"…And?" I snapped, sitting on the edge of the bed with my legs and arms crossed. I glared at the group of men kneeling before me, their skin covered with purple spots.

"Was it fun?" I whispered those words in the coldest tone my voice could produce.


They all replied in union, none of them daring to meet my eyes in fear of being beaten.

Hearing a soft chuckle; I turned my gaze to the old woman sitting by the table sipping on her tea. "You knew about this." I murmured.

The old hag glanced to my direction.

"I did not recall saying that Portgas D. Ace has died." She replied smartly.

"It was our idea Hakuren." Shanks said as I turned to him. "Ace was the only one against it, but we forced him into it." He defended his ex-captain's stupid excuse of a son.

"No, it's my fault. Even though I knew it was wrong I went with." Ace admitted sincerely.

"Come on Hakuren, are you still mad?"

"We said we're sorry, Hakuren-san!"

Voices began to overlap and shattered the silence. I glared to the window, feeling the noises repeatedly attacking my eardrums. If my eyes weren't suffering from pain, I would have sent these clowns flying to Sky Island the moment they planted their feet through the doorway.


I continued on with the silent treatment. Thanks to of all of them crowding around, the room's temperature rose along with the heat trapped within my chest.

"Hey now, come on guys. Give the girl some room."

Hearing Marco's voice, I glanced towards the door. There stood Marco, the only one who got away without any injuries or damage to his skin.

"Come along now. We can have a drink to celebrate outside." Shanks said with his usual smile. With that said, the crews began piling out of the room, one by one.

"I haven't partied in a while…" The old hag said as she sets her cup down. "Oh! Old beauties are always welcome." Shanks joked and for the first time, I saw the old hag actually laughed.

"Good luck, Ace." Shanks called from the doorway. Once Marco shuts the door, the noises were drowned out.

I glared at Ace through the silences…and him staring calmly back to me. I slowly tore my glare away from him and resumed directing me hatred towards the window.

"Haku…" Ace mumbled, but I ignored him.

His footsteps slowly approached me, but never once do I glance back at him. "I'm sorry Haku." Ace whispered as I felt those pair of warm arms wrapping around me. In an instant, all of my anger seemed to have melted away as my gaze unwillingly softened.

"I'm really sorry, Haku." Ace apologized again.

The suffocating tightness in my chest faded away. I slowly raised an arm and carefully slipped my hand behind his back. I gently brushed my finger over the bandage…across the hole that was supposed to be on his back.

I breathed out softly, the muscles in my arm tightened.


Ace's weight fell against me. "I guess I deserved that." Ace coughed. Though he didn't sound like it, it seemed fairly painful judging from the tightness of his grip.

"Yeah." I replied simply and brushed my finger against his back once more. When I had attacked his wound, it didn't feel hollow…there was a solid texture…his spine was still there.

'What did that hag do?' I wondered, still finding it a miracle that Ace is here even after that attack.

"You're alive." I mumbled softly, almost as though wanting to insure that is wasn't a dream.

"Still alive." He assured me.

And then the silence returned.

He just stayed like that with his weight against me, his head resting on my shoulder. "Hey Haku," Ace spoke after a long while. "Our child." He mumbled as I felt my heart skipped a beat upon the topic.

"What's his name?" He asked, almost anxiously.

That's right, Hotaru's name.

I've never told Jimbei so Ace naturally doesn't know.

"…Hotaru." I replied after a moment of pause, remembering that unpleasant feeling when I left that child.

"That's a beautiful name." He spoke after some thought.

I slowly shove my hand into my pocket and pulled out a Vivre Card.

"This belongs to Sil." I mumbled and handed the undamaged paper to Ace.

"That's the name of the hag taking care of that child. Go get him."

"You're going to get him?" Ace asked. "No." I told him off flatly. That's right…the minute I gave my own child away, I already lost that right

"I don't have the right to call myself that child's mother."


"Just go." I snapped, beginning to grow impatient. Ace gave me a long stare before turning to the Vivre Card resting in his hand.

"You risked your life for Hotaru." Ace said before he began walking over to the door.

"That alone proves your love for him."

I quickly looked up upon that sentence, but was only in time to catch the scene of the closing door. Again…it happened again. Without saying a word, he would always somehow know my thought.

"Risk my life…?" I mumbled to myself, now alone within the room. I slowly pulled my legs to my chest and rested my forehead upon my knees.

