This is basically a fic where Phineas and Ferb are at high school in their freshmen year while Vanessa and Candace are in their senior year. (It makes the age gap between Ferb and Vanessa less complicated… :s)
Mostly Ferb x Vanessa because I think that they make a really cute pairing… But this contains slight Phineas x Isabella and Candace x Jeremy as well.
I'm writing this to take a short break from my Bleach fanfic(s)… It can be a toughie if you're attempting to write YoruSoi as seriously as you possibly can. =) Plus I'm a little addicted to this Disney show mainly because of its humor and creativity in music. And humor. I know I'm childish. ==
Please read and review anyway! Thanks. :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Phineas and Ferb.
A young British teenager kept a perfect silence as he chewed on his sandwich slowly, only half-listening to his stepbrother as he drabbled on about some new invention he was planning to create after finishing their homework for the day.
He nodded absently at each sentence, keeping his gaze locked solely upon the piece of bread in his hand. He never needed to know why his stepbrother wanted to create something; all he needed to do was to bring that creation to life.
Mechanical engineering was his specialty.
Creativity and imagination was Phineas'.
Put the two of them together and you'll get yourself one heck of an awesome combination. Way better than that giant sundae they had once made when they were kids.
All of a sudden, a figure that breezed past their table caught his eye. He jerked his head towards her direction, his olive green eyes never leaving her face even after she had strolled past without noticing that she was being watched. The green haired boy felt like he was in a parallel universe. His stepbrother's voice was starting to fade away slowly, his voice being replaced by romantic music and the environment becoming all colorful and flowery.
However, he gradually came back into reality as Phineas' voice rang in his ears.
"Earth to Ferb? I know what we're gonna do today!" smiled the usual cheery face of his stepbrother as the green haired boy nodded distractedly back at him.
Who was that girl?