emotionless.

"I only remember my dad dying and you coming back to school and Victoria killing my dad. And after that I remember being in the white lights. It felt like I didn't want to ever leave. It was peaceful, and calming. It felt like it took all your worries away. It took away all your emotions and made you feel happy for once with no worry about hurting you or anyone else."

It was all true; it was a very peaceful place. This was the kind of place where you could think, I mean actually think with no interruptions, or having to second guess yourself. It felt like place where you want to go if you ever wanted to escape the real world. It's not something you can describe because you have to experience all for yourself.

Everything came flooding back to my brain; all the memories from the time when the Cullen's came and when hey had left. How I had been acting, and me leaving to come live with my father. Then the Cullen's showing up for school again, and finding out that my father was murdered by a vampire name Victoria. Me staying at the Cullen's house until my house is clean from blood. Then my mother showing up at school and staying at the Cullen's house and she even brought Cody my ex boyfriend, and best friend. Then Jacob coming back to tell me the real reason why everything is happens, and why my father had to die. He died because of me.

For some odd reason I have been having this flashbacks. Why does the number 5 keeps showing up.

I looked at Edward and faced him.

"Why do I keep having the number 5 in my head?" I was worried because this had never happen before. It was like it had meaning but what meaning would it have.

Edward came and sits on the bed next to me and said

"You really want to know?" He asked as if something was wrong.

I nodded to him, telling him to continue.

"Well you were asleep one right and you woke up as your five year old self. You didn't remember anyone one expect your mother and father. You couldn't remember anything else expect everything on your fifth birthday. You woke up running to your mom crying and saying something about going back to Disney and you becoming a princess, and you staying at the Saratoga Springs resort. You cried because you wanted to see the princess again. This was one of the happiest times that you could remember because you were truly happy, and I know you notice your parents always fighting but never around you. We tried telling you what was going on but you didn't want to listen. Emmet tried talking to you, but you yelled at him, and ran, so I followed you and because I knew everyone would get worried. I found you seating on the grass and crying. We introduce ourselves again and you told me that I was cold and I needed jacket."

He explained to me that he had to show the younger me the pictures, from every vacation and some pictures from prom and some with the Cullen's. what was I suppose to do with all this information?