I am so, so sorry for the interminable delay in the writing of this chapter, but life got in the way, and I ended up rewriting it four times. This chapter turned out to be exactly want I *didn't* want it to be ,but I'm too fed up to be bother to write it a sixth time. Hope you like it anyway.
This un-beta, sorry for the mistakes.
Before I let you enjoy the pure smut of this chapter, a few warning :
If you were offended by anything in the previous chapters : DON'T READ THIS!
Chapter 13
They arrived in the twins' bedroom, still intertwine, and before she could even catch her breath George caught her lips.
She closed her eyes, and relaxed against his kiss. Hermione brought her hand to the back of his head, raking her fingers through George's soft hair as he deepened the kiss. He tasted both sweet and spicy, like cinnamon and honey, and she couldn't get enough of it. George pressed against her catching her between their toned and warm bodies as Fred's hands traced down her lower back and down her sides, sending shivers up her spine. She could happily have stand there all night, in their arms.
George pulled from her, leaving Hermione heaving and panting, her lips glossed over and pink. He took half a step from her and before she even had time to missed his warmth, Fred spun her and capture her lips. His kiss was more assured and yet less urgent that George's. Fred knew what he wanted, knew he could have it and that she would willingly give it.
After a few moments, Fred gently broke the kiss and put his forehead against hers panting softly. George put his head on her shoulder, she could feel him trembling. "Maybe we should stop" Fred said.
"Don't you dare stop." Hermione breathed grabbing onto Fred's shirt and pulling him to her, their lips colliding once more with each other. But she was trembling in his arms. Fred broke the kiss.
"You're nervous," Fred said softly.
She nodded. "You aren't?"
The twins exchanged a look before turning back to her. George slid his shirt off his shoulders, exposing his well define and toned torso. Hermione swallowed again.
"We've talked about it several times," Fred allowed, unbuttoning his cuffs as he spoke.
Hermione's eyes were riveted to them as they slowly shed their clothing. Next off was Fred shirt. He held her eyes as he unbuttoned his shirt. With each button, more heat pooled low in her abdomen.
She was surprised when George cupped her chin in his hand and angled her head so he could kiss her. He slipped his free arm around her back, pulling her against him. At the contact of her abdomen against his groin, she gasped.
She moaned softly when Fred moved behind her. His bare torso brushed her arm. Curiosity about his state of undress overwhelmed her.
Breaking the kiss with George, she turned around into Fred's arms. He was clad only in his boxers. He didn't gave her much time to think before his mouth descended upon hers.
Distantly, she heard the sound of clothing being shed and she knew George was undressing. What seemed to her like a few seconds later, George was back behind her.
George tangled a hand in Fred's hair, apparently a signal that he should end the kiss.
"Are you sure about this, Hermione?" George murmured.
She opened her eyes slowly. Running her tongue over her lips, she met Fred's eyes then looked back over her shoulder to meet George's. If she wasn't already sure that it was what she wanted, the shadows of desire in his eyes would have been enough to convince her.
"Yes, I'm sure."
Looking over Fred's shoulder, she saw their reflexion in the full length mirror hanging behind the door. With a small smile, she noted that they wore identical boxer in the same ghastly shade of magenta than their WWW robes. Yet when she really looked at the image in the mirror, it took her breath away. They were gorgeous; all fair skin and toned bodies. Her mouth was watering just looking at them and she suddenly had this weird fantasy of spending an afternoon kissing and licking all of their freckles, with the sun on their bodies turning their fine red hairs, golden. Their eyes met in the mirror, and Hermione swallowed nervously when Fred's grin and George's expression turn calculating.
Deliberately holding her eyes in the mirror, George slid his right under her top and slowly removed it. George bent his head and pressed his lips to her shoulder as Fred slid the zipper of her skirt down. She knew she was being seduced. It didn't put a stop to the desire coursing through her veins. To prevent herself from moaning, she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes.
George lifted his head. "Keep your eyes open, Love."
"Why?" she whispered.
"So you can watch, of course."
She opened her eyes only enough to watch them. There was a tense silence when the skirt fell to the ground.
"Fuck," Fred groaned once he caught his breath, though the word was almost reverent. Given the circumstances, she didn't have the urge to chastise him for his curse.
"You...um...aren't a virgin, are you?" George nervously asked.
"No." she replied.
"Who was it?" Fred demanded. "Who was it so I can hex him?"
"Why does it matter?" George asked, tugging Hermione backward. As he spoke, he undid the hooks of her bra. Fred's eyes were drawn downward. "Yesterday belong to her, but tonight she ours. As she will be tomorrow and all the days after that." When the last hook was loosened, George released the garment and let it fall to the ground.
Fred's eyes widened and he swallowed visibly. She felt herself flush under his appreciative gaze. His voice broke when he said, "You're right; it doesn't matter."
With George still behind her, there was nowhere for her to go when Fred advanced upon her, a hungry look in his eyes. Silently, he cupped her face and brought his lips down to hers. Her desire exploded when George began kissing a trail down her spine. Each touch of his lips sent arousal spiking through her. Both Fred and George ceased their assault when she moaned.
"I think moving to the bed is next," Fred said, pulling Hermione backwards.