I pushed aside the feeling of pain as I remembered the crying sound of that child. Then that image of Thatch's corpse entered my mind.

"That one I risked my life for wasn't Hotaru."

I whispered before slowly peering back out the window.

The sky…was crying.


"This should be it." Ace mumbled as he walked into the lively street after arriving upon the island he was led to by the Vivre Card.

"I don't have the right to call myself that child's mother…"

Those words left by Hakuren continued to haunt his mind. "Don't have the right…?" Ace whispered to himself as he found himself watching a mother and child passing by him.

The image of Hakuren's expression as she spoke those words was still burning vividly. The sadness her eyes held that even her stubbornness was unable to hide. For the sake of that child, she risked everything. She was forced to make a choice. While she had to go through such pain, he was just roaming around the sea, having absolutely no idea.

"If there's anyone who doesn't have the right…that should be me."

He murmured before clutching the Vivre Card tightly within his palm. He then glanced back to this town of maze. Since there were so many walls, and turns, it will take too long if he just follows the paper's direction.

"Excuse me." Ace said as he walked up to a man by a fruit stall.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Sil?"

"Ah, that old woman?" The man huffed as he leaned over the counter.

"Down the street, turn right at the alley over there then left at the first crossroad. You'll then see a little path leading into the forest. Follow it and you'll find a lonely little cottage by the beach. The old woman lives there."

When the man finished, Ace thanked him with a bow.

After an hour of walk, he finally arrived at the boarder of the town.

Ace did as he was told and followed the little path through the forest. After a long while of walk, he finally spotted a cottage up ahead by the beach just like the man had described.

However, as he went near the cottage, a thin layer of mist began to cloud his view.

"This feeling…" Ace trailed off as his gaze narrowed. He picked up his pace and speeded down the hill. Throwing his manner aside, Ace forced open the door to the broken old cottage without bothering to knock.

Once Ace hurried in, he found himself staring the back of a man before he heard the sound of a baby's cry.

"Kuon." Ace muttered, having no trouble recognizing the man whom he had only met a couple of times.

Hearing his name being called, Kuon turned. At his unexpected visitor, he smirked.

"Portgas D. Ace."

Kuon greeted back as Ace's eyes darted to the child crying in Kuon's arm.

He recognized the child immediate with that pale skin and snow white hair that were identical to Hakuren's.

"Would this be the ghost of Whitebeard's ex-Second Division Commander speaking to me…or do you still exist in the same world as I?" Kuon questioned, but Ace gave him no reply. "If you're here…then that must mean Hakuren is alive as well." Kuon continued on as he slowly stroke Hotaru's soaked cheek.

"It's the first time you've seen him, isn't it?" Kuron turned slightly so that Ace could get a clear glance at his child's face.

"Beautiful isn't he? As expected of Hakuren's child…but the only flaws are these dead fish eyes that resemble yours. Maybe he would be better looking as a girl."

"…What do you want?" Ace asked, seeming not to have even bothered listening to Kuon's rambling.

"What do I want?"

Kuon laughed before shooting Ace a look of mockery. "You're right. I can want something in a situation like this…" He pretended to think while taking a couple of steps closer to Ace.

"How about…" Kuon mumbled before suddenly pulling out a dagger from his sleeve. He grabbed the hilt of the dagger and with a swift movement; he pointed the blade to Hotaru's throat.

Ace's eyes immediately narrowed into a glare at the sight of the weapon that was making his child weep.

"Hakuern for this child…not a bad deal don't you think?"

"Put that away." Ace warned. "Even if this is an act, you're going overboard to point that against a baby."

"Act?" Kuon mumbled before chuckling at the speech Ace made. He pushed the dagger closer to Hotaru. "You think that this is an act?" Kuon threatened, but Ace didn't react much to it.

"Two years ago when we fought, you didn't use your full strength. Your movements were strange and the way you purposely taunted Haku didn't make sense."

Kuon listened to Ace's explanation with a soft smirked.

"What are you implying?"

"You know what I mean."

Kuon's golden eyes slowly scanned Ace's face. After a long while, his eyes slowly closed as his smirk widened.

"As expected from the man she chose."

Kuon chuckled as he casually tossed the dagger aside.

"I really despise you." Kuon told Ace.

