A/N Last chapter! I hope you've enjoyed reading my little fic as much I liked writing it.
As Matthew and Gilbert drew closer to the front of the line, Gilbert was becoming more and more unawesomley nervous. Inwardly, Matthew grinned. The Prussian was normally unafraid of anything and seeing him daunted by something he himself had proclaimed to be "awesome" was just too amusing.
"Geez, Gil, I don't see why you're so afraid of Silver Bullet," he commented casually.
"Dammit, Mattie! How many times do I have to tell you that the awesome me is NOT afraid of a roller coaster?"
Gilbert's reactions were only making the situation even better. Matthew basked in the schadenfreude that resulted from the older man's terror. It was time to get him back for all of those roller coasters Matthew had already been forced on.
"It's okay to be afraid, Gil!" he simpered, leaning closer to Gilbert. "I'll protect you if the big bad scary roller coaster scares you!" Gilbert shoved him away.
"Dammit! I am NOT scared!"
"How many?" a bored employee asked, cracking her gum obnoxiously.
"Two," Matthew said. "Unless Gil here chickens out," he said flippantly, gesturing to Gilbert, who was pale and looking around desperately for some sort of escape.
"The awesome me will NOT chicken out!" he yelled angrily when he realized just what Matthew had just insinuated about him.
"Great. Second gate," the employee instructed, waving Gilbert and Matthew along to the platform to get on the ride. Gilbert paled a few more shades. Matthew felt a pull at his heartstrings when he saw Gilbert's face.
"You know, we can still get off if you're scared," Matthew suggested gently, placing his hand on Gilbert's shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting gesture.
"No. Way. The awesome me does not back down!" Gilbert declared loudly. Matthew noticed, with a blush, that Gilbert hadn't moved his hand from his shoulder. "The awesomeness that is me WILL defeat this roller coaster! Just watch me!"
After the got off Silver Bullet, Gilbert made a beeline to the nearest bench and collapsed on it.
"Dammit, Mattie, why'd you make me get on that?" he growled as Matthew joined him somewhat sheepishly on the bench. "When I get the feeling back in my legs I swear the awesome me is gonna kill you."
Matthew blanched.
Gilbert sighed.
"Aw, hell, I could never kill you."
Matthew felt a swell of feeling rise up in him.
"I'd never get pancakes or maple syrup as awesome as yours anywhere else!"
Matthew glared at the older man and stood up.
"So I'm only good for pancakes and maple syrup?" he snapped, hurt striking him. He knew Gilbert was selfish but with all of the time Gilbert spent at his house and with him, Matthew had thought that Gilbert at least considered him a friend, if they could never be anything more. Matthew spun around, fully intending to walk away from Gilbert. "You're a bastard!" he cried out and started to storm away.
"Wait, Mattie, don't!" Gilbert pleaded unawsomely. "I can't move my arms and legs so I can't awesomely grab you and tell you I l–" He stopped abruptly. Matthew stopped as well and took a few steps back toward Gilbert.
"Tell me… what?" he repeated quietly, hardly daring to hope.
"I… I like you, dammit," Gilbert growled with his eyes averted from Matthew's. "You're pretty awesome, Mattie, and not just because you make wicked pancakes with maple syrup. You're the only one who listens to me anymore and–dammit, I sound like some emotional bitch," Gilbert sulked. Matthew's eyes filled with tears. "But what the hell!" Gilbert continued, "You're awesome Mattie, almost as awesome as me."
Tears of happiness spilled from Matthew's eyes and he threw himself onto the bench next to Gilbert and threw his arms around his neck. Even though Gilbert was still unable to hug him back (his limbs were still frozen from Silver Bullet), Matthew knew that a statement like that coming from Gilbert was as close as he was going to get to a declaration of love and boy, was he happy to finally hear it.
Later that night, after Gilbert had dropped the Canadian back off at his hotel room and given him a (rather passionate) goodnight kiss, Matthew reflected that Knott's Berry Farm truly was the third awesomest place in the whole wide world.