Today, for some ridiculous reason, I decided I'd try making chocolate truffles.

I'll confess - I'm not the most efficient person in the kitchen. So when Fang came to my rescue after she saw me scald myself with boiling cream, I was secretly thankful.

"Good grief - Light, you alright?" She took the pan from me while I went to put my arm under cold water. "Honestly, why didn't you just ask for help?"

I snorted. "It was just boiling something, couldn't be that hard. Could you pour that into the bowl?" Fang rolled her eyes at me, emptying the contents of the pan into a mixing bowl filled with chopped chocolate.

"That's not the point, Light - and I'm amazed you didn't lose a finger chopping the chocolate."
"Fang, I'm not THAT hopeless - I know how to handle a blade!"
"Okay, well, I mean - you swing a big one around all the time, I just thought maybe that skillset didn't carry over to smaller ones - ow!"

I rapped the back of her head with my knuckles.

"Are you here to help me or irritate me?"
"...You're an idiot."
"The best kind."


"Not very presentable little things, are they?"
"At least they don't taste bad."
"Kind of hard to screw up truffles, Light. Unless you do something stupid like burn the cream. Except, of course, you're all backwards and the cream got you instead."
"...Very cute, Fang."


Hope was the first one to try the truffles. As Fang joked, my first 'victim'.

"Come on, Hope - Light burned herself making these, y'know. The very least you could do is just try one?"

I gave Hope a look.

"Okay, okay..." He popped one into his mouth. "They're...really nice. Could be a bit sweeter, but I like them."
"You're not just saying that so I won't kill you, right?"
"I'm being honest, Light!"
"YOU made chocolates?" Snow poked his head through the doorway. "This I gotta see."

I made an annoyed sound.

"What? Is that so unbelievable?"
"For you, yeah." He came over and looked at the tray I was holding. He casually picked one up and ate it in one bite.

"Not bad. They look horrible on the outside, but they're nice. Like you, sis."

Fang and Hope immediately went quiet. Snow blinked. "What? Was I not supposed to eat them?"

I calmly put the tray down.

And the next thing Snow knew, he received a faceful of wet, dirty dishtowel.

Snow sputtered, removing the wet cloth from his face. "What did I DO?? If I wasn't supposed to eat them, just say so - no need to plaster me with a dirty rag!"

Fang must have seen the thundercloud forming on my face.

"You just implied Light was ugly, you moron."
"But all I said was that the chocolates tasted good even though they looked bad outside, like-...oh."

...I can't believe my sister is marrying this dummy.