"Then why did you do it?" Ace asked, but Kuon didn't reply. He was busying himself in trying to safe this cottage from being flooded by tears.

"You purposely brought us together didn't you?"

Ace continued on.

"In reality, you actually– to Haku…" Ace was cut off when Kuon closed the distance between them. He made an annoyed gesture to the child whose tears were wetting his arms.

Without any sense of cautiousness, Ace slipped his hand beneath Hotaru and gently pulled his child against him.

Ace smiled at the sight of his child as he gently used his thumb to wipe away the tears. For the first time, Ace saw Hotaru slowly opening his tiny little eyes to him.

The sound of crying was replaced by laughter.

"As expected of the biological father."

Kuon snorted through his nose as he walked around Ace and exited through the doorway.


Upon Ace's call, Kuon stopped dead in his track.

"I won't say thank. Regardless of your reasons, I can't forgive you for what you did to Haku."

"You think I'll give a damn about what you think of me?" Kuon laughed before slowly lifting his head. He gazed out to the orange sky painted by the crimson sun. The clouds were dyed in purple as dusk fell upon them.

"That woman's an amateur when it comes to emotions. She's pathetically stubborn and would rather be eaten by a Sea King than swallowing her own pride. If no one guides her, she's nothing but a sitting duck."

Kuon said before slowly glancing back to Ace, then trailing his eyes down to Hotaru.

"I had only thought of making her mine so that I could use her to overthrow Whitebeard. There wasn't a time together were we wouldn't compete through each other's mind. It was a match to see who fell in love first." His eyes trailed off the trees beside him. A smirk then crossed his lips.

"That match…looks like you've won."

Kuon whispered, so softly that if Ace didn't have such keen ears, he wouldn't be able to hear. A gust of wind then blew by and Kuon's body began scattering into mist.

"We won't cross path again, Fire Fist…and the little pirate."

The mist was lifted from the forest and the air cleared. Ace stared out to the horizon, no longer feeling Kuon's presence on the island. Hearing the laugh of his child, Ace slowly looked down to Hotaru who was reaching a hand up to him.

He smiled and gently gave Hotaru a finger to grasp on.

"…Don't you think you should come out now?" Ace called after a while since Kuon left.

A rustle of leaves were heard within the motionless air. A moment later, Hakuren slowly stepped out from behind a tree. Her pale hands were grasping against the bark to support her own weight. Her face was paler than usual due to the lack of blood.

"You heard him."

Ace mumbled softly as Hakuren slowly glanced towards the spot where Kuon was standing until a moment ago. "Why should I care?" Hakuren snapped coldly. Her fingers slipped from the bark. Unable to support her own weight anymore, Hakuren tumbled into the sand.


Ace quickly rushed over to Hakuren's side.

"Don't touch me." Hakuren snapped coldly as she pushed Ace away. His gaze softened as he stared at her. He knew those words she spoke just now wasn't directed him…but to Hotaru.

"I only came because you wouldn't have brought any berries to pay off that hag." Hakuern quickly explained the reason here when Ace didn't even asked for it.

At Hakuern's behavior, Ace couldn't help but break out a faint chuckle.

"Haku." He coaxed as he crouched down by Hakuren's side.

"Look up." Hakuren did as she was told and slowly lifted her head up to see Hotaru smiling down at her. His tiny little hands were waving around, only a centimeter from brushing by her face.

"Hotaru seemed to have missed you."

Ace said but Hakuren only tore her gaze away. Knowing how words have no effect on her, Ace grabbed Hakuren's wrist. Weakened from her wounds, Hakuren's defense fell considerably so he had no trouble pulling her against him.

Her head collided against his shoulder, her weight upon his chest.

"What are you–" By the time Hakuren realized what happened, she found myself leaning against Ace, her arms wrapped protectively around Hotaru. She may not be conscious of it, but when she was falling; her body knew that if she collides against him, Hotaru will be harmed. Out of reflex to protect the child, she had embraced him and used her elbow against Ace to stop herself from squashing the child.

Seeming delighted by his mother's touch, Hotaru's laughter grew as his little hands patted against Hakuern's cheeks.

Hakuern stared at the child in her arms. She seemed lost, as though she didn't know what to do.

"You're this child's mother."

Ace told her, his breath gliding by her ear and words causing Hakuren to flinch. Her small body in her arm began to tremble. Then he saw it…a small droplet of water sliding down the side of her cheek. Ace said nothing of that, acting completely oblivious to those tears.

