A/N: TO ROSE PETAL: In the manga, you know the manga made by the creator of Inuyasha. Her eyes are BLUE, or LIGHT GREY. Okay, not brown as chosen by the people who turned it into an anime. BLUE/GREY. B-L-U-E/G-R-E-Y. I answer rudeness with rudeness.

So here's the last part guys! I'll have a new drabble serie on tomorrow, called Times Ahead.


The sun was setting beyond the horizon, leaving behind nothing but a clash of pink and yellow in the sky. A gentle breeze was ruffling through the leaves, as the vicinity quieted down. Sesshomaru was pressed against a tree, Kagome laying in his lap, her head resting his chest.

Tonight was the night, one that would last forever.

A while back, she would have never thought this to be possible, yet there they were.

His fingers were tangled in her locks, as she stared ahead at the gigantic blue blanket she had brought. He might not mind the nature, but she did. She had brought candles, with the intend of making this romantic, but apparently her fire abilities – she had tried to explain the concept of matches, and had quickly given up – were dangerous when surrounded by dry wood, and grass.

But she didn't need that for a perfect night. Sesshomaru had a sweet side that would make her forget about the world surrounding them. Of course, she had to keep that a secret since he could not lose face in front of everyone.

Kagome could hear his heart hammering in his chest, and somehow, she was pleased at his nervousness. She was a train wreck of emotions, and it was pleasant to know that even he could experience doubt, and fear.

"You know I'm human right?" she asked, breaking the silent.


A smirk appeared on her lips, before she tilted her head back to look up at him. "We will have hanyous." When he didn't say anything, she added another part. "Inuyasha seemed pretty pleased about that."

"This Sesshomaru does not care for what you are, or what you will give birth to." He slowly reached out for her hand, grasping it with his. "You are Kagome. You belong to this Sesshomaru."

It sounded possessive, but completely sweet coming from him. As if it wasn't enough, he lifted her hand until it was to the same level than his mouth, and gently, he kissed her palm.

He was from five hundred years in the past.

She was from five hundred years in the future.

He –used- to despise humans.

She –used- to despise him.

But none of it mattered anymore.

Feelings had been born, and they could not be ignored. Slowly he bent forward to meet her lips, and together, they sealed their fates with a passionate kiss.


Prompt: Palm
Rating: K
Word Count: 400