She ended up flat on her back atop the mattress, both the boys staring down at her. The flush that started at her neck soon encompassed her face, driving her to cover her bare breasts from embarrassment.
"No, please, don't do that," George murmured, crawling atop the bed next to her.
Slowly, he pulled her hands away from her breasts, uncovering them as though unwrapping a treasured heirloom.
She expected the next thing they would do is suckle her. She didn't expect them to kiss over her. Her moan died on a strangled whimper.
The longer their kiss lasted, the more chance she got to study them. They seemed to know exactly where to put their noses, exactly what angle to tip their heads. There was no awkwardness. When they finally broke the kiss and look at her, there was this plea in their eyes. Hermione could read as clearly as if they had shouted.
This is who we are, they said, please love us anyway...
There was this interminable second of silence. Hermione could have spoken words of reassurance but some actions spoke louder than words. She slid her right hand into George's hair and pushed his head down to her breast. With her left hand, she brought Fred's mouth to hers for a steamy, open-mouthed kiss. She felt the nervous tension left the twins, replaced by red hot desire.
Fred captured her whimper at George's ministrations, then her moan when George began exploring her body with his hands.
When his tongue began lapping at the wetness between her thighs, she broke Fred's kiss and angled herself up on her elbows.
George never moved his mouth, but looked up at her while he suckled that most secret part of her. Without saying a word – but speaking volumes with his tongue – he had seduced her for the night. George merely laughed, a low rumble in his broad chest, when Hermione collapsed against the pillows.
Hermione absently wondered when Fred had pulled off her knickers. Then all thought fled her mind when Fred slid two fingers inside her. She'd been so close to the edge before that Fred's action tipped her over.
With a noise like a whimpering groan, Hermione arched her back off the bed. Her flailing hands clutched the duvet tightly, writhing under George's tongue and Fred's finger.
"I think she liked it," George murmured. Hermione made a half-hearten attempt to hit him, making him laugh.
It took effort to open her eyes, but she was well-rewarded when she did. Fred's hands were tangled in Goerge's hair, their mouths all but fused together in a kiss.
They're sharing me, she thought. Tingling awareness shot through her, making her ache.
A moan escaped her once again and the boys broke their kiss. She bit her bottom lip and wiggled on the bed in arousal when she saw their lips were wet.
"I think she wants more," Fred said softly, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth.
"Yes," she hissed, arching her back. The very feminine invitation worked on both of them.
It was much, much later that the trio finally settle to sleep. The sun was beginning to show at the horizon in a spectacle of purple and orange.
Hermione sighed, as they settle in on either side of her, all three of them exhausted and satiated.
She felt George slid behind her and wrap her in his arms, settling her neatly against him. Fred slid in front of her, slips his arm around them both.
"This was fun," she says, and smiles to herself as she feels George's lips caress the nape of her neck and Fred's nibble lightly on her ear. "We'll have to do it again sometime."
"How about tomorrow?" asked George.
"We are tomorrow." Fred deadpanned.
Hermione buried her head in the pillow and laughed.
And a few hours later, the sun, high in the sky, shone on the trio smiling in their sleep.
It was late at night and the twins had finally exhausted Hermione, who was sleeping. Merlin no men could ever handle this women alone...
But the twins were not complaining.
Fred reach for the list, left at it's usual hiding place and removed the transfiguration from it.
But the list had been replaced by another paper.
Thank you so much for the incredible attention you prove to be able to give to my wishes. Unfortunately, it appeared that you were mistaken, I never wrote that list, and it's simply something that circulates on the Internet. I guess you have no idea what I'm talking about…
Just understand that I didn't write the list.
If you really want to fulfil my every whim, I made you another list. It's in a drawer of Fred's desk.
Love, Hermione
P.S. Don't bother with the horses, I don't like horses.
When George opened the drawer he found a big roll of parchment. He carefully unrolled it and groaned.
"We're doomed Fred."
Fred let go of the letter and looked at the scroll. It was reaching George's feet and was entirely covered in writing of different colors.
Fred finally stopped looking at the length of the thing and lifting his eyes, he saw a small paragraph at the top of the parchment.
Since you seemed so eager to fulfill my wishes, I made you a list of my actual desires.
So what are you waiting for? I'm waiting.
The brother looked more closely at the item on the list.
Forgotten on the floor, laid a list. A very long list.
The things I really want, by Hermione Granger
1. You
2. Some strawberries
3. Whipped cream
4. A hot bath, with you
5. A long night in your arms
6. A vacation on a sandy hot beach for the three of us.
The End
Yes it's over.
I know they didn't finished the list but this story has been going for too long. But don't fear faithful readers, I have every intentions to write a sequel to this story. It should be call "A very, very long year" and it will depict the next year of their relationship, including the reaction of various members of their family, and many, many more pranks and surprises by our favorite twins.
To every and each one you faithful reader, you have my sincere appreciation, without you my work could be pointless. It was a pleasure to entertain you.
To all reviewers, my heartfelt thanks, the few minutes you took to share your thoughts about my work are the single and unique reason I finally finished this chapter, without your support I would never have written this.
To all who beta that story at one time or another : my apologies for all the mistakes and my eternal gratitude for your time. That story wouldn't be the same without you.
With that, I bid you farewell, until the next time.
*Author bows and exit*