Hakuren reeled Hoatru against him and slowly tightened the embrace. Hotaru who couldn't understand the meaning of his mother's tears, continued to laugh as his tiny hands ran over her face.

Ace smiled content that things have worked out.

Sensing a presence nearing them, Ace carefully unwrap his arms from Hakuren and pulled away to let the mother and son have their time. He walked into the forest where he found an old woman coming down the little forest path.

"Hey, who are–"

The old woman was about to say, but quickly stopped when she saw Ace's face. "Please to meet you. My name is Portgas D Ace." Ace introduced with a bow.

"You're Sil, aren't you?"

The old woman blinked upon sight of him.

"But…on the news…you were…" Sil whispered in shock. Seeming to decide to drop whatever she was going to say. "…Then that pesky girl. She here too?" The old woman glanced around before spotting Hakuren sitting upon the sand, her back towards them.

"…So that baby stopped crying." Sil mumbled at the usual silent air.

"And here I was rushing around getting more food for that brat." Sil sighed before shoving the baby food to Ace.

"Speaking of which, where did that Kuon went?" Sil then asked, looking around the area as she pulled out a cigarette.

"He comes here often?" Ace questioned, his gaze turning serious.

"Sometimes," she pulled out a lighter and lit her cigarette.

"He dropped by time to time to play with your brat. Wasn't he a friend of yours?"

Ace glanced to the last footsteps upon the sand. "Friend?" He murmured as he thought of the meaning of that word.

"Well, either way my job is done."

"Ah. Thank you for looking out for that child." Ace said as he pulled out a bag from his pocket. He gently took the older woman's hand and placed it onto her palm.

"We'll be leaving now."

"Hurry and get your asses out of here." Sil snapped, but she wasn't very convincing with the fountain of tears and snots leaking down her eyes.

"We'll visit."

"Who the hell want you guys to visit?" Sil snapped before stomping towards her cottage.

"Damn it. What the hell's with this cigarette? The smoke's getting to my eyes…damn it! I'll have them refund my money!" She screamed as she disappeared into her cottage. She didn't even seem to notice the door's broken lock.

"Thank you. We'll be back."

Ace said, giving one last bow to the cottage before returning to Hakuren's side.

Her tears were long dried by now with Hotaru asleep within her arms. "Let's go, Haku. Everyone must be worried." With her personality, it wouldn't be any surprise if Hakuren had snuck out without telling a soul.

Shanks and Marco might be flipping the island around looking for her.

"What…are you going to do now?"

Hakuren suddenly asked Ace helps her up.

"The old man had died." Hakuern pointed out; reminding him of the reality they were all forced to accept.

"But everyone is still together." Ace said as he walked onto the dock. "You're still here."

A faint smirk slid across Hakuren's cheek as she turned to the baby in her arms.

"Monkey D. Luffy had taken a huge shock." Hakuren reminded yet another reality. However, throughout the heavy conversation, her expression wasn't a sad one. Instead, it was the opposite.

She was expecting something…something from the pirate standing right before her.

"Rare to see you worried about someone."

At those words, Hakuren smirked. "I don't care much for that chimpanzee, but he did help me out of that cell." Ace smiled at how she was making random excuses to mask herself.

"Luffy will be fine." He told her. "We'll meet again in the New World. With everyone, let's find One Piece in the name of the old man."

As he spoke, the final bits of sun vanished beyond the sea as a black curtain covered the sky.

"Would you come with me, Haku?"

Ace asked, turning around with a wide grin across his face.

His eyes locked against Hakuren's deep green ones. Very slowly, the coldness within those icy eyes melted.

A smile turned upon her pale lips.

"You have to ask, stupid?"


Sorry for the long time I took to update. With this last chapter up, the story is finally done! Yay~!

Thank you everyone who has been reading through this story despite the sad grammar and spelling! Thanks to many people who kindly pointed out some errors and such, I feel like I'm slowly improving. I really appreciate those who took their time to write on the review section! It was a lot of fun reading everyone's comment and it really helped me to keep writing!

I also want to thank Tropicall who has kindly edited the first six chapters for me!

Although the story is over, I'm going to edit and fix some of the old chapters from time to time. If anyone is interested in helping, please feel free to give me a message and I'll reply asap!

From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone for your support!