Author's Notes : I wrote this today in class but had the idea for it about two weeks ago . xD lol. Hope you like it ! :) It's a oneshot about Watson finally going to Holmes and well.. charming him and YOU'RE MY LOVE AND EVERYTHING !! O_O Okay, now let's go to the story ^^" ... lol.

Disclaimer : I do not own bla bla bla .... I DO own the idea for this fanfiction, this fanfiction, my representation of the characters, the choice of the language for this fanfiction and my writing style. Turlu ! :)

Hope you like it ^^

And comment please :) !

It always makes me feel good :) ! ( Unless they're bad comments but ... Okay ! Go on and read the fanfiction D: ! )


Watson locked the door and with his cane in his left hand and making sure with his right hand that his hat was well-put on his head, he went out onto the streets. He walked till he reached the first corner of the street, which was only a few meters away from his house, and he stopped there. He leant a bit onto the wall of a building built on the corner and smiled a bit.

He had been thinking about Holmes for the whole morning, which wasn't really unusual but this time it was a bit different, and he told himself that today was the day and that he'd tell Sherlock he was the love of his life and forever.

He started to walk again and crossed three streets like this and reached a little alley where they sold fresh vegetables and things like that for he knew Sherlock would be here since he had told him yesterday that he'd come here today. He stopped, a serene smile on his face for he just saw Holmes standing in the middle of the alley, certainly looking for clue he needed for his new quest.

Watson, after a few seconds of delightful observation, walked up to Holmes. This last one turned round for he would recognize the sound of Watson's cane anywhere and wondered why he was there. When he was about to ask what he was doing here, he just didn't have the time to do it for Watson's hands were suddenly on his cheeks and his lips on Sherlock's.

Sherlock didn't move as Watson kissed him. He was not kissing back. When Watson let go of it, he straightened himself again then looked right at Holmes with a bit of shyness showing on his face and a lot of confidence, pride and affection emanating from him. It was the most beautiful kiss he ever gave because it was his first one but most importantly because Sherlock had been the aim.

" What was that about ? Why did you do that ? " asked Sherlock Holmes with teary-eyes and a shakey and concerned voice.

Watson could tell Sherlock was shaken, just by seeing him but strangely enough he knew it was not bad for he knew Sherlock Holmes too well. Watson neared even forward Sherlock's face and whispered to him while holding his love's chin with two fingers :

" Because you're mine. "

During two seconds, Sherlock's eyes switched from shock to understanding and agreement. He was eased. Watson gave another cute kiss on Sherlock's lips but this time, Sherlock was fully kissing back ...

Watson now knew, with all the joy the world could ever store up, that Sherlock would be his forever.