Alright! It's time to get into the new chapter, and honestly, I'm not wanting to dawdle, so
Anywho, On with the show! Woot!
Disclaimer- I CAN haz cheezburger! Teehee!
Chapter 7 A decision
Feng Lan walked into class, her stomach full of butterflies as she looked around. He wasn't in.
She sighed, feeling her heart drop as she walked back to her seat. "Feng Lan, what's up?"
"Boy trouble, probably." She looked over to see smiles around her, but couldn't think enough to get past that.
"Sorry! I was a little caught up with things this morning!" Gui stumbled in, the smell of alcohol wafted past. She looked down with a near sob and stood, running from the room.
He'd been to see Wolf-nii, so he would know that she'd been staying at Zhou's.
She quickly made her way to the office where the doctor sat quietly at his desk, filling out papers.
"What does... Can he..." He looked up at her and frowned.
"Playing hooky?"
"Does he know? Did you tell him?"
"About what?" He closed the book he was writing in and just watched her, curious.
"Does he know I was at Zhou's?"
"He knows." He nodded and Feng Lan's heart plummeted.
"You told him..." It was more a statement than a question, but she got an answer either way.
"Not me. He heard you and Wicked talking in game. I guess you told him." He stood and walked around the table, ready to comfort her whenever needed.
"I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so confused all the time! I'm always crying! I hate it!" She swallowed hard, thrashing at the tears on her cheeks.
"Then tell him." His eyes were more soft than the voice he'd used made out.. "If you don't like the way you're handling this, then end it. Make the choice and tell him."
"I don't want to hurt anyone."
"This is real life. There's no way to survive without hurting someone."
"Alright." Without another word, she walked out, leaving Wolf worried about what she was going to do. He worried. Would she choose Zhou? After being at his house, she'd left in the middle of the night. What if it was because she was worried about what she would do? What if she chose Gui?
He shrugged it off and returned to his desk. He did have work to do after all...
She turned and headed back up to class, seeing Gui's eyes worried as she came through the door.
"Sorry. I wasn't... feeling well." She lied, looking down.
"Are you alright now? Do you need to leave?"
"No. Thank you. I'll be alright." She sat at her desk.
The day, for once, seemed to trudge on forever. At the end of the day she needed an excuse to stay after. She needed to... Do her math...
She sighed as she picked up her pencil, barely able to think through her distraction.
At the end of the day she put her head down, listening as the rest of the class shuffled out.
"We need to talk." She sighed and Gui nodded.
"I heard. Do you want me to walk you home?" She looked up, seeing the look in his eyes.
He looked so sad...
She waited till he was done with the class prep and they headed out.
She watched till they were away from the gate, almost afraid to speak until then.
"I'm sorry I've been so distracted from my homework. I'm not trying to be! I just, I can't think right anymore. I can barely look at the front of the class anymore without being stuck in my own little world. I was told I needed to make a decision, and I guess I'm almost surprised at my own choice."
"Why's that?" Gui's voice was so soft. She looked up, surprised.
"Zhou's always been there for me. He's kind, caring, he can be so sweet sometimes." She sighed heavily before continuing. "He talked me into sharing a bed with him." She whispered and Gui froze, watching her with wide eyes. "I laid down next to him and went to sleep. He kissed me. All I could think about was you..."
Her voice cracked as Gui's expression changed. "Me?"
"I can't look at you in class! I can't stop thinking of you! I couldn't even give Zhou a fair chance! He tried so hard, and all I could think about was disappointing you."
"You're choosing me?!" Gui stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide, his hands shaking.
Instead of a traditional answer Feng Lan stepped forwards, wrapping her arms around him. She took in the scent of sandalwood from his shoulder.
"I'll do anything I can to make you happy!" He grinned, holding her tight.
She leaned back and smiled up at him. "Just keep me like this." She smiled and he leaned down, stealing a soft kiss.
"I KNEW it!" They heard and turned to see Ming watching with Wolf-nii from the walkway a good distance behind them.
"Brother! You ruined such a good moment! You can make yourself dinner tonight!" She huffed and walked off, her arms crossed in faux anger across her chest. Gui watched as he ran up to her, angry and yelling.
"Well, I guess maybe instead I can invite Gui over for dinner tonight? That'll be a good moment to tell Mom and Dad about who I am in-game, since you didn't tell them already."
"You're coming home with your new boyfriend, your teacher, and with news like that?! Are you trying to kill them?!"
She giggled and turned, seeing Gui smiling softly at her.
"You'll come to dinner tonight, right?"
"For you, always, my princess." He bent down and kissed her hand. "Anything for you."
The end!!
I know, it was REALLY short for one of my fics, but I'm happy with the way it turned out! Please review and tell me what you think!
See you all later!