A/N: I should probably be working on my other fics or something, but I got a spark of inspiration. BY THE WAY, just to let you know before hand, I will be switching the POV depending on the situation. That way I can make it a little bit more... interesting~ :"D Oh and, it's my first high school fic. Tee hee~ Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts. If I did... oh buddy.

₪ Chapter 1 ₪

~ Larxene POV ~

Jeez. Honestly, if it were up to me I wouldn't be here right now. The long drawl of the teacher booooores me to death. Seriously, what does my teacher's life story have to do with physics? Whatever, not like I care about either of those subjects. I was just taking this class to get out of this hell-hole of a school. Ahh yes, it is great being a senior… Ha. I lied. I hate senioritis. But well, I do like getting out of school earlier. That was a plus. But still, the anticipation to graduate just tears at me. I looked at the time on my phone.

Twelve fourty five. 'A few more minutes.'

Then I glanced at it again.

Twelve fourty seven. 'Just one more.'

Tick tock went the clock and, like on cue, the bell rings. Sighhhh.

Thank goodness this class was over. Now it was lunch for my classmates, but home for me.

Everyone around me pushed in their chairs and shuffled out the door at a hurried pace. It seemed that the hunger and hormones were definitely eating at them. Gwah. Sometimes, I absolutely hate springtime. All the little lowerclassmen get all giddy and shit and all over each other and then display waaay too much PDA. With just my luck, as I rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of some sophomore couple making out. Eww. See what I mean?

I was almost running now (after the sight got burned into my mind), but with my misfortune something bad had to happen and I ended up slamming into the biggest jerk in the senior class. Axel.

And with a boom, we both hit the ground.

He gave me the rudest once over ever before speaking. "Could you please watch where you are going with your honeycomb bee weave?"

I deadpanned.

What the fuck? Was he commenting on my hair? Oh hellllll no.

"You should do the same, you pin cushion head bitch for brains!" I retorted, remarking heavily about his own head of crimson spikes.

Ohh, Axel seemed a bit taken back. But fortunately for him, he didn't say another word and only retaliated with a slight "wtf" look of his own before bursting into a laugh. Ha ha, I win.

Would it be funny to say I've known Axel for the longest time? Would it be even funnier if I said that he was my friend? Would it be hilarious if I said that we were both completely faking it and simply joking around? Yeah, it was a love-hate relationship, but it was better than nothing. Actually, Axel knew me better than anyone else. Yeah he was a jerk. But he was my jerk.

With a grin, Axel jumped to his feet and reached for my hand. I took it readily but he thought it was funny to let me fall back while he pulled me up, startling me for a second while he cackled at my reaction. Gosh, he played too much - but I let that slide.

"Home I'm guessing, babe?" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the little nickname, as I leaned into his arm.

"Eh, yeah. Same old, same old." I replied as we walked to exit. He scoffed a bit at my remark, as if he knew I was going to say that.

"Well want to come over to my place later? It's Spring Break after all."

Oh snap. I totally forgot.

Fun time!

"Of course!" I interjected. But…

"Hold on," I questioned, turning my face towards his – on which he still had that stupid smirk. "who else is going to be there?"

It was Axel's turn to roll his bright green eyes. "Everyone else of course."

Ohh, everyone else eh? That meant that sophomore Roxas was going to be there, and since Demyx was good friends with him that surely meant that Marly was going to be there.

Oh goody~

Wait. Did I mention I had the hugest crush on him? Marly that is? Yeah, 'twas true. But with a body like that, who wouldn't? Just kidding. He had a great personality. (Har har.)

But really, no one knew that I liked him. Save for Axel, of course. Dammit. That's when I knew I was coming on too obvious… and also partially because Axel was looking at me in pure disgust.

"Ugh, you just want to be all over Marluxia." He spat. Ouch. I wonder what hurt more – the truth or the way he said his name? I picked the latter.

"Wow, someone sounds a bit peeved. I just want to see him. I haven't seen him in suuuch a long time." And it was true. Well, kind of. I mean I did see him during the day, but we haven't hung out lately. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

"Really, Larxene? Honestly, I do not know what you see in that pink hair. PINK. HAIR. Seriously? What a pussy."

If I wasn't staring at Axel so intensely, I probably wouldn't have seen the twitch of annoyance in his eye. Goodness, I was just being honest. But then again, I thought about it. Oh that's right, Axel and Marluxia practically hate each other.

Well they didn't hate each other, per se; they just could not get along. Or agree. Or stand each other. It happened every time one brought up the other. Pure bad mouthing. Why did guys get like this? Well whatever it was, I called it the Asshole Syndrome.

I swatted his arm off me and I quickened my pace, trying to conceal my frustration. Why did he put up with him if he didn't have to? "Ya know, if you hate him so much why the hell are you letting him over your house?" I asked.


Seeming hurt, Axel just sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets – which were a combination that he only did when he truly didn't have an answer. What was up with him? I slowed my pace and turned toward him, looking him straight in the eye, which conveniently avoided mine. I cocked a questioning eyebrow at his puzzling behavior. Surprisingly a smile crept on his lips.

"All for you, Larx." was all he offered as a comeback.

Before I could interrogate him further, he interrupted.

"Yo, meet me at my place at five, kay?" He said as he simultaneously pulled out his phone to peek at the time. "Aw snap, it's two already? What in the world? Well, whatever. Gotta run and get crap for us to eat! See ya babe!

And with that he was out of sight.

I wonder what he meant by 'all for you'? Hmm… but then I remembered what time it was. Two o'clock? Damn, how long had we been walking? I looked at my surroundings. My neighborhood? I looked again. My house? Wow, he actually walked me home. Guess he wasn't such an asshole after all.

A/N: So yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, aside this being my first high school fic, this is also my first fic with Larxene and Axel and whatnot. I've been reading a lot of Larxel fics lately (Omg, I love that pairing...), so I decided to give it a try. BUT don't think that this is simply a Larxel fic! (As you could see from the story. HURK.) Be prepared for lots of twists and turns if I can think of any. LOL. But anyway, R&R for me! ;"D Also, this chapter was shorter than I thought it was. Dang it!