Meh meh I tried writing a story to this but I can't merde……….. So here is the chat that we used for it its how I get ideas and topics for my stories. If u get confused it usually helps if u remember that this is a chat nothing is perfectly clear ^.^
Here you go:
Mikuo Hatsune says:
Excuse me miss, i am sorry about your money loss but is your brother around?
Kaiko says:
geeze your formal. which brother
Mikuo Hatsune says:
Kaito if u please
Kaiko says:
eh yah he's here....Kaito!
K:'peeks in' yes?
Mikuo Hatsune says:
Hey kaito i want to show you something if you would kindly come with me
Kaiko says:
K: ;blinks and nods' sure
Mikuo Hatsune says:
good ^.^ *walks into room*
come on
Kaiko says:
K: 'follows a bit cautiously'
Kaiko:'watches them go' bye boys
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*stands in front of door* right this way *points into room*
Kaito says:
'peeks in room'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*rolls eyes* oh honestly i just want to talk bout baseball and maybe play some catch later
Kaito says:
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*pushes door shut, locks it*
Kaito says:
stares after' what are you doing?
Mikuo Hatsune says:
nothing just going to discuss and may be play a little catch
Kaito says:
'looks around' uh huh, then why did you lock the door?
Mikuo Hatsune says:
so ur sister won't interupt us while we r playing
Kaito says:
.....I don't know
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*walks forward* its easy u just have to...relax and let it come to you
Kaito says: do realize i'm in a happy relationship with Len, right? 'backs away'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
and Len is with Rin right now enjoying a "happy" relationship with her *traps kaito on bed* I won't tell if you won't
Kaito says:
'squirms' i dont cheat, get off
Mikuo Hatsune says:
it's not cheating if nobody knows about it it's just a baseball game done will enjoy it
*traps arms above head*
Kaito says:
'eyes widen' Go away! I'll know, I don't want to. I want Len.
Mikuo Hatsune says:
Len isn't here nor did he want to be...besides he is too young to know this type of pleasure *traps both arms in one hand starts working open coat then pants*
Kaito says:
he does to! 'tries to kick'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
careful you will wake up my more dominate nature when you squirm like that
*pulls out knife* i can't have you running away while trying to undress u for our recreation purposes *cuts away clothes latches onto neck*
Kaito says:
gasps' stop! I don't want to!
Mikuo Hatsune says:
It's not the matter of want it's the matter of need*looks down and right now the need out ways the want for you Kai-to-kun. Let me help you with that need
Kaito says:
I don't need this. 'tugs wrists' can't you pressure some other guy with your lust, I'm sure Meito is free
Mikuo Hatsune says:
He is an old hat i like new ones, which at the moment is you *smirks* poor Kaito also the dominating one but not the dominated. I can change that and i doubt you won't like it
Kaito says:
'glares' I don't want to be dominated.
Mikuo Hatsune says:
thats what you say now but not what u will think later ans especially during.
Kaito says:
Go away, I don't want this, I don't need this, just get away from me
Mikuo Hatsune says:
Thats what you say now * pries legs apart and settles between them * I am sure that you will definetely crave this again. After all you are still a virgin in this area and those are my favorite flavor
Kaito says:
Ah! please, stop! Please i'll do anything if you stop. 'teary eyed'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*shuts him up with forceful kiss*
Kaito says:
'sinks teeth into lip hard'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*pulls away licks bloody lip, smirks* Your fighting back, finally. *bites neck drawing blood while continuing with the thrusting*
Kaito says:
'cries out' your hurting me~
* !
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*hits prostate making kaito cry out in pleasure* and yet you are saluting. admit you like it stop denying it
Kaito says:
'jerks head to the side, bitting pillow' damn you
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*licks blood from neck* i knew it so tight
Kaito says:
'blinks back tears, trying to keep as quiet as he could, muffling moans and cries'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*uses one hand to stroke Kaitos 'bat'* Your enjoying it admit it
Kaito says:
'hips rise' don't!
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*clenches hand tightly squeezing* is that a yes?
Kaito says:
no! 'gasps'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*clenches hand tighter digging in nails this time* admit it, why else are you writhing so much and flushing hmm?
Kaito says:
'groans' your hurting me, let go
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*pulls out and replaces with fingers while holding down hands with one hand and licks the tip* ill soothe you then
Kaito says:
'shivers' Ah...
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*engulfs fully in mouth sucking*
Kaito says:
'cries out in pleasure, bucking hips'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*looks up while licking up the underside and smirks*
you going t admit it now?
Kaito says:
'shakes head' never
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*deep thraots swallowing while bobbing*
Kaito says:
'moans neededly, trying to stop himself'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*stops and returns to previous position, grinds hips against kaito creating friction and elliciting a moan*
Kaito says:
'moans out, tilting head back' close...
Mikuo Hatsune says:
not yet *reenters and thrusts deeply*
Kaito says:
'cries out, arching back'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*echoes cries as thrusting becomes erratic, usses one hand to pump Kaito quickly*
Kaito says:
'moans out before gasping as he reached his limit hard'
Mikuo Hatsune says:
*reaches peak with a groan/shout,bites into Kaitos shoulder, collapses ontop of Kaito covered in sweat*
Kaito says:
'pants softly'
Mikuo Hatsune says: *licks blood from neck, smirks, Gets up and gets dressed* Remember i won't tell if you won't. *laughs and leaves room*
Thank You Kaiko, I got what I needed and I think Kaito got the same on his end. Heres my number if you need anything.
* walks out front door*
Kaiko says:
Seeua Mikuo, tell Miku to call